鲜花( 4)  鸡蛋( 0)
不知道大家感不感兴趣,这个中介说他们有很多这些需求sapphire/CNC global
" v! b7 K! k* |7 U% {" G" q! h
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6 W! y9 z0 C, L0 |# P, lAs discussed, we are looking for Java Systems Analysts in Edmonton. The positions are contract positions for 12 months. The requirements we are looking for are: Java Development (2-3Y), Structured Programming and Sofware Validation (3-5Y), Oracle Development (3-5Y), PL/SQL (3-5Y) and J2EE (2-3Y). An IT related degree or diploma would be really nice to have, but is not necessary.
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If you happen to know anyone who fills the above qualifications, and is looking for an opportunity, I'd love to speak to them. Also, if you know anyone in the IT industry who is looking for different opporunities, I'd also be able to help them out as we currently have over 70 requirements which we are trying to fill.9 T& N: d% j* ?3 o3 Q
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Thank you very much for your time |