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鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2004-10-30 00:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 字篇4 L" ~" R2 f5 c0 A
1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)" z( X4 P5 C4 \3 j

" V. S" B1 i" @2 l) q4 @0 Ke.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying! 7 n% \6 g, D3 K5 v
% K. b8 Y. X2 ~( }) Q9 _
2. 活该! you had it coming!
- z3 ]  l- E) k: xe.g. a: i gained weight!, ?% s, H* X8 f2 I$ f
b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much without exercising.
4 `% J3 n9 [/ P! K& H
8 i% W' D3 \# ?0 H2 z2 V% E3 T8 ?3. 胡闹 that’s monkey business!: \; ?# w# X) X: `6 y2 b" T
e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛!
* F2 y8 B' h0 W. j  U注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”
1 S0 C# T$ f+ _) K+ h* O& m/ i$ ~1 ~6 o
3.请便! help yourself.
5 R! w0 H  K+ J0 Udo as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。); r, N$ H5 _2 q4 r6 M& p

4 [( h, ~+ }7 O3 G3 Y+ l4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!: e+ H9 {8 r  s
注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at 4 `- R, R: J- }1 D3 J  n4 i
all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。  h: V* m9 L% |9 W

+ j6 @; N, Z  E( e; O3 c  E- W  J5.才怪! yeah,right!* W& u+ t. B2 X3 p
as if!3 \) s+ Y9 I7 E' P- H* |! o
e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.
; b  }) E: q% X6 s* ub: yeah, right!
4 G; B; m7 S* ^! n  M9 pa:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪!4 q( C; o0 D- y
注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。
+ F% |  x; V9 b% K
- p# ?9 Q% ]" M" ^6.加油! go for it!
6 t% U% X7 W& C2 Ce.g. a: go for it! you can do it!# _5 W1 t$ w3 H, I3 Y: a
注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。# J1 c! O! |+ q9 |/ W  n

  S8 H0 ?7 V/ k  |7.够了! enough!
9 ~, m; K# Z8 g; U4 ?& Ustop it!
& W( E+ p5 _2 J- j7 |, V0 w+ H注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!), @: F8 M* y. }+ ^$ s- f4 x7 G
4 X  J4 j, ~( L! m% q! ^: M
8.放心! i got your back., q  U7 g6 ?" X
e.g. a: don’t worry, man. i got your back.
% ^7 G5 ~0 _" ]/ T注:这句原本来自“i’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗时军人常说的一句话。但在现代的意思是我会照料一切,要对方不必担心,所以这句男: T: @7 U* Y7 S) Y
8 v" B0 y! k. s% C1 I7 N" O* ^7 b  ^; K1 z* M% b1 a. F
9.爱现! showoff!+ E3 o8 c1 P  ~! }4 b% r
e.g. a: he’s been doing that all day. what a showoff!# R4 [7 r# D" z" p6 s" K/ ^7 A
注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is always showing off his strength.
7 @  A( b3 D, ~% A, J0 `- ]2 E6 H8 k) _2 q3 d* B) k
10.讨厌! so annoying!
) P  q+ O& a7 p" Y6 s* V) p4 ke.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!& x: V* o! g% B% y; Y+ Q

2 g. H2 X, U8 A- X$ c11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)
4 \2 ]! ~4 @1 p3 Ye.g. a: it’s all settled. there’s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确定了。所以就免谈了!# V/ ]& W0 ^+ u6 G- A8 C# e! F

6 ?( ~* o# Q+ ?. w) K+ F$ P12.真棒! that’s great!
+ w4 u, A& P2 y2 J+ P7 ~4 |) T4 l' W/ ~% r% P
13.好险! that was close!
& D2 X$ \+ Z4 R1 W& M  I! x$ Te.g. a: i’m so glad you made it. that was close! 7 E3 c9 q3 B: _+ r2 H9 E
注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同。+ x/ X* e+ l; l2 f. e

