埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 埃德蒙顿找工中介信息荟萃

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-5 20:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
埃德蒙顿找工中介信息荟萃1 B% L; O! R6 v* b. e# R' V
一场大水提供的中介公司: 4 C$ c' o6 U4 B
10050,112St, 4th floor, telephone number:4969220' C+ {9 K. q. w- X; E; {5 w

  E! ^% x- T$ f6 Bannie66提供的 Edmonton一些 Career Services机构 ; Q4 a1 ^  a4 F, |4 O( L- n
Toll-free Access Contact any location toll-free in Alberta by dialing 310-0000 then the area code and number. & ~% E0 v% S1 t
Deaf or Hard of Hearing Access
, r3 R8 x/ J5 TCallers with a TTY Deaf or Hard of Hearing Relay can reach Alberta Government offices
6 C- _% J) n4 P3 [$ x9 e) n* ~by dialing (780) 427-9999 in Edmonton,  + C! q) j$ I4 W4 ^2 g$ Z5 ^
or 1-800-232-7215 in other Alberta locations. & j6 q: c) W0 g1 w& o) P  y6 r

3 q& W% P5 @( r+ B$ c. a5 }3 X8 C5 EEdmonton -Argyll Centre  (South)* 6325 Gateway Boulevard Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5H6 Phone: (780) 644-2827 *Service available in French   n) o8 C1 v- p
Edmonton - Canada Place*  (Central)
0 R  c5 A2 p0 ]Main Floor, 9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4C1 *Job Kiosks available ONLY ) B; L# X4 v+ h6 H7 i( D
*No in-person service available
, D2 \. {, }. w. jEdmonton - City Centre (Central) Main Floor, 10242 - 105th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3L5 Phone: (780) 415-4900
* |  @6 h- K7 _3 r2 ?1 W( }Edmonton - Fort Road (North) #200, 13415 Fort Road ' {8 H& {4 J1 m. _3 C; H
Edmonton, Alberta T5A 1C6 Phone: (780) 415-9831 - r; G( s* G! {1 x
Edmonton - Northgate Centre  (North)* Unit 2000, 9499 - 137th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5E 5R8 *In-person service only* 1 k' G( d  A& q+ [
Edmonton - Meadowlark Mall  (West) 2 D  ]5 P& i0 i  {: J1 f0 x
120, 15710 - 87th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5W9  Phone: (780) 415-8116
# z+ V5 n: i9 Y$ TEdmonton - Westcor Building  (West) #200, 12323 Stony Plain Road Edmonton, Alberta T5N 4A9 Phone: (780) 415-65000 d. r3 ~/ V4 c- ], O0 N

5 c8 x; V# ~' ^8 P0 k乐客整理的几个 Edmonton找工中介一、http://www.aboutstaffing.com Edmonton, Alberta: 1150, 10180 - 101 Street, T5J 3S4 Phone: (780) 409-8100 Fax: (780) 409-7349 Hours: Mon-Friday,  8:00 to 5:00
5 |. r' f) i6 V# o7 }$ ]- E二、http://www.aplin.com 2300 Oxford Tower 10235-101 Street Edmonton, AB CANADA T5J 3G1
1 N4 S2 a- M# D- w/ HTel: 780.428.6663
8 x$ F; W3 w: X3 h4 d1 N4 r! tFax: 780.421.4680 1 s9 ~# t7 U- W" ~4 d
Staff Directory
0 k5 f# e% e  u0 `7 Z2 A; Q9 k
0 Z0 H# B  n! P" S& U& Q% H三、http://www.designgroupstaffing.com Edmonton 2380 Commerce Place 10155-102 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4G8 Tel: (780) 428-1505 E-mail: edmonton@dg.ca
# J3 }  \) d- y% X6 Y; U' h6 V
7 H! G0 F9 k8 ^0 ]. l四、http://tsgstaffing.ca EDMONTON 1000 Manulife Place 10180-101 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3S4 Office: 780.409.8530 Fax: 780.416.4890 E-mail: contact.us@tsgstaffing.ca
# y3 E( b$ K9 B1 x/ Z. e
$ J, t( ]* ~# D, u& }/ v' x0 d五、http://www.atsrecruitment.com 10117 Jasper Ave, Suite 607, ) Y0 j' Q; A: p1 W" p7 s
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1W3 0 K& N8 S- {2 h
Telephone: 780-462-1815 ) ]; O9 b1 y! i9 c& Q. l6 k
Fax: 780-461-9968 8 s( d  \9 M4 ]7 x
E-mail: edmonton@atsrecruitment.com0 Y+ m5 g  G$ D' h

