鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2021-10-18 00:26 编辑 6 ^ h0 W1 T) b3 o% c) l
; c5 P! f5 [' `9 U2 _; dMike Nickel 生于爱城,长于爱城,读书于爱城,工作服务于爱城,热爱爱城,任爱城市议会议员多年,56岁,年富力强,具备经验能力,政治家,企业家,实干家!目前爱城民意测验, Mike Nickel声望和支持率最高! 我已经收到投票卡, 去投Nickel 一票,我们一家都投Nickel 一票!为了我们居住生活的美丽的爱城,请投Nickel 一票,希望Nickel 成功当选爱城市长!
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Mike Nickel was born April 27, 1965 (age 56)Edmonton, Alberta. Nickel was born in Edmonton and attended the University of Alberta, earning a bachelor's degree in political science in 1989 and subsequently a master's degree in statistics and media studies.
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) U& q& K) a% n4 r) p! i+ PMike Nickel -- Best Candidate for Mayor of Edmonton!0 R, u' L _ f( N1 G0 J
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