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[求职信息] I have a few question about SAP for 陈老师(宁宁宝宝)

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-3 09:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First of all, I believe you are a responsible teacher, and a enthusiastic person. And thank you very much for you would sharing your experience and knowledge to other people who is currently looking for high salary job. But I have a few questions for you about your advertisement word.
7 B* ]' j8 U7 E  S/ E/ T$ ]
; L3 F8 F5 v& Y  tFirst:
0 t$ z2 J4 P7 G% d* b- ]( {& O# DYou said "您想进入高薪阶层吗?SAP就是最佳选择!!"# L+ [. \& ]3 H
I can't agree to your advertisement word totally. Absolutely, every one want step in high salary class, but I don't think SAP is the best choice for every one. , p* |$ t4 q4 Z
Do you agree with me?
( ~# }8 h. e: m& H! N. }5 n9 Z- G- s( `7 d) H; P1 V  s
; w) J; W- g/ s6 h$ V- f* N7 s5 Q) NYou said: "SAP SD是具有企业管理、物流管理或销售经验的IT及非 IT人士,进入高薪阶层的最佳选择!"
2 S+ H9 u$ W' v- q$ c2 T0 A' X9 d& gSo in your mind, it doesn't matter have experience on ASP or not, it doesn't matter communication is how comfortable in English. Anyway, I still can't agree to you on this.* a8 Q3 d3 e! l! b, d9 c4 I. K
- T8 e( I/ R6 N3 _( f2 \7 a
Third:3 w$ m  H. r3 ?7 J
You said: "Edmonton在加拿大,如果通过SAP认证,基本年薪都在7万到10万。"
/ z3 i! w" h! s/ ?% g' s4 bI believe you all of your students graduated from your first and second term have got their  certificate already, and I believe most of them still in Canada. In my mind "基本" means over 60%. So my question is how many of them have steped in the high salary class 70,000 to 100,000CAD? Probably you will say, they still need time to get some experience and chance.
3 c7 a+ @; o9 LOk, so do you know how many vacant position in Alberta for SAP, and how many people have possessed the certificate? . z9 D- D2 B8 ~" I, A

: Q2 ^3 B1 B1 o; Z! D4 ]# S. dLast one:
( \. S5 ^- R+ b. g- ~& F. aYou said: "Alberta所有石油企业全部使用SAP。中长期内无人能撼动。选择SAP就是站在巨人的肩上起步!"* A$ X* _7 z7 [
I still can't agree with you totally, "中长期内无人能撼动" what's mean?
  B6 ]5 o( q: L0 Q4 `You mean you can forecast short term, and you still can forecast long term. My question is how many years you think is long term?9 I- o. k1 q# Z0 C  N- E' }

: S0 U3 F  S$ Z9 f$ X3 F0 ~Anyway, hope you have time to reply this post, and sorry about any offence!
4 G& w  p- ?, L) j
/ x- Y8 [5 R5 C! _% g2 Z
0 Z1 n* C8 y+ f  Y; V: }/ G; e/ M% H; G9 V0 U; ~$ k% ?9 v4 U4 @0 d( k& ~. ^6 `: o
# ~2 ^7 G; ?3 n7 w. b埃德蒙顿,Edmonton咨询电话:780-719-1524  陈老师# a, M7 d. i6 M% ?0 x. f
) g) s7 U( m+ ]4 @6 F埃德蒙顿,Edmonton                    780-433-5550(周末或晚6点后)
鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-10-3 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
俺对这个SAP一窍不通, 但认识几个在陈老师那里学习SAP的同学,有些同学学习还真刻苦的说, 先赞一个  ~
* D" q( z- o7 r/ y/ H! h; V% F, @) J8 p8 z. ]- z
个人认为广告用语不同于法律文件, 没必要咬文嚼字的去细细斟酌。 如果觉得广告用语言过其实, 不去学就好了。  一边是有人愿意教, 另一边是有人愿意学, 每人都有不同的经历和运气, 拿到证书后能否可以进入高薪行列, 就不好说了。 还是根据自己的判断力来决定要不要去学习SAP吧 ~
鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-3 13:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-3 16:52 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-10-3 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 天豕爱美丽 于 2008-10-3 14:55 发表
( H/ h$ V; r: S9 ]* x: P酷暑不用学也是高薪。不过这东西,有人教有人学,各得其所。
; H0 _1 D/ n: l  R% X4 D
  首先,兄弟学起习来那是相当的刻苦,其次兄弟那点时薪刚刚脱贫, 离你们这些SAP的, QA的, IT的, IC的等等等等的高薪阶层还有相当的差距 ~
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-3 22:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酷暑严寒 于 2008-10-3 22:57 发表
# t* ]7 ?* f$ g: Q% v# V9 v+ M
3 y0 ]- L: t0 [- X0 ]& j4 a/ t   首先,兄弟学起习来那是相当的刻苦,其次兄弟那点时薪刚刚脱贫, 离你们这些SAP的, QA的, IT的, IC的等等等等的高薪阶层还有相当的差距 ~

) L  T) M( O1 F. o2 Y3 R& O# M+ ?3 ~2 e6 I

9 H/ u3 [8 l: U我证明,酷鼠的时薪确实少少,不过红包多多。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-3 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 恭喜发财 于 2008-10-3 17:52 发表 $ y  I: \3 u+ L7 G0 q3 O/ Y
/ v7 y, i6 c+ ^% e+ J+ ?$ L) _
Thank you for your care!7 P2 p& W+ d6 z  X$ Q
It's a long time no see. You still so young, humor, nice and warmhearted.0 C) J: `) g6 R0 R; z3 W
Thank you created so many professional group for new coming immigrant for free.
6 d5 H3 W: E5 i- V2 E& h1 G& lAnd you did lots of work and wise plan on it as a volunteer.& H5 \7 {* I% @; U+ z* a
I miss you guys deadly.
鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2008-10-4 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 恭喜发财 于 2008-10-3 23:01 发表 4 n) [4 \5 ], V7 z. |, O