2 o; Q; q- j3 ]3 [# o14.闭嘴! shut up!. X# \2 z% ?' L, l
9 }/ _* h5 N9 F
15.好烂! it sucks!
- G2 l4 @. g& w3 V4 ke.g. a: that sucks. don’t buy it.  Q' M1 ^+ }1 O& ?& @/ S
* ]7 H/ _, D$ m' m5 T% X# L- [/ |' _
16.真巧! what a coincidence!
4 o# T# v' G7 Q/ L" o9 S7 `" o5 X6 G3 a8 Y7 y4 R: t1 X- @' [
17.幼稚! immature!
9 o( |8 n" V9 p4 n* Oe.g. a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she’s so immature.
! f2 o. V9 |) r( bwhat a baby!& _. L, e( E# C* [, Y# R
e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby!/ K( T$ S) R, W/ H4 M
  _* a! z, T8 J5 x, d- r. b; t
" c( C( u) L8 V0 i) Z' O, l. V18.花痴! flirt!, c% g5 M% A9 S2 V+ z( L
e.g. a: you are such a flirt! stop kissing up to him! he doesn’t like you at all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。
3 B$ |' w! d! X/ _/ X注:不论男女,凡有如此行为的皆可用flirt表示。player(调情圣手)专指男性,tease(卖弄风情的女人)专指女性。" ~/ X+ a4 {+ I* q6 {

) ?0 y# Q2 C8 h/ L19.痞子! riff raff!
) w+ m4 I# T4 u- f$ r' k6 fe.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。
0 ?0 T: D3 i" q! l0 i5 s真是一群痞子!
6 N. T% @' B+ n注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。0 w3 z9 x! I3 P, P1 }* [
' G5 m6 z/ F  i' G$ k
20.找死! playing with fire!" \& k- f' }9 R: y
e.g. a: are you crazy? you’re playing with fire! * s9 r0 S+ u0 d# h
; P9 I3 E- a$ w% J21.色狼! Pervert!6 y2 I. \- B5 r
e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!
6 o  W8 o/ p- d* x# C- U注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如:
/ U" A0 f8 y" H' o+ b/ l1 i“You are rally perverted.” 。; Q5 P3 h2 y0 O  u5 x  c8 M

' }+ L+ Y; Q6 `6 s; Z22.精彩! Super!
4 K; F( D6 V& Q, C4 se.g. A: Good job. That’s super!
% e$ w9 d! _  ~5 q0 ~注:这字有点旧了,但年轻人喜欢在形容词前面加super以强调它的意思,如“super-cool”。
; i9 Z1 k8 b1 x6 a# ?& ?: ~8 S3 Q: Z0 i% P9 O$ h; j: T; K  W4 r4 |& ~
23.算了! Forget it!
; h9 u& `* H0 H- k注:这句有“不谈这件事了”,或“这没什么”的意思。/ P& u$ x9 g7 b3 _
1 X0 h- E4 n' \  ~0 `4 Z
24.糟了! Shit!/ XXX!/ Damn!
% n, ^: a0 z9 {4 s# fe.g. A: Shit! This stinks! 糟了!这好臭!0 r5 l: d3 d) l, j6 P
注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“***”等等咒骂的字,Damn是其中最温和的一个。" u' |- U1 q. V% N2 q" c, t

