it is said Colt Engineering Calgary laid off 25 people on Friday, and today I got call from a friend who has been laid off and came back from Fort MacMurry. it just started, so don't expect house price will go up. 0 o# B, B d' X! x8 ?- ^ ! M0 I+ b+ d3 _+ H8 ]. X! t[ 本帖最后由 Buddy 于 2008-11-1 22:09 编辑 ]
原帖由 Buddy 于 2008-11-1 20:14 发表 5 b7 X- ]+ q/ g( W y: c
it is said Colt Engineering Calgary laid off 25 people on Friday, and today I got call from a friend who has been laid off and came back from Fort MacMurry. it just started, so don't expect house pric ...