+ {% [$ B6 [5 k: l- b( j4 F, o- P$ [% R, ]0 d
% g* K8 O; e  v2 j5 t) t0 Z

$ j% f  g6 @: [; H 你发的?
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-4 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 酷暑严寒 于 2008-10-3 11:26 发表
1 S6 ^: D) h! p" u! F个人认为广告用语不同于法律文件, 没必要咬文嚼字的去细细斟酌。  ...
" ~! b" a/ ]* v- R3 Z; o9 m
嗯。。。有道理!酷暑同学就这点好,从不讲废话~~ 3 c* ?2 M0 h$ f& D
. c6 H3 V$ {  r
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-4 21:17 | 显示全部楼层


三鹿奶粉喝了以后,嘿,这腰也不疼了,腿也不酸了,连心脏也不跳了.... }/ S% z7 i# b$ p" k

5 a( P$ G% @# y, M喝奶有风险,投胎需谨慎- s, G' u4 b6 p5 `9 ~
! O6 _- q$ c$ s* y
儿童没有毒奶粉,不能长成大丈夫,这就叫无毒不丈夫6 M8 t; I6 S& s  @( J
: p$ y3 Z7 m7 N1 J2 o* P" u0 O
喝三鹿奶粉,得肾结石的好帮手!. u6 U4 I- \0 m, ]2 q3 J" m

! M7 a6 T6 I0 Q  o' C# k5 w. k把好奶送给外国,把悲伤留给自己
+ I8 L# f+ b* ]* V  O$ u5 b0 d$ o! j" {) r( K6 l
果然是负责任的大国:奥运奶品没问题# ?: t1 k% d& a( L3 ]. U
; @/ _3 D; E" v8 b6 U$ R* ?* |
( E( U: ]; k7 i1 O) {1 e+ l5 H
0 |; u5 e" N+ ?( g; v* h! K最危险的是满街杀手而百姓不让知道
: m3 _3 @! C' t1 |+ a1 \+ I+ R
9 Z& X% h; i7 @. n+ \每天喝三鹿 直奔黄泉路
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-5 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry 陈老师(宁宁宝宝)!
' R1 ?9 h9 }( J4 ]  q6 F8 NI never bethink of some body will talking about "三鹿奶粉" in this post. Why they want put here and let's people to compare them together?????& R0 u+ ?8 Z# m& r: k- p) P( p
SAP is totally different with "三鹿奶粉".  Actually, I believe some one really need the SAP certificate anxiously, and you tell them and teach them to get it in a easy way. 6 ?4 _8 u2 S& L7 u/ }
Let's step back to say, knowledge is a kind of power, certificate is the symbol of the knowledge. Maybe they will use it in some day of the future. : m% c0 E. o$ h3 B
Who knows? Right?
4 l, F0 U) m+ O% N& k+ g) c5 s1 [# U$ yOk, let's back to the topic.
: N& p! y; h) d- {# X' g& j. l9 ]; I, Q' `$ a8 ~
[ 本帖最后由 Sunnyman 于 2008-10-5 13:55 编辑 ]
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-6 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Sunnyman 于 2008-10-3 23:28 发表
) f; {1 ~+ Q# l4 |# n$ l
  H' r' R, `/ ^2 @Thank you for your care!
' T# [( h3 [; J! L5 U* TIt's a long time no see. You still so young, humor, nice and warmhearted.
$ }8 l. F+ O' C+ D7 HThank you created so many professional group for new coming immigrant for free.
3 X& ^6 h9 s5 V4 Z  S- {And you did lots ...
( M3 F* ?9 O: T5 W
, b+ }% V+ |$ q

) C8 w. y' O) z7 |* X; o' }过奖了,即使没有机会回爱城,也非常欢迎常来网上看看。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-6 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 酷暑严寒 于 2008-10-4 21:15 发表
0 z% L" e2 [& z
7 e( T$ P* e  Z- W; r5 N 你发的?

. D8 N4 k% n* m9 U  K; z& r- c, s/ l: }9 J
% P( |- w6 X/ G2 S
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-6 20:39 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-6 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-6 20:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 开心每日 于 2008-10-6 21:46 发表 - q9 c( Q4 W0 |# [0 d
" _) Z. a( g& b" H0 w8 b/ U- _2 j* Z
- T6 V+ D& p! z# v7 E. D
 SAP起源于Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing。SAP既是公司名称,又是其产品——企业管理解决方案的软件名称。
+ b% u$ r( C" v( A0 o1 U  SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)软件。它代表着最先进的管理思想、最优秀的软件设计。世界五百强中有超过80%的公司使用SAP。中国的大型国营、民营企业90%使用SAP。产品阵线齐全,覆盖从大型、中型到小型企业规模的各种解决方案。它们是:
" H* z. q! Y- A0 B6 C3 a2 o  SAP 大型企业解决方案:SAP Business Suite (ERP, CRM, SRM, SCM, PLM)
. \& w: ~/ G& F  SAP 中型企业解决方案:SAP Business All-in-One
! K3 [1 g  N  b  SAP 托管式ERP解决方案:SAP Business ByDesign. F) M  D9 y( l% b7 j  K& p9 I8 I
  SAP 小型企业解决方案:SAP Business One
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-10-7 14:49 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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