3 S/ }7 y+ {' o, ]4 V25.废话! Bullshit!
8 Y. {/ Y9 [- {. S7 Y/ v6 Ce.g. A: I don’t believe it. That’s bullshit!
& |1 Q3 K( Q" {9 x, Y注:这句也可用crap来表示,它的语气比较温和,但还是一样无礼。
/ U+ }' }5 E$ N9 P0 c/ Z# j( p- R' _/ G5 {0 }8 A$ _% R$ ^1 x! k
26.变态! Pervert!  s! g. `0 y8 k* H5 o
e.g. A: Let’s get out of here. There are so many perverts here.
0 l8 m1 b" |' D) A# R注:中文的变态从意思来看,其实比英文的pervert语意厌恶许多。
' D7 {2 }; X; u) v0 h. R' N2 R
) ~9 [! N2 v% Q# U, O27.吹牛! Brag.$ p9 }4 y# S9 u3 t* f( ~
e.g. A: He’s bragging. There’s no way he could do that!
4 k3 M6 D* ?5 C0 {3 r7 j- Y/ o; o/ m( ^2 Z6 v7 h
28.装傻! Play dumb.
; o4 B5 J2 S2 }4 de.g. A: Don’t play dumb. You know about that.
. E5 r% b# J( r0 k; n' P2 B: ?1 l: u& R) j" ^5 A. l
29.偏心。 Biased (prejudiced)。6 d1 ^" A7 _3 M" i2 H
e.g. A: Stop saying those things about it. You’re just biased. 不要再这样说它了,你就是偏心。  ]2 Y* a( s4 t
A:He’s so prejudiced. He helps her just because he likes her.
* A! Q8 U8 N3 J2 c注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“The author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。
3 V. p7 [% p, Z# K" c
$ e! j& k5 Y5 _" y* Q$ u5 B: R30.无耻! Shameless!6 O; I0 r/ G7 i2 Y- p
e.g. A: How could you do such a thing! You’re shameless! 这种事你也做得出来!你无耻!( B/ `! Q! s! g! S3 _" F
注: Shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕丢脸的意思。
& ~3 i7 u9 ^4 u0 y( t3 g& n' ~# H, H
31.你敢? You dare?; S( g- A& ~  ^
e.g. A: I want to challenge you! 6 r+ Y, R. Q) k* \# F. c, J
B: You dare?
1 ^+ l) {1 h) }( t1 E, b
6 Y5 X% P4 G: Y% f& W0 {32.赞成! I approve. / That’s a good idea.
) S3 v1 x$ J9 ye.g. A: Let’s go for a walk. $ f% M; p$ j7 {! }8 w
B: Sure. I approve.# M4 q+ A  w% u3 |4 B, c
% K# {5 S/ w4 O) l; X1 t. i
33.好饱! I’m stuffed.& B& O' Z) t$ h4 Z9 T2 X

9 R% i( b- p( ^! ~! P9 X34. 休想! Over my dead body!/ No way! 1 u; m. H4 l' I5 d2 U- b* [
e.g. A: You want to marry that guy? Over my dead body!
5 \# h% Q, h+ L6 }5 M6 d0 K, S* R& p
35.成交! It’s a deal! + w0 L% N% |/ a1 {. e
& l& j8 r* N. y* p5 y) s1 `
36. 干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong? / what do you think you are doing? / what happened? / what for? 2 e8 t9 p- r) O7 H

