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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-21 12:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-22 07:59 | 显示全部楼层
要看情况。 如果自己不太清楚,最好问会计帮你。3 r' o) c8 T8 B# z) C+ j) }& r

5 L7 d. |3 k& m/ }/ T开公司挣钱, 要交公司税, 要提钱时, 更要交个人所得税。 - m/ C0 e% P/ G# l; l! J* n

( K  S& Y' l+ \返回来说,由于公司很多开支可以抵税, 有一定的优势。 可是, 如果太过分,税务局会找麻烦。 要自己衡量。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-22 14:10 | 显示全部楼层

Employer's CPP when remit to Canada Revenue

I am the only owner of a small Incorp. When I pay myself, I should deduct Employee CPP. Should I deduct Employer CPP as well?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-22 14:17 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 TempID 于 2007-5-22 15:10 发表 % c/ R( ]1 K6 b
I am the only owner of a small Incorp. When I pay myself, I should deduct Employee CPP. Should I deduct Employer CPP as well?

4 A- g% q" W) E# c/ \' s# m7 T2 L) u" s8 z
Yes! It is shared by emplayee and employer according to the federal law.
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2007-5-24 06:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 精打細算 于 2007-5-22 08:59 发表
0 B$ j5 _5 S+ i5 K1 I. J1 ~# Q8 M& H要看情况。 如果自己不太清楚,最好问会计帮你。
/ A8 v9 n4 H9 s3 C0 j/ X+ s* j/ ^! V' I0 ]# Z9 q
开公司挣钱, 要交公司税, 要提钱时, 更要交个人所得税。
" R$ A4 }) k0 ~) e- H5 E' N4 q1 ~4 R. C7 l% h7 W
返回来说,由于公司很多开支可以抵税, 有一定的优势。 可是, 如果太过分,税务局会找麻 ...
/ D1 E; F9 N' Y, t- G5 W. I

) S5 l( P5 ?: p! U% Y; |好像是答非所问
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2007-5-24 06:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 TempID 于 2007-5-21 13:16 发表
8 L* y" Z! R7 y2 d' f8 n8 j请问自己开了个公司,就自己一个人。得的收入是放在公司帐上还是放在个人帐上哪个省钱省税?
1 h$ e/ k% ^: G0 `, E' j: A3 R

5 C, L! `! b$ F9 T' f这里取决几个条件:
1 ~( f' @, Z9 r' u, h' Z3 _1,你是否再需要钱继续发展公司。一般来说,你把钱留在公司会递延交税。& m- G2 h9 o8 ^: s3 \
2,公司的收入种类,是否符合active business income" K& f2 F, R0 X- @) F' r" u
3,taxable income是否多于40万' r8 y+ c% D9 ?5 _. x) ^
4,你自己需要花费多少钱+ c1 _7 a% n1 c$ q: ^- [- S
1 [8 T9 ?" i* B! E2 L2 g! G6,付dividend还是付工资; z* P5 D: M9 k7 s1 h- a. r- x
在综合各个条件后,找出一个最有利的方案。只能是case by case分析
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-24 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 如花 于 2007-5-24 07:14 发表
! V0 G/ j" W$ r/ O* E! J* |" z) ~2 t3 v: V4 J) y4 G3 r0 W1 j
+ e9 a, }( o0 x
; @3 B0 L. _  r, f( g1,你是否再需要钱继续发展公司。一般来说,你把钱留在公司会递延交税。
$ i8 I% D2 |0 w$ W" R0 l. r2,公司的收入种类,是否符合active business income# _- `# Q2 s2 Z; }# V8 V
3,taxable income是否多于40万' _$ R1 |* }+ I2 b( a6 p) ]" c
4,你自己需要花费多少 ...
6 \9 B+ s; d. |4 Q# v8 W

6 j' o! }- C" X5 S; \你好象也告诉人家是Case by Case 啊?  偶只是简单地提一下而已, 没你那么详细。  Anyway.. thanks.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 09:09 | 显示全部楼层


