鲜花( 634)  鸡蛋( 5)
我现在越来越不会做饭了,做了没人吃,所以打算做点新鲜的菜谱,今天看到yahoo首页介绍的健康菜谱,正好家里有一块三文鱼,就做了,还挺好吃的,得到老公好评如潮。介绍如下: `1 M8 D b( w7 a9 Y
1 ?7 x: J2 Q: }- l+ r) i' a: Y( X) X4 E9 J北美口味三文鱼菜谱' y0 A$ N' ?. O' o0 [: ]; @8 }
% s9 ?! Q0 f+ n- R

: t6 Z0 E& A& R
% ?/ m) a* `% G9 c原料9 }- B, h! H4 k6 G
1/4 cup low-fat or nonfat plain yogurt9 i* V2 V7 ~! v+ P
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
. D8 Z' n: m. a3 m1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
3 E. B5 q3 f) ]. J& o8 F2 tablespoons lemon juice
5 J6 `. [& X) ~7 ]9 M; ]( d1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil! j! z' W9 p% {6 ?, L9 h
3 cloves garlic, minced
; |, J0 m$ k4 J2 V# @% J3 u1 O1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
4 o. B! Y: d( c2 E( ^! @% L7 h9 F0 g1 teaspoon ground cumin
5 m9 D. w* M/ [# }+ g5 J1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 P. ?; {6 ?+ @9 {1 n* HFreshly ground pepper to taste
8 g; O% k( C" |/ I3 i7 L4 (4 ounce) center-cut salmon fillets (see Tip)% Q4 j" Y9 B! p2 M/ h9 }% _4 F
1 lemon, cut into wedges
0 c# r. V* {! l$ R) }" s& X) e1 I
# C2 R5 e/ B8 t: }& Z, \Stir together yogurt, parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, oil, garlic, paprika, cumin, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Reserve 1/4 cup for sauce; cover and refrigerate. Place salmon fillets in a large sealable plastic bag. Pour in the remaining herb mixture, seal the bag and turn to coat. Refrigerate for 20 to 30 minutes, turning the bag over once.
7 e5 E3 A9 M, W+ T6 E" x( z6 R
/ E+ v' L8 Q( x+ p% Z1 L) t1 TMeanwhile, preheat grill to medium-high.
! [0 u7 `' x& }' }5 y/ ~# h
1 P6 t3 ^; B' |) }7 fOil the grill rack (see Tip). Remove the salmon from the marinade, blotting any excess. Grill the salmon until browned and opaque in the center, 4 to 6 minutes per side. To serve, top each piece with a dollop of the reserved sauce and garnish with lemon wedges. 4 R& G9 h/ Z& O+ {" F$ Q$ E
1 Q4 D4 i% ^, C/ F P
Yield: 4 servings
6 G, }4 P. A9 F; D; V; C W5 P, ?/ M- ]. N) T
不同的是,我没有用BBQ, 就在直接在室内煎锅上作的。
: e v$ r% \$ E% n
; L; c& P0 m2 e6 H% p, R
( }) A& N! I( D1 M" K$ y& }营养表
" D, j1 [8 W$ I- Z, _# jPer Serving
$ | k8 U& C4 X( h; W2 j5 b5 z% \7 Y& B% G, s
Calories: 241 kcal
6 x5 C9 { I" R" J, {# MCarbohydrates: 6 g' {* K) x3 g3 ?" A h0 m$ p
Dietary Fiber: 1 g! ]' y" f3 [- `- e+ g- j
Fat: 15 g6 p3 Q! Y% K0 N8 @! t4 U7 z& M
Protein: 21 g
- Z- u4 u: Z3 R h" H) PSugars: 1 g
. x2 h: l: I' {/ Z M
n6 p% K6 P: C) J7 Z) {1 T3 b另外,还作了一道配菜: rosemary, parsley烤土豆条,也十分健康。一道沙拉:杂菜+ Japanese Village沙拉酱(在餐馆里买的) |