鲜花( 600)  鸡蛋( 0)
前两天,看了WST的帖子,提醒在这个严峻的市场上,一定要小心,千万不能有投机的心理.觉得很有道理.再看了一些跟帖,& l* V8 e3 d" }, G, `8 W' P
感觉到很有必要再提醒一下,特转了如下的一篇帖子' M6 f: L9 @. B5 G0 X
Background info:4 k) u Q9 ?. l9 P, U3 |
* I5 l3 |# L5 U5 i$ Y8 FI found the following messages from Yahoo message board under stock CSIQ. I would like to share the messages with you because I feel it is important to know how to survive at this critical moment in this crazy market. You will make fortune if you can hold your stocks through this maket.
Y. L6 Q2 R& \$ E# _% q0 T8 h3 ~$ g4 Y; V- g! V
However, good things always start with the painful moment.
) D# y4 h0 _- {6 I/ t, D0 f0 u9 u$ i6 v! h0 {
Orignal post================================================0 d2 z' x% f# b9 ]
2 f' F j1 h# s: K& A1 Q
I have lost everything !
, B9 ?1 d, C) ~19-Nov-08 11:29 pm
, Z& a8 X) k5 e$ @2 q7 P wby user: selectiva_drrx9 z/ G4 l$ }7 A+ q- _' }/ X
' C6 _$ n$ I" Z% G" b& ^& ?
I hope and pray this should not be the case even for the worst of my enemies .% ^8 h# b" W/ O/ [! t
' S# d5 }$ q3 u3 ^Today , I am not even in a position to stand , I have lost everything - when I say everything I mean everthying monetarily - I still have a very loving wife and two beautiful kids whom I do not know how I will support, the worst is they do not even have a remote clue as to what my financial situation is ! to the extent that my son is asking me where are we going for the thanks giving holiday when I do not know how I will pay for the next month rent !
+ X% c# n0 l2 f: X8 Y4 N0 Z6 M) K3 \: h& x' E
Don't get me wrong , I am not a failure in life , I have had some very good success in my prof. career , I had worked my hard way up with some remarkable achievments but today I am zero no I am wrong I am "
* P! h: k3 S9 ]6 P7 A. t9 c9 ENEGATIVE " not even a ZERO ( today I realize that Zero has a value ) .
- {- m v, z& Y
/ O5 c9 C$ H5 ]& \0 w! zMy mom things I am the best 'SON' one can have, my wife things that I am the best husband one can have , my kids think that they have the best " Father " in the world but here I am the worst one can have !!!!% _# i% C5 x8 Y. h0 G9 O
9 x' ^/ q; q% ~+ H$ U
Friends , I don't believe any one of you on this board to be as foolish as me , I don't expect any one of you to relishing when some one is hurt so bad , be it in the Short side or on the Long , this is not about stock market this is about a heart and I am sure all of you'll have one , pls have courtesy let the hyde not eat the jeckle !1 U; o# |( V! C! S8 y$ Y$ x$ Z
6 N; b" h& c- y8 }9 D* r. ?# O: ^7 SI have lost everything I have , dont under estimate me friends I have lost huge and am left with " outstanding balances " which I am not sure how I will pay back . Why I wright in this board is my last " HOPE" was CSIQ , I had thought this is was so undervalued when I bought it at much higher price than what it is today , saw it keep droping day after day but kept the foolish hope alive , avoided the margin calls from my broker to the point where they issued me a SELL NOTICE and today the stock fell below "5" and I just watched my holdings vanish in front of my eyes and the hope that I would be able to recover when it bounces !7 t/ r5 i! h! W# \' k
# F( e5 G5 d7 @7 b r# y
I am not a coward ! but I am broken man , I have enjoyed posting on boards when I was a long or a short but this is a post I never want to post again nor want to read from another losser like me .# G" h" e) z7 E4 B0 B/ [
1 P V) A, {) r/ T+ w$ I9 QWake up friends , this is not about Stocks !
2 L, @0 B0 i$ \ Y" k
- z0 f* g* {* T& \) XI hope they include another position under the Long-Term sentiment Disclosure "Defeated"/ h# J: J# V: G& \
( }1 l& T, c7 T" f/ ?8 i ?
/ B5 e& Q: L6 t- B) `6 ]5 xReply=====================================================2 t* e8 q+ W% G% O2 E% N( e! M+ I
' m" r# U O3 v6 pRe: I have lost everything !9 [5 G! \& p) l1 G
20-Nov-08 01:43 am
# M" I3 y3 g; @% t! s0 g8 m: e/ [( jby user: atheistinvestor
/ n; Q. K( D6 A( a; x( q( p6 z; Q
3 d {# v4 Z$ u8 jI would like to feel sorry for you but I don't.1 `/ B6 i h2 L2 w" i! q
3 t, E! T3 f. g
You are a victim of your own foolishness and furthermore, in the past you have suggested to others to buy this stock because it was going to "22". So your foolishness might have caused others to buy as well and lose everything.
0 A. `" A+ D. Q. O0 X: F% h: p" G* C( m* l
Now, its not because I don't feel sorry for you that I don't feel you deserve to recover.. b" H3 N/ I0 b) `9 u+ ^
, D7 X; G& u: E U- W" [8 h
Recovery starts like this:6 \6 O4 |; Z- d" v- M" }
( Q) a5 E8 j6 O0 a
Tell your wife NOW what has happened. She needs to know. Work together to rebuild and while you are at it, go and get counseling. Understand that the reason you lost money on the market is not because of stocks but; L; {# q3 h6 p4 k( P* D' s- U
because you have a gambling problem. Work on that and become a better person.0 k, d( G* ~! }6 R
- n' N) f2 ~% z- F9 v; R4 N/ ]
Get your life back on track and start with telling your wife what happened. Or, if you wish, seek professional advice from a counselor before telling your wife. There might be a specific approach that& h7 z4 Q& d8 Y5 a, o$ P# k
would work well.
1 N$ @" Q J6 m' r, H: a% O4 n; W0 H' p2 A) v5 W* D3 H6 y& q
This advice is given on the assumption that you are telling the truth about this experience and not just screwing around.
( c/ O- W I" i% P5 z' H- F) s
8 N# ~. T/ h. W! O$ N; {AtheistInvestor x+ t$ q* D ^; t2 ]
Please: NEVER buy or sell stocks based on what you read on these boards. ALWAYS do your own DD. |