I worked for a company for years making 60K per year. This year, I heard that contracting will get more, so I asked the company that I prefer a contract that pay me $40/hour. The company agreed. Then the comany accountant asked me : "Do you want the payment to you personal or to your business." I did not know the difference, but I thought a business might be better, so I regristed an incorp that day. Now the payments go to the busniess account. , L! c9 c8 f) d2 E- j! P" B
I begin to wondering if I did the right thing (1) Contract myself out. (2) Payments go to the business account.- f& Y9 Y' Q+ k
Thanks for all the replies.
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2007-5-24 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
do you work under the company time schedule? do you get other jobs form other companies beside the company you are working for? or making income from other companies?
9 E4 b( ?3 S  |3 m& ~0 f! v& d/ v; \
If no. I don't think you can report income tax on business income basis. All your income are employment income, even they pay your company directly.
9 z% l/ _1 {% F+ N* u$ T& C8 O. U* P& s# @  _
by the way, if you are only making 60K per year, there is no tax advantage to set up a company.1 s, L: E8 r1 T4 A" b1 A
, a. _/ m( Y* m
[ 本帖最后由 如花 于 2007-5-24 10:45 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 09:52 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks. 3 _0 d. j9 J7 ?/ N3 v! l
I work for one company only, 8 hours a day as before. If the income is employment  income, then, Should I remit to Canada Revenue every month when tranfer money from the business account to the personal account?  should I still pay the employer's part of CPP when remit?
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2007-5-24 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
If I were you, I would tell the company pay me directly on a employee basis and issue T4 at the end of Feb 2008. so they have to pay their portion of CPP.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 10:10 | 显示全部楼层
$40/hour is about 80K a year into business account, I pay the CPP etc. If I go back to employee, then it is 60K a year plus company pays empoyer's CPP. , G! S' E  {, L4 T% J% \
2 _" [- A# d6 g$ R; T
Which one is my best interests? : x, W! k* a% C" H' n6 T1 `
I think the best is let the company pay my business 80K, and I still claim it is employment income, so that I do not need to pay employer's CPP. Do not know if it is legal.
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2007-5-24 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
if you report your income as employment income, then you could put your company in a very bad situation. Because they thought they were dealing with you on a contract basis, they wouldn't withhold your source deduction, of course, no remittance to CRA.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-24 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
hey buddy, if you claim this under company, you are asking for trouble." A$ ~5 }  P+ ]8 H+ D' \; \" U: B, b
6 W( A/ t$ S& j8 T4 h, ?
This is what we call personal service company and there are no tax advantage at all.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks.6 j& R2 S6 H- |0 C9 e& l
- C$ n% ^2 M9 `
Now, the problem comes, ' o- _) E0 W( w8 n
(1) I could not report as employment income, that will make the company, which I am working for, in a very bad situation.
, q+ v7 m5 U1 s* M4 F- M(2) I could not report as business income, becuase I work for this company only. No other income into my business.1 Y( {  [3 b7 n6 T0 r
) B; z9 L6 C/ d& Y
what should I do ?
. ]3 d8 {* x1 c/ S
- Z+ J8 x5 w: o9 U4 S/ r5 nWhat should I do.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-24 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
refer to this post# x) v( ?6 I" h/ M+ n
- C0 f: t' E) |/ u! o
http://edmontonchina.cn/viewthre ... p;page=1#pid1102632
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-24 10:52 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Read that. Thanks.
/ a' p& b0 d! [$ m& [From the list, I am not fully qualified as neither Employee nor Self_Employment.  List No. 4. I have to buy insurence for my business in case the company I am working for sue me --- for not finish the work on time. My job specifics and time-terms is detailed in the contract.. ^( g8 r) Q, ?  b; B; ~! E/ k3 Y: q* y
+ s# r+ @# ^; \3 Q# g
Am I   self-Employment, or an employee? How should I report the income, as business or as personal income? $ v0 I" J7 V* t8 P" [, t

+ {- ?9 j. b' z( r; D------------------------------
" j% Y$ ]; U* k! i1. Degree of control or autonomy 自主权
) M7 f7 P. x; x2 D员工: 有上司, 老板决定如何开工,何时干活,不准偷懒, 干其他活要得到允许。8 P" w0 @6 Q9 k) d8 [- ^
自雇:没有头儿, 可以随时拒绝开工,自己决定如何、何时干活, 拥有多家收入
0 Y0 Q9 g; g& _1 y* w% n4 v4 w8 ^8 u2 C$ W; W
2  Tools and equipment 工具使用权( r5 R+ _: A6 O+ E
员工: 头儿付钱买工具,或自己买了可以向头儿要钱, 头儿有权要求“借用”工具德) f/ Y. f! d; g, b) q8 ?
自雇: 自付维修费,购买,
  O) T# \7 X; L8 v( @7 G' l! d- i+ x% w4 X: q' V9 e3 \! @
3 Subcontracting work or hiring assistants 承包许可
7 Y( @+ _4 I8 o( i! c9 E员工: 不能随便请人帮忙,承包工程
( c+ ^6 W9 _! j' [1 Z自雇:  可以随意请人帮忙, 头儿不能说不。
; L5 o4 Z2 {6 k. L) R- y$ ?5 n3 @& T+ T& z4 e6 @6 X/ x: I; j
4 Financial risk 金融风险
7 F3 ~( m, k3 d* O$ t( ~( }% Q" ^员工: 不需要承担任何责任。 保险、公司开销自负盈利
( K6 S0 o& T8 O$ t. M6 {! ]自雇: 自买保险, 承担一切后果
+ t7 m/ N. y  u- ]2 s: a" M8 E$ N! B6 s; m/ g$ j0 f1 d
5 Responsibility for investment and management 投资责任与管理
7 \; h" u! j$ z2 b2 r! c, q员工: 没有付出资本
( g7 P8 \9 W5 q# u. H3 X自雇 :负责一切支出与收入
2 P" t5 ^/ S, {8 Y+ @' F* C+ [0 y- C5 T
6 Opportunity for profit 分红机会
' Y" a& X4 c6 J- k2 o6 y3 i+ m员工: 公司在好也没有机会分红
! K7 z7 c& d+ }自雇: 多余收入归自己
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-24 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
一般上, 只要其中一项不符合, 就会被当成雇员了。 最明显的是Source of revenue. 如果是单一收入,一般税务局的解说, 很少开公司的会只服务一家, 他们会认为是 Personal Service Company, 属于雇员上税。 ( Q  F4 l+ ?+ }0 s0 |2 K+ i
) i4 B5 S: S- k0 d2 N% }
如果LZ 不服气, 可以给税务局询问。 填上这份表格再寄给他们以作决定。  
, r/ ]6 q5 E, r1 W$ U) e( H$ x$ Z4 x3 O6 P. e5 g6 Z( p" p! _6 W! X7 T
http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pbg/tf/cpt1/cpt1-06b.pdf3 a; o( O. X6 \
" D* E$ ?, o+ `: E0 c( n0 }