& C, F* T+ v, P1 r) c% H& ^5 A0 H  W六、http://www.roevin.ca/ Edmonton 10303 Jasper Ave. Suite 1160   X0 F; U# K  o" j% P
Edmonton Alberta T5J 3N6
, c0 u9 o& y% nT: 780.420.6232   l, y: Y% a& |1 {% o7 @
F: 780.423.3679 Resume: 780.428.0580
7 f" w; I  {% L& x% _" RE: edmonton@roevin.ca
6 `8 ~1 X7 J0 f
' P. _) S( }8 f/ @  g7 R+ D七、http://www.randstad.ca/
7 }2 E, q# P- F9 jEdmonton 4 @: P# S3 r$ k: j1 m5 E' ], L
10082 Jasper Avenue
. C6 P/ {5 t; z: f7 w2 ZEdmonton AB T5J 1V9
/ H5 x% x- B$ y  r) S& T: @6 S0 u3 ?* T; M. A' J1 l+ e: B
Administrative Support Division  Telephone : 780.420.1158  Fax : 780.420.1789 Industrial Support Division Skilled Trades & Industrial Management Division  Telephone : 780.420.1120   Fax : 780.420.1789
$ K) a! g5 y7 V" k" S8 X) M3 i9 `& N
- I; ~" {: \4 U( Q- }http://www.edmontonchina.cn/viewthread.php?tid=30402
. E- E# ?+ V6 {  ?2 @: @( ]- I; A5 z6 Uchun提供的: ( q+ a* v7 R6 K) E: N4 c: M
www.harcourt.com is good one ; `) ?3 n/ J' t" S: G& ?* x
they help me a lot when I was looking for a job.  
, A" x5 \7 b( [& j! ?& _  @4 [) n' u$ f
songshan 提供的: Visit Yellow page-Enployment Agency, you will find all.
7 D2 X- {  T0 z6 b7 S/ v1 ~8 y4 ~http://www.yellowpages.ca/searchBusiness.do http://business.superpages.ca/li ... Employment+Agencies
, l, Z( r; I" c) P0 U! O; K9 R/ R; C% I恭喜发财提供的:* p* r4 m& A. T, n
# N  ~* Y# p& S2 y: U
Adecco ( Y- l2 h  z  z
, }8 {* c; m) N2 z$ t* |- {10279 Jasper Ave.
" E* j3 ^, W. y+ D' s& {3 L; aEdmonton, AB T5J 1X9
5 ]6 B3 M; p. C7 m: U  A
8 u; V7 l. Q2 d7 L4 i3 aT: (780) 428-1266
* @* F& g! M7 zToll Free: 1-888-819-3222
' d: O& l0 C$ C8 fF: (780) 426-0031
, S- a. Z1 G. x/ w3 q3 vhttp://www.adecco.ca/
* h9 B  z6 ^0 ?. B/ S4 s9 W1 {Advanced Technology Partners(IT, computer); www.atpstaff.com; email:atpres@atpstaff.com Aactive Personnel Services (temporary help for industrial & construction); 424-3663; Fax 425-7572 Ability Career & Employment Services 423-2010; www.ability.ab.ca Accountemps (accounting, bookkeeping, finance, payroll); 423-1466
! B: F9 t5 m7 kAdecco (temp & f/t - clerical, admin, call centre, labourer, assembly, project management); 428-1266; fax 426-0031; www.adecco.ca ATS Reliance Group 462-1815 CNC Global (technology) 497-7750; www.cncglobal.com Choice Office Personnel Ltd. 1102 Merrill Lynch Tower; 424-6816 Coape Staffing Network (secretarial, accounting, light industrial, sales, IT); 424-1088; fax:421-0055; www.coapestaffing.com David Aplin Recruiting (IT, sales, Accounting, Engineering, Clerical, etc.); 428-6663; www.aplin.com; resumes to:Edmonton@aplin.com DECSA 474-2500 (special needs) Dental Demand Staffing 414-5905 Design Group Staffing Inc (technical, industrial) Fax 428-7095
' S' u% h& f! f& t, n- t* jwww.designGroupsStaffing.com ' g, q4 L2 y& X
Diversified Staffing Inc. (temp office, industrial, payroll, technical, etc); 429-9058; www.diversifiedstaffing.com; fax 425-7419; email: dssedm@diversifiedstaffing.com Drake (office, accounting, sales, travel, Customer Service, IT, call Centre, industrial, etc);
7 X3 `2 q3 F7 \5 @4 T414-0043; fax 426-4324; www.drakeintl.com Edmonton & Capitol Personnel Services 426-3585
1 S7 L5 x7 U; ^Executrade (accounting, clerical, human resources, IT, Marketing, Technical& 1 r2 U% c' k( O
Engineering); 944-1122; www.executrade.com " R% m7 r. C: D, }; t
Financial Staffing Solutions 426-5774 4 c! ]* S2 a# J. t' o8 E
Harcourt & Associates (accounting, engineering, IT, drafting, forest products, legal, 0 E) `" G$ V4 p6 u/ k
manufacturing, office, retail, sales, etc.) 425-5555; Fax:990-1891 www.harcourt.ca
( ~8 C* u$ g  p/ m0 S! t$ D% BIn Demand Recruitment & Consulting 424-8505
' f" t* N7 i" q! @Kelly Services (office, call centre, customer services, production, IT, accounting); 421-7777; www.kellyservices.ca 2 Y: n: C8 o% F+ T- e! j; q7 C
