在网上看到一帖,不知真伪:' G' F; N$ c+ `4 A; R
I Have friends who studyed in PHD Toronto,just passed the millwright paper test. but now his ticket has been taken away by an albert trade organization. they said they will take some investigation,specially to the school of PHD, because they found so many people who has electrian or millwright ticket don't know how to work.
原帖由 潜水艇 于 2008-5-3 23:02 发表 # n* P4 E& |% K; n* U, J2 X在网上看到一帖,不知真伪: . t$ R( x. R6 O/ m% p0 @" s( iI Have friends who studyed in PHD Toronto,just passed the millwright paper test. but now his ticket has been taken away by an albert trade organization. they said they will ...
; \% L, S I# j- ?0 v; w具我所知,PHD在爱城是没有分校的,他们只是在网上教学,考试要到多伦多去考。可是现在在爱城,多伦多的证书是很难加入工会的。所以说如果你想学电工的话,还是在爱城学比较好。