* d9 H; {" y3 _, O) X3 字篇) V' l: O! D) O. P
4 I- p, g" j; {
37. 不会吧? That won’t happen, will it? 6 u/ r8 ]" o8 s) @1 J5 U, F8 y/ a* a
e.g. A: He will win the game. That won’t happen, will it?
5 N2 Y- q. P) K- q, C/ c$ q: L/ _不会吧? No, she’s not like that, is she? 5 c3 r/ {7 c3 _  C
e.g. A: Are you sure she stole the jewels? No, she’s not like that, is she?
) n: C4 b; e4 q$ a不会吧? No, it won’t, will it?
5 n1 P8 A! A9 \5 B2 Z( Oe.g. A: He may not have much longer to live. ( H- T2 G4 x# w4 C8 O4 Q/ b0 S1 y
B: No, he won’t die, will he?
6 M4 u6 b* ^  m; K不会吧? No way! (or Be smart!, 较礼貌一点)& T( a. n( D' e1 q
# Z) f5 y: _2 [
37. 起内哄。 Fighting one’s own. / In-fighting.
3 w3 y1 t2 ]' ]e.g. A: That company wasted too much time fighting its own.
, a) F7 ^6 u: m# D' `A: I won’t tolerate this in-fighting!
" v* P( z6 ~8 X$ l9 K8 ]  `0 `/ }; g  P/ F8 D3 @4 b
38. 狗屎运! Lucky bastard!
3 Q0 _6 m" G$ Le.g. A: He won the lottery! Lucky bastard!# E' w9 r4 F0 _2 b/ Q% [" e  g
+ \% X9 v! w+ G
39. 没风度。 Crass
+ m5 t; K) h: B4 a1 i6 r& B4 c" pe.g. A: He’s so crass. There’s no way I would date him.
+ I: n2 Q& \2 b6 Z$ n# _注:另外,vulgar,boorish也可以用来形容别人没风度。
: y' V0 w6 d: C* g& m- L
, k8 _& {( e' C% E/ X# c40. 你说呢? So what? e.g. A: You are such a bad person. Who’s gonna like you?
  \% ?, O0 L, sB: So what?
* w4 W; ?$ A2 w4 Z你说呢! You tell me! e.g. A: What are we going to do? B: You tell me!
8 p$ P+ R! {; D. U' y* F6 ^注:说“So what”时,若语气冷淡,则表示不在乎;若语气带挑衅,则表示不要人干涉,有“你管我 ”“那又怎样”的意思。
' Y2 K) I( X/ S# o( n
3 J; c5 o+ [3 z, r$ q$ F% J1 d41. 别傻了! Wise up! E.g. A: Please, you believe that? Wise up!1 l9 R& Y, [3 i! f* k1 s, q) F
Don’t be silly! E.g. A: I think we can get everyone to give us money. B: Don’t be silly.
! Y7 f/ j& n% E# x5 F4 |8 X注:当女孩子说“Don’t be silly”时,大多是在打情骂俏。1 c5 y& V- O+ I, Y, r7 R
( N) a7 b# X9 n# r- U8 z+ y/ ]8 l
42.别闹了! Keep it down! E.g. A: You kids are too loud! Keep it down! : w& Q. U" l2 U2 u" Q
注:Keep it down是不要闹了,但keep it up意思完全不同,是用来勉励对方继续努力下去。如果keep it up!用威吓的语气说就变成:若继续下去后果就不堪设想, R# J2 a/ T' r8 B; B2 R; s4 ?
( B) H7 ?, j9 p7 H: n% S
( t4 t/ z" @0 x* w42. 不许碰! Don’t touch it! / Hands off! 3 U, f- F8 |' e& o* y* ]- Q3 l
3 F0 l0 c9 `6 e9 d" t& x
43. 胆小鬼! Coward! E.g. A: He dare not do it! What a coward!
# }9 ]% p" p( B
+ }' R5 X) H0 q/ m44. 考虑中! Sitting on the fence。
  \) |( T! j2 Y* _; M9 P& g8 Re.g. A: I haven’t decided what to do. I’m sitting on the fence.; @: j- Y/ z7 c
注: 表示此人的决定仍摇摆不定,随时会受人影响。. |3 t3 o5 R6 n5 I+ N# ^
* z) z; G6 L7 L( B* L' u3 _- K
45. 认输吧! Give in! e.g. A: Give in! You won’t have a chance.
9 U/ {- `; ?' l2 s" @7 Z1 f8 N注: 也可用“give it up!”,意即“不要再试了,你只是在浪费时间”。! }) s( S( [1 u

3 h# C$ }& x! ]' |. ~46. 抢劫啊! Rip off! E.g. A: That shirt cost me $3,000! What a rip-off!
+ t5 i. e0 f# k9 {. L) n: v注: rip当名词也可当动词,所以可说:He really ripped me off.” 。
! j/ m, l% y% q/ Q: {  w7 ^
% `9 @) i1 h! c; c0 \' Q: |/ g47. 别催我! Don’t rush me. E.g. A: I’m on it! Don’t rush me. 别催我!我正在做呢!9 d% I) p2 R3 ^

- [7 t& A. V' Q48. 再联络! Keep in touch。
$ M$ ^1 {; |; d9 w0 s+ [
0 _: z8 L( a9 `  T' o49. 干得好! Good job. / Well done!: H# Q4 I+ b* d2 f' C  B) u
& b8 r& W- R0 Q9 I5 A8 _; {
50. 真划算。 What a great deal! E.g. I got two bikes for the price of one. What a great deal!
. J* B; J1 ?$ B" `1 O: R' W# v' s注:这里的deal是指买卖交易。在其他情况中“What’s the deal?”, “What’s
* x/ Z& ^5 ^6 g% w0 `+ o3 b) s( r! w, l  K. [8 Q
going on?”, “Why are you doing this?” 都是在询问“怎么了?”。
! }( U; G) c8 V& a# z( M' ]. P+ W) \) Q% l6 T
51. 看好喔! Watch me!
* k: l; @# }. k) T- V* c, c" m注:这句是要别人注意自己在表演的特殊动作或技巧。! y+ F4 N! P+ C- [. E! k
4 B, Z9 U  ?+ f2 w8 g1 F! e
52. 死定了! I’m dead! E.g. A: I lost my computer. I’m dead. What am I going to do?# z$ R: N8 v1 ?
I’m dead meat. E.g. A: I failed the exam! I’m dead meat!
3 b7 P0 D7 l" K: \9 j7 m0 a5 p! c注:以上两句都是十分夸张的句子,表示真的不知如何是好,另外,常见的句子有“You’ll be the death of me.”意思是指你和你惹的麻烦会毁了我。1 W7 z9 x( ]; a* j# ]7 ?