Labour Ready (Construction, manufacturing, maintenance, drilling, warehouse, farming,
$ S; z: e& N' H& [hospitality); www.LabourReady.ca; 944-0317 (temp labour)
# H$ V, h3 Y9 O1 d$ E7 iManpower (office, admin, accounting, industrial, contact centre; skilled trades); 420-0110;
9 ^; L5 u) ^. v4 D( L- e9 E# |) R7 ^! I% h4 q; C+ P7 a
/ b. w( E2 W: v& [6 {
5 t5 x$ s" O% }3 j* y8 RMcKill Staffing Services 4451-99 Street; 420-0332 , @2 H- A! }2 o5 H; E
Officeteam (receptionists, office, data entry, customer service); 429-1750;   t  W9 T3 g) \. p
& L9 I. x7 `7 R$ g
www.officeteam.com - q! ?* P; J' _+ M4 R( v1 V
Placement Group (office, IT, accounting, industrial, technical, ales, call centre, legal, etc);
/ `% e7 U5 A7 z- n% t0 |2 W421-7702; fax 426-3427; www.pgstaff.com 1 j6 i) c; ]7 ]5 R* S
Prime Industrial Staffing 425-4868 * p) {; ]) z+ O/ l$ k; e0 j
ProTemps (office, payroll light industrial); 425-9000; fax 426-3413 ' D9 w5 D$ y+ J+ [* Z
www.protempscanada.com; email Edmonton@protemscanada.com
5 S4 U4 B+ Y/ c% z8 _- ?5 t
8 {  i3 j5 z! O+ ORanstad (admin support; accounting, call centre); 420-1120 8 }, k" @, V4 n  ?9 U0 Y
Robert Half Finance & Accountinig (accounting) 424-4220 Roevin Technical People (designers, drafters, engineers, technologists CADD, IT, Qc, etc.) 420-6232; Resume fax 428-0580; www.roevin.ca; email Edmonton@roevin.ca Sayler's Employment Consulting (accounting); 414-0990
! J/ R, g6 A* r4 P  USlate Personnel Ltd (office, accounting, sales, Engineering, IT, etc); 424-7528; ( C) R8 J  W" g% j( L
: q; }; G& V6 h  C* m' }Spherion (Staffing Group: call centre, admin, accounting, warehousing, manufacturing, etc) 444-6962 fax 489-2399; www.spherion.ca Staff Bureau (secretarial, accounting, admin, technical, etc); 420-6083; 3 P. g* B* E3 j* u, m' j! R
www.staffbureau.ab.ca; email staffbur@telusplanet.net
/ t* i, E5 X% B. G/ @# VTaylor Personnel Ltd (office, accounting, sales, Interpreters); 426-6887; fax 428-0256; 0 A  c. u) r+ Z9 p' e- J
email taylor@supernet.ab.ca ! R8 D7 z# Y3 C- G% H: u( r( P) j
Teamco Construction Services 466-0616 0 Q/ m+ ?  _6 ^% A3 v- n. J/ z
Personnel Department 421-1811 www.goodstaff.com # P* l' |! I: K
TIPS (Temporary Industrial Personnel Specialists) 474-9675; www.tips.ca 2 u  F9 v+ _$ X* g1 q
Total Admin 414-5450; www.totaladmin.ca; fax 414-5451 Ward Vinge & Associates (Office, engineering, IT, sales, manufacturing, etc); 429-7057; www.wardvinge.com; fax 425-7420; email wvedm@wardvinge.com
; Z  \9 ~6 G4 u1 n, T" SBredin Institute - Centre for Foreign Trained Professionals 425-3730 www.bredin.ab.ca/   v5 x- ^" B/ l) ?+ u* E# O8 x
McBride Career Group Inc.   448-1380 www.mcbridecareers.com/edmonton-home.htm : M% S! p7 g$ G3 A2 j5 K  T4 I
PSDN (Personal Support and Development Network) - "Employment for  Immigrants" -TOJ and work experience for Immigrants 496-9220
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-5 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-5 22:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(270) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-6 03:54 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(24) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-6 07:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-6 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
1 T% f9 S2 ]' R; m/ K$ s9 `. ~5 R  P+ g$ X
[ 本帖最后由 Jessica75 于 2008-5-6 10:22 编辑 ]
鲜花(122) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-6 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-7 07:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-8 17:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-8 18:19 | 显示全部楼层
thank you so much
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-15 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
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