鲜花( 87)  鸡蛋( 1)
原帖由 G'day 于 2007-10-20 13:04 发表 
: m3 f, c( B5 ~7 q2 D
) R) p2 @( c+ Y. y! `/ I2 W7 K% y( l' P# k: I" @' h/ E9 B* a
Scotia Bank 有零首付的。Scotia 100% Mortgage Program http://www.scotiabank.com/cda/content/0,1608,CID10968_LIDen,00.html
# d2 r n2 H, s% g, l/ ^/ S6 w, v0 S b( s6 k/ B& c% j f
# t, K# T. J$ O# U加拿大没有一家银行可以借你超过75%, 一般都需要通过subprime mortgage, 如 Genworth Financial Canada or Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 所以,这个不是Scotia bank 的专利。& _9 ^7 V4 f& g: K
% B6 O- x0 D/ q5 q5 Z, s
详细看看Scotia 的条件! q" m6 e0 R, U6 Y( ~
8 E' o: t( j% }. ~
This offer can be changed or withdrawn at any time without notice and may not be combined with other discounts ...... This offer is available to qualified customers who take out a new Scotiabank mortgage insured through ......Applicable to residential mortgages only and subject to Scotiabank lending criteria for residential properties. ....
$ ^9 I0 P3 \% E
! J/ k; v0 v9 q# m+ d0 o, Z如果选 CMHC, 条件就是
6 C$ T) y, X4 oA 650 credit score (680 for 100% financing) and verifiable income are required.
2 P& H0 B: S1 m4 j2 Q( q
# A, [( w s0 n: g说实在, 如果信用评级达到680得人, 一般都不需要借100%了, 新移民一般的评级由于刚到加, 都不会好到哪。
( r5 C- V( j1 c, b: g9 X+ E
% E# P8 P5 e* c, N8 `8 q然而, 还有其他条件。
- _) }- T9 Y9 [, r5 R除了银行利息外,还要额外买"个人坏账保险", 保费是目前是7.5%。 |