  Z& D0 T# `$ c1 Z53. 羡慕吧! Eat your heart out!
- c( h- l, ~/ k* H6 le.g. A: Look out all these girls all over me! Eat your heart out! You’re never gonna find a girl who will like you. ' ]7 I; c5 J  V4 x# r
注:说这句话的人有着炫耀的心态。, V0 c0 T  R  @

- Y# X2 O9 R' K, W7 S! L- g54. 无所谓。 Whatever。 E.g. A: You can do what you want. Whatever.
" l$ a* }% g1 w: L! x注:这是年轻人很常用的俚语,除了无所谓外,还有以下的意思:① I don’t care! (我才不在乎) ② etc., etc, (等等,诸如此类的) ③ No! ④ That’s not the way it is, but I don’t give a damn. (才不是那样的,不过我才不理它。)在不同上下文作不同解释。/ u8 y1 ?2 d* F/ o& m% t6 ~* \
) m- A0 `7 b; y. q/ T
55. 别装蒜! Don’t play innocent. / Don’t play dumb!
5 \( J0 n- O& ^/ a0 \3 k. T5 T% ~# r5 u+ j
56. 去你的! XXX you! (这句话十分粗俗,用生气或厌恶的语气说,有“滚你妈的蛋”之意。# b+ R& \# v9 X5 i& U

% G& Z& k$ u% T* O. w1 q8 t/ w57. 分摊吧! Let’s go Dutch.
0 J. m' h0 O9 r. H
" Q- p/ p, N4 F/ P58. 你做梦! You’re dreaming. E.g. A: That will never happen. You’re dreaming.
. W$ G' A0 U+ \2 C注:“Dream on!”意思也是一样,另外多了点玩笑的态度。) B- z0 d+ N' `6 v9 a
0 A3 w( S. J; j% A% d4 [
59. 你真笨! You’re so lame! 1 F- ~! B# E/ w3 ?
e.g. A: You’re so lame. Even a kid can make it. Try again. ( s- o+ D/ H8 t4 P" e9 b
注:Lame 原来的意思是跛脚、不适当的意思。在这里指人不够酷、无能。
' W0 t( v3 ^% S$ E' Y
8 G6 j, e! k7 k60. 并不想。 Don’t feel like it. % h/ t0 u5 b6 x- U5 H, D
e.g. A: Come out with us tonight. It’ll cheer you up.) C) F# N( f: u
B: I don’t feel like it.
0 B2 c  K  ^, r7 f- v; U% u" x) j- o( f, [! y8 ]" {; q

