鲜花( 8)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2021-1-27 09:54 编辑 ! u) g1 E. V {6 U' J
+ @8 h6 a, M- c
爱城牛年庆新岁 迎春接福贺牛年
: j1 e$ p/ z4 R$ J
# F0 e1 U1 `/ _& n# U% o" Z点问顿中华文化中心打破传统, 将以往于西点商场举行的年宵花市庆祝活动移至网上平台举行。届时将为大家呈现丰富的内容,包括农历新年的相关习俗,来自三级政府及卡城中国总领馆对华人的新春祝福,牛年运程, 以及其他精彩缤纷的文艺节目。本次活动还设有幸运大抽奖, 大家在观看节目的同时只需通过扫一下屏幕上出现的二维码(QR CODE)即可参加幸运抽奖, 丰富奖品等你来抢。8 U: ^( w# X9 o! l" O: t
# E8 D) V7 L& g. U7 _% t/ G播出时间:2021年2月12日大年初一中午12时首播,之后可随时观看节目。
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Lunar New Year Extravaganza---Edmonton Chinatown Multi - Cultural Centre
- V/ Z( a8 |) R8 r4 P' F' W+ i1 v. Q: g; J, A4 c5 J) e$ T( S
The Lunar New Year Extravaganza hosted annually by Edmonton Chinatown Multi - Cultural Centre in West Edmonton Mall is going virtual this year! The celebration will be moved to our online platform this year. There will be information about Lunar New Year traditions and customs, Chinese New Year greetings and messages from municipal , provincial, and federal government officials, as well as greetings from Chinese consulate Calgary. We will also have prospect of year of ox 2021 and a wide variety of entertainment on our online platform(website). while enjoying the festival performances, you can scan the QR Code on the screen to enter a prize draw. Many prizes are waiting YOU!
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# L( [* d$ @+ J# r0 }The Lunar New Year Extravaganza will start on line at 12 noon on February 12, 2021, the performances can be watched on our website afterwards at any time. " }7 x4 G0 v& W. g; |
0 b9 p7 l7 b) Z1 h8 |( ?0 E- P; rTo access Edmonton Chinatown Multi - Cultural Centre website, please click the link below:" P) G w' X! b \: [: T
$ T& ~& H% K: b4 [0 o1 V" f3 o
; A8 L3 X0 k( g' K" s$ X. G* y$ s$ o+ X- G! ?0 w6 l8 O
2 @4 H y1 E H# I& K U. L- {大家亦可透過 點擊 這二維碼,於 12日中午十二時點擊 進入網站收看 。此二維碼亦適用於12日中午十二時後的任何時間收看。
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(点击上列二维码后, 再点它最下面一行icons 四个小最左边一个, 或下载它!就可打开小广告片头!)! N) M9 d( L8 u) j' x2 N4 W
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