9 Q; L7 C, u8 G不过,个人认为 self employed 的机会不大。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-25 08:21 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks JingDa. I am not intend to pretend a self-emploee. I just  do not know what is the right way to do tax in the case of my one-person-company.
, s% y" n3 b' w0 B. [5 H" ~2 ]
! }$ v4 q$ q+ H/ q(1) I can do some odd job in the weekend, earning $100 a week. Compare to my main income, $100 is nothing. Maybe that will qualify me as Self-Emploee?2 O- x; H* I0 p0 }" o; Z

/ n* X, }. s2 W/ a; @: l$ N( ]/ n(2) If I am not self-Employee, How to 雇员上税 when the income is already in my business account? All the income to the business account is deemed as my personal income? should I pay emploer EI and cpp?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-25 09:55 | 显示全部楼层
If CRA determined that you were an employee instead of a contractor, it will demand your employer to pay both the employee's and employer's CPP and EI contributions plus penalty and interest, retroactively from the date you considered yourself a contractor, based on the $40/hour pay.  Your employer will then have the right to seek reimbursement from you." j8 |8 X* o5 b+ B! w- A# F! D: \
: y% t7 ^! V. t* ?. w/ g
Refer to CRA webpage:
) i" r! a- @( u5 W3 H- }. ihttp://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/rc4110/rc4110-e.html$ @: W5 W3 O1 I- v$ `. }

& c9 U: \" s9 P: J- MA means of avoiding the penalty is to file a voluntary disclosure before CRA has the chance to open a case against your employer.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-25 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
I see. Sound serious. I will talk to the employer-compnay's accountant.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-26 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Talked to the company's accountant. Share with everyone here ---
! x+ L! a9 h3 N: a6 n& C9 g  E" p# d' p0 \) C1 k
Basically, as long as my one-person-business report gain to CRA , and the business pays CRA employer CPP, employee CPP, and deduct Personal Income at source, there is no reason to afaid CRA audit, even though my business has only one source of income from employment (which might disqulify my business as a business). CRA does not really care if your one-person business is self-service or a real business (like a resteraunt), when your business pay the tax and source-deducibles.! o3 n; X. [  b5 O- d* e9 t/ U

& M9 }  ]  Z1 r& g3 t- D5 oSome one-person business attempt to do one of the followings9 D: c$ J' ?& [1 D2 Q
(1) Do not pay employer CPP. if CRA catch him, he has to pay back plus intestes. But there is no penalty for this "mistake".
1 w# p2 E( ^! l5 ?( q- t& h4 R# A! J6 T" {* M% U: Q
(2) claimed too much expense from the business, so as to make the business a loss. trying to use the loss to write off some personal income.' b9 B3 m, P8 y; p( N
They might face CRA auditing. They might needs help from professional accountants.. _$ \2 q0 `! A( y8 D4 v0 g. D0 H

( Q+ S, \" z" S9 V; e2 @4 SEvery friend here, Do not be afaid of start your one person business. It is not that complicated as many professional accountants tried to warn you. Just follow the CRA documents paying them Tax, you will not have any trouble.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-5-26 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
basically, the problem is with 2.  Being personal service corporation, there is no tax advantage over employee, but hassle of preparing your on payroll tax etc.  There is nothing you can deduct on expenses. CRAwill threat you as employee.
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-30 09:40 | 显示全部楼层
CRAwill threat you as employee
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-2 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-2 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
只听"哐当"一声响,天上掉下来个锅盖,正砸在 老杨 头上,上面还有 偶来瞧瞧 做的 蛋蛋卡 卡一张
. q5 {; O- w5 h& M/ i卡片说明: 蛋生鸡,鸡生蛋 ( J: \8 d& |, \) ^" g, C. E
卡片效果: 9 金币 现金
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-5-14 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
请问在加拿大炒美股, 开公司是否比个人账户报税要合算? 如何有效避税? tier是如何? 还是仍然是flat的50%?# m8 ^1 t* H0 U/ H$ K+ R$ `
抱歉..这方面完全不懂的说, 请指教! 谢谢!
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