: P9 @4 s; y; V& m! i7 {$ ?61. 好可惜。 What a shame (pity). 9 d- Y5 G/ i! N# [. a. E; b, b
- ?  Z5 }4 E( X, S+ f# b
62. 随便你。 (It’s )Up to you.  ~" h8 m% g" R
% F3 B# H- X1 q6 h$ o
" i: H/ T) @' N# z# H0 E# f63. 安分点! Behave! E.g. A: Stop making so much noise! Behave.
0 @! O5 e- ], |6 W; X! h* u注: 年轻人用这句话的时候,多是在闹着玩的情况下,要对方“安分点”;男女朋友在打情骂俏时也会叫对方“安分”一点。2 ?3 B( j0 e9 G, x1 ?8 l: y  T7 @/ ?
! r4 s: ~. T4 h3 o
64. 再说啦! We’ll talk about it later.
+ E$ X0 g: e8 a' U, ]+ h( s
+ ?7 Q" e; s! U# @, ^! h65. 分手吧! Let’s break up.
7 V" r2 ?: l% ^6 ~+ }: \; I% E0 B/ _4 I* v* @8 M+ l8 r
66. 你看吧! I told you so! E.g. A: I told you so! It won’t work.& y6 p  [$ Z1 s- j! Q% C+ V  J
See! E.g. A: Like I said, it’s not as hard as you thought it’d be. See!
6 n4 T1 u$ h; A1 f0 X
8 }6 s. Z: c0 U0 u) c2 s3 i67. 不要脸! Shameless! E.g. A: I can’t believe she’s wearing that! Shameless! % e0 ^# b+ Q0 S  Q. R$ g, C: ?
注:本句除了用shameless外,也可用“She has no shame. ”。7 E* C8 @0 ^) ~- U. q  j
5 C; T- b/ v$ J: q( V
68. 别管他! Don’t worry about it. % X) {  _1 ?; f; N8 V! a4 g0 g' j
69. E.g. A: I don’t want to look bad. * |4 w- K' _% r2 l" U! \
B: Don’t worry about it. No one will notice. Don’t pay attention to it. 4 M% B' @$ `' f# C4 b
E.g. A: That guy over there is staring at me.
! v; \. a! ~6 R" U& TB: Don’t play attention to it.
1 Y% z& o& \5 ^' q; VWhat the heck!
, C  ~$ o* v# k0 B. JE.g. A: Is it alright if I ask Dane to come over?. L5 B1 h2 v7 Q5 g' b  `
B: What the heck!
1 }& c7 J* W" e. [注: what the heck 与what the ****! 两个意思一样。# A; N7 X4 {+ j0 x( H/ h4 b& k
69.怎么说? How do I say this? E.g. A: It’s so hard to explain. How do I say this?
: S3 {2 y; ^7 R( [5 [+ D: rWhat do you mean? E.g. A: I’m feeling sorry for him.B: What do you mean?* S, m1 m8 x+ I) E2 I; K0 v
  B, n0 K( d9 U- q. g7 U5 g& L2 ~$ T
70.胡扯的! That’s rubbish! E.g. A: It’s no like that at all. That’s rubbish.
) K! E  C1 F# O, {
* V! i8 d# h7 {$ O; S7 W0 `: G71. 蛮配的。 Suits you well. E.g. That color looks really good on you. It suits you well.2 l$ S# t4 G  z- N# C
# x' U7 i+ ^* v/ I' e) I
72. 很恶心! Blood and gore. # s4 G. L( [$ A$ V4 r; E
E.g. A: I don’t like scary and violent movies. There’s too much blood and gore.1 Z  E& U) I: g; x; c: q. d
That’s so gross! E.g. Will you stop making those gestures? That’s so gross!7 E" w) L* |! P. h# r/ t: q
注:“Blood and gore”多半是指电影而言,而“gross”在一般的情况下都可使用。- b, X* w% o3 G) n2 S+ [# ]% B- x
% c: R  }6 m7 t/ t$ W
73.懂了吗? Get it? E.g. A: We broke up two months ago! Stop calling me.
& V! s4 ~' A* k1 I6 [Do you get it?% }& L$ \2 s7 K, e
(Do you) know what I mean? / know what I’m saying? 9 `8 t. X! H3 ~# ?
E.g. A: That’s the way it is. ( Do you ) know What I mean? . A% [8 N( s% h
You know? E.g. A: I really hate this. You know?
7 I" g8 E- ^% V9 E1 Z( w' v! l  J$ v1 E$ r1 k$ d0 W4 U. B
74. 别装了! Stop pretending. E.g. A: I know you hate it. Stop pretending.8 R7 T- k' Y6 X
注: Pretending可用playing 代替。
5 F/ y1 u; r( j% K, ?! m1 D
* t& c5 q1 R( g6 Y" z75.神经病。 Crazy! E.g. A: You can’t do that! Crazy!
8 I' U- F9 y7 x4 l注:这字暗示某人精神失常,行为反常;年轻人的俚语常以“mentally challenged”代替crazy。
* W# W. y7 j: Y% X6 O5 g7 E/ W" S$ C4 ~9 o3 W( e% p% Z
76.免了吧! No need! E.g. A: I want to make sure that I get it straight. ! h( W6 }& E  I0 b3 O: ?/ v8 _
B: There’s no need. Forget it.8 {# n" K$ R1 F" p0 s5 ~2 a
注: “no need”可自成一句,也可在句中使用。如:There was no need to call the president.
8 z" e7 S) k  d; @) H( h( R- [5 K- Q5 [
77.又来了! Again. E.g. A: Here it come again. I don’t want to
% j# ~* o, L4 n; C0 g& d+ e+ b+ `1 h: A9 T$ o0 i
deal with it.
% Q9 i) k1 o% q$ dThat’s typical. E.g. A: He’s not taking responsibility for this mistake. & ^  b" A, k6 g$ r1 Z7 `
B: That’s typical. # e5 c  R7 q, ]& j, w+ c) R

