埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[政策新闻] 关于landing in Canada Place

鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-29 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
看到有些同学在询问关于在Canada Place登陆的问题,于是翻了一下旧帖,见:http://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... p;page=1#pid1940341; ^% V) t& y; o" z% Z+ F% `( E3 h1 f
, G) a0 u; P" o. {9 j
其中网友echoliukun提供的连接是去年九月份的最新政策,连接如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/res ... bulletins/ob076.asp/ u8 w# P' R3 Z. H
原文转帖如下,红色标出了重点:7 D4 r2 S# L6 `! `! q1 a
* W/ d: o( \8 g: G  |+ U& U
With the introduction of the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), launched on September 17, 2008, amendments were made to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to allow foreign nationals with valid temporary resident status in Canada to be granted permanent residence from within Canada. The changes make it easier for these temporary residents to acquire permanent residence since they no longer need to do so at a port of entry (POE). These regulatory changes apply to all foreign nationals in the Economic and Family classes who have valid temporary resident status in Canada (i.e., workers, students or visitors).& f5 x. k2 _& a9 P) a" [/ j" r. O3 C
& [' J7 n! X) A4 G: X6 b; |# k/ p9 D
This regulatory change improves client service since the requirement to leave Canada is an inconvenience for many who do not live near the U.S. border. It also responds to demands made by stakeholders as well as by provincial and territorial representatives, who want to facilitate the granting of permanent residence to needed immigrants in their jurisdictions., ]+ ]# T! @- ]4 n0 B5 [$ q& l& X
% Q0 _& Y( [& N0 T7 v$ o
Foreign nationals who hold permanent resident visas in Canada continue to have the option of reporting to a POE in order to be granted permanent residence, if that is more convenient. Any foreign national outside Canada stills needs to obtain permanent residence at a POE.* E. k' m0 I2 i& D  ^

/ d6 N# {0 q; ~  ^0 W3 y* A6 CRegulatory Changes; Q9 o  e+ H  ~6 ]. r

8 f5 O) A4 r* H+ Q$ H. ^R74, R85.4, R86(3), R86(4) and R87(7), which were related to obtaining status, have been repealed and replaced by a new general provision (see below). R87(8), which provided for the granting of Canadian permanent residence to work permit holders, has also been repealed.  j, R/ L. c& I4 P0 _

: }3 ]/ ]0 C$ x5 `; G2 J# i- nA new section, R71.1, has been created and states that:
5 a' Z! i- d* p) C3 S
5 D& D; L9 F0 R   1. A foreign national who is a member of a class referred to in subsection 70(2) and is outside Canada must, to become a permanent resident, present their permanent resident visa to an officer at a port of entry;
2 J. ?) w. L7 ]. t0 g3 U   2. A foreign national who is a member of a class referred to in paragraph 70(2)(a) or (b) and who is a temporary resident in Canada must, to become a permanent resident, present their permanent resident visa to an officer at a port of entry or at an office of the Department in Canada.' p/ N: ~) ?2 D: J$ Q
, N8 i  o5 @8 C% i1 [* s7 [
The above regulatory changes mean that clients in Canada with valid temporary resident status may:8 A: Q' D2 K8 v  m3 j, C0 ]- {  \) Y

* G" B+ @2 M, j    * contact the Call Centre to request an appointment at a local CIC office, with their family members, if applicable, to be granted permanent resident status at that location; or9 L' P$ j' H" E/ B8 h
    * leave Canada and obtain permanent residence upon re-entry to Canada at a POE.
, n7 A7 t  p, K* n
# ^% p) S# ?0 R5 B5 wIf they are outside Canada, they must:% v0 R8 P' o8 g9 s2 _$ T" p
6 o8 q- }. |# ]8 b6 p) w6 k1 ~
    * obtain permanent residence upon entry to Canada at a POE.' L- I4 w4 E) @
0 _# c* c8 h( A2 U: I
Instructions" _% D4 [/ J, b" H; c$ l: s* t

/ j5 P) Y. r4 H, sThe template letters that accompany visas must be amended by missions to include the following paragraph:
, K( h" Y! S8 n
# k: S; ?) z5 a; B- Q! zPlease note that if you are already in Canada and have valid temporary resident status, you now have the option of obtaining your permanent resident status in Canada as opposed to leaving Canada and re-entering at a port of entry. Please contact CIC’s Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 as soon as possible to arrange an appointment with the nearest Citizenship and Immigration office to your place of residence. (You cannot call this number if you are outside Canada.)2 Y# ^8 m$ `8 x
) S  f; x  F7 e7 H& \+ M( @
# |# L+ D7 _5 R" b+ w% w/ l+ c( A) ^. r/ L$ S! v) I
Questions about this operational bulletin should be sent to: OMC-GOC-Immigration@cic.gc.ca.' ^" G+ T+ S! f
. e8 U0 ^6 W/ r3 w
[ 本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-1-29 11:09 编辑 ]
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-29 11:15 | 显示全部楼层
+ }$ a! @% m2 L8 o4 B' s( [http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/res ... bulletins/ob077.asp
+ w( h! I7 h2 b( B" r% i  j
$ S6 t: g  C% y- wProcessing Canadian Experience Class Applications' Q& H& Y$ N9 g5 F( X, I2 z

  Q8 u3 v3 @! L0 w! \2 `Background7 T# T- b4 {( |# q6 P( d- M# ]

