4 V% E' L' j: _ m阿尔伯塔省Superstore的员工罢工行动推迟。 ! A2 @9 Z1 V5 t3 S3 l2 i" \食品和商业工人工会说员工正在考虑公司上周提出的条件。 % s; I9 ^# C. }2 F' n, ^' g埃德蒙顿员工将与今天对此条件投票表决,卡尔加里的员工明天投票。8 e. z8 X6 J' r1 |
工会没有就条件提出建议。, o# x5 f* c# V. X
如果大家拒绝接受这个条件,pickets will go up at one minute after midnight Thursday. , _, z9 b1 ^& u$ `6 _$ y(最后一句不明白是什么意思)
A person or group of persons stationed outside a place of employment, usually during a strike, to express grievance or protest and discourage entry by nonstriking employees or customers.