7 O) P$ d) c' s/ j3 C, I3 l" K78. 不骗你! Not joking。 E.g. A: Believe me. I’m not joking.
6 P1 r/ x+ [* X3 x  {# c
  r  ]: S6 {; @( X# s. d0 ^79.我请客。My treat。 E.g. A: please, it’s your birthday. My treat!" P) n/ E% ]3 f! a3 T
注: Treat也作动词用,如:I’ll treat you tonight. (今晚我请客。)
7 c: ^1 G9 A7 b  X
( D0 C, `! X, Y! `6 O80.不赖嘛! Not bad。 " c2 L  J2 A) {9 {) {

6 K2 Y. I, T! t; P  g$ w81.去死啦! Go to hell! E.g. A: you’re such a bully. Go to hell.
( Y. p9 i  W9 C2 O- H% x0 W注:生气时在口语上诅咒别人去死前面有时会加上“you can”。: q/ A7 V0 @4 c' B  Y' [3 D; e) e

  s8 ^& h9 p/ Z2 U82.冷静点! Calm down! E.g. A: Don’t get so excited. Calm down. ( s: z% C% u- p( G5 \
Keep your pants/shirt on! E.g. A: What’s the hurry? Keep your pants/shirt on!; r. v4 H2 p/ R% {/ L
; o: s+ S( s* s$ m
83.我保证。 I guarantee. E.g. A: You’ll be fine. I guarantee.
: ]6 b8 T, Q/ Q& \) n) m" T4 U8 L- P
84. 我发誓! I swear! E.g. A: It will never happen again. I swear!2 |- j2 C3 X4 J3 g! |" F
注:swear还有下列用法:① I swear by my bike that I can get anywhere in town in 15minutes. (swear by…, 对着…发誓,表示很有信心)。② The chief of justice swore in the president. (司法院长监督总统宣誓就职)。 ③ I’m going to swear ff candy for the next month. (下个月我要戒吃糖果)。
& Z# f6 W5 z- c6 Z3 U, Y6 X) J; G4 q' t6 G" v
85.来单挑! Let’s fight one-on-one!- d( s- o; q* U! v
e.g. A: let’s go, you and me, let’s fight one-on-one.
) h5 T: n# D1 |. n8 |- t, IB: All right, leave the others alone. It’s between you and me.+ F' i" p: \2 H" f/ ^: k
% H' n: v2 j1 f. e
86. 正经点! Have some decency! E.g. A: Stop playing with the cake. Have some decency!! E& L0 s2 P" N1 F7 |" X% d8 V# G
Seriously… E.g. A: Ok, stop joking around. Seriously…
) j5 y3 K  F: M: X  c9 o0 @1 T* e注:说这两句话的情况不同,“have some decency”通常是在对方有了一些恶作剧的行为之后,用来提醒他举止庄重一点。“Seriously…”则多用来转变话题,跟中文的“说真格的……”类似,说完这句话,说者就把话题转为严肃的内容。
% |' T9 T1 [& ~& ?$ u
8 A2 p7 j6 Y1 U2 U87.干脆点! Make up your mind!
, U. O8 r. I" _5 A% R) O. IE.g. A: Geez, we’ve been over this a thousand times. Make up your mind!$ ~+ d9 Z% \+ D4 l# H4 v  ^
  h+ E8 D* Z8 f; M; s  V  q4 ^# r4 ]
88.打扰了! Excuse me for bothering you.
: L7 _3 k; ?( V3 ]) D$ }. D0 D$ D5 a" _注:因为文化的差异,美国人很少有这种说法,大部分的美国人都不认为要说这么谦虚的话。
( w1 z, ~( S, E* G: y
! E( M: I$ C7 a% ?89.清醒点! Sober up! E.g. A: Your parents are coming. Sober up.
% ]2 Z  T% B" }: ]. f1 u  W0 PWake up! (Wake up and smell the coffee!)
/ g! W. o) g& Je.g. A: Wake up! You look like you had a long night. 清醒点,你看起来像是整夜没睡。
9 n/ b7 g4 u- x& |注:酒醉或吃药后,多会用“Sober up”。“Wake up!”或“Wake up and smell the
8 b" n. I5 A$ ]5 g. D* Scoffee!”则是“脑袋里在想什么呀,醒醒吧你!”用来训斥别人面对现实。2 |' J$ T( n5 R# i: H