2 a) |' S. U  P' nThe Canadian Experience Class (CEC) becomes effective September 17, 2008. This is a prescribed class of persons who may become permanent residents on the basis of their Canadian experience. They must intend to reside in a province or territory other than Quebec and must have maintained temporary resident status during their qualifying period of work experience as well as during any period of full-time study or training in Canada.8 _  {' N0 d& d1 x  D$ @6 V
3 k3 ?' @2 `; e- y  T0 u
For detailed information on the requirements of this class, please consult OP 25 and the amended Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations [R87.1].
1 j# z: a4 u1 ~" j; IInstructions
$ c7 |; Q& F# o: u  D
. v5 O6 ~% w7 w* ?; a% qAll applications for CEC will be processed by the visa office in Buffalo. However, if an applicant is no longer residing in Canada, they must apply for CEC at the Canadian visa office that serves their country of nationality or residence, as per R11.! U2 O% q- |* Y1 W& R9 J
1 r$ `! o) z1 N
Information on the processing of applications for CEC can be found in OP 25, Section 8." Z5 J, i8 n: R+ V+ g
Lock-in Date
5 A4 `. D4 W2 I& B6 P  O" @9 Q# ~* P: m. f7 Y0 T
Lock-in occurs only when a properly completed application has been submitted (see OP 1, Section 5.24), whether it is submitted in Buffalo or at another visa office.4 S* ?% ~, F% @5 k7 G7 T
CAIPS Coding
& `% H, ?0 j- W- o* J* _
! H) s: p4 N0 CTwo new CAIPS Immigration Categories (IMMCAT) and corresponding CEC screens have been created for this class and will be in operation on September 17, 2008.
: P% ^3 j# G5 A2 L# F1 p
, ~6 G4 B7 q9 B    * CE1: CEC Temporary Foreign Worker
0 W0 E- [- {* F    * CE2: CEC Foreign Student
8 A, G8 w- N5 q( N! b0 S* b& Y7 k/ C! k: {, H- w
[ 本帖最后由 小熊之家 于 2009-1-29 11:18 编辑 ]
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-29 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
关于在Canada place登陆的过程,这里转个帖子
" _7 I6 D- T+ k2 @$ f- l7 u' }7 u: T; F
' t: O$ t! x+ H- g; x1 h! H  h) Q7 s, o! x' n4 j4 f

) ]; |- a/ r0 k: Y' _+ GHello Everyone,
* v& d5 j5 e) {* l* D2 l; J7 q) g% `1 g# r; Y) a6 B$ L7 K
I have visited and researched this forum quite rigorously over the last few months. One of the topics that I felt was not covered well in this forum is about "Landing in Canada (at a local CIC office in Canada) if you are already in Canada at the time of your PR application".
2 k& }, o( I; m! C1 U/ H7 w4 {
6 a/ q' I0 ]9 o; M) H0 iPlease allow me to share my personal experience that I hope will help some of you who are/were in a similar situation.8 \4 T2 O2 b; O/ H. d( [! w9 N
- U  L4 l. f' E+ k6 G2 z
I applied for my PR as BC PNP in Nov, 2007 and I received my COPR in May, 2008. I went to Canada Place, Edmonton for landing (an important side not: PNPs can land at Canada Place on Thursdays only).
3 H  t3 P1 P* P0 N3 m1 }2 `1 P: m$ U3 z0 W! @1 F7 X% q# x% E
I took my passport with PR Visa stamped on it, my CIC work permit and my COPR with me to Canada Place. When I arrived at Canada Place at 9:30 am, I was attended to by a very charming lady at reception, who asked for my passport and COPR only. I offered my work permit to her and she kindly said, "No, it is not required". She stroked a few keys on her keyboard and stared at her computer screen for a good 45 seconds and then replied promptly, "You are good for landing and I will have one of our Officers assist you shortly".5 e& h" h! o  ~8 c" Z' ~9 t

* \/ J# S6 Q6 N2 K0 L, m( X4 zI had to wait for less than 3 minutes and an even more charming lady, who happened to be the Immigration Officer, appeared and greeted me by shaking my hand. She escorted me to a nearby room and offered me to have a seat. We had a very nice chat for a few minutes about my education, life in Canada, and so on and so forth. Then she pulled out my COPR and asked me sign it. After I signed my COPR, she immediately congratulated me on becoming Canadian permanent resident. She then went on to explain that I am free to travel and work anywhere in Canada without any restriction, and she informed me of my rights as Canadian PR. She congratulated me once again and we shook hands for the second time before I exited the room. And just like that, within a span of 20 minutes, I had become Canadian permanent resident.$ E1 T2 z2 ~, i4 t' r1 p- U- q

8 t& Y4 K* t# l/ |! b, Q/ IIf you have any questions regarding landing in Canada, please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to address your concerns.
: F2 k) ]$ }3 N' e# B: j3 h) L; `) W1 E4 H: R& ]( \
Thank you,
& H  [6 W2 |' C+ o5 {- ~1 R; O8 k( s( c; o2 K7 S
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-29 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
The policy has been changed since December 2008, the applicant can't landing in canada place unless the officer call you and arramge a appointment.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-29 22:40 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tzong 于 2009-1-29 22:38 发表 * X+ Q& v( W: L+ U
The policy has been changed since December 2008, the applicant can't landing in canada place unless the officer call you and arramge a appointment.

9 s0 ^( y5 @4 T2 I6 N3 V! b( i' B
Thanks for sharing. Maybe because too many people tried to land in Canada Place.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-29 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
yes, that what they told me. and they had very bad attitude, at lease the lady who met  us.
鲜花(32) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-29 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tzong 于 2009-1-29 22:45 发表
7 P+ W) F1 B- T) ryes, that what they told me. and they had very bad attitude, at lease the lady who met  us.

! Z5 E# c+ G( h2 p6 M4 X; ~2 C  N: c6 ^% y0 P. l2 Q- @! {2 W7 _( C
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-19 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-10 10:48 | 显示全部楼层
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