. Q0 s; T7 f& R6 k) T90.别理他! Don’t mind him. E.g. A: Don’t mind him. He’s just playing. 2 D+ M4 f& Z  C! h  ~- s8 g6 Q
Forget him. E.g. A: He saw me steal the diamond! 6 d: T1 Z+ d( T% X! g
B: Forget him. I’ll take care of him.
+ V/ ^' R' \# A* N7 |! J注:forget him是“别理他!”,而“别理我!”是leave me alone。
* W% S- C) S* K- I; ^$ h/ U; _+ C: {: U
91.有眼光! Good taste. E.g. A: That looks really good. You’ve got good taste.
/ T  i2 P, s. t: R; x3 x( r0 c. K3 }! x5 P/ |
92.谁说的? Who said that? E.g. A: It’s not like that at all. Who said that?
, I/ T) }1 Z2 a  k$ S: OSays who? E.g. A: They cancelled our show. 3 C. S  `* W* g9 c& b' k
B: Says who?, r7 @" q$ M* v6 x& o
2 d# T6 [( \& x& ?, D  @+ b/ `2 L! ?1 D( w% w
93.很难说。 Hard to say. 表示不清楚、不确定而难下定论。  i  ~' }- Q8 `1 u# d# O
5 W" A4 C1 z: P* ~
94.老实说。 To tell you the truth (that…)/ Honestly…) b( W% M' Z0 Y7 V3 L* j: y

( |& A" |  s3 U4 m: P95.你撒谎! You lie!
1 s3 e) g8 H/ g, v* s
' p1 x% c4 \; N96.真恶心! So disgusting!   x' s7 K7 u# D% X- k

. L( e8 N, m" C: T6 K6 A97.真碍眼! Rubs me the wrong way.
! @' g) J0 H+ {& [0 he.g. A: I can’t put my finger on it, but he really rubs me the wrong way. ( z3 B* s$ B( j' K
, t3 p# }$ f' _9 ?: Y注:说这句话时通常有人惹到你,但也可能只是因为某人的外貌、言行令人不舒服。
) A" s2 f0 K6 v; O  H
' B6 K0 D$ b' E5 ^98.别想溜! Don’t run away!
+ z3 P! j2 M( m9 A; \- |  ~注:run away也可指闪避问题,如:“Don’t run away from your problems. ” 是要对方面对,并解决问题。
8 i! X/ U# b/ K: e3 \7 \; W$ ^/ Z; U) t' F
99.不客气。 You’re welcome. / No problem. / No bother./ Don’t worry
5 L4 X* h0 i* b- V
8 i; @4 K9 {2 R9 N' v- I. a( }about it/ Don’t mention it.2 O* ~1 U' b) f8 R1 d1 }
8 [( r0 S8 c; O+ r
100. 不上道。 Don’t know how to play the game.
& p" `* \, J& P* p7 gE.g. A: Everyone accepted the bribe except him. He doesn’t know how to play the game.
6 ]) R+ E* _, @4 ]7 U注:这是现代的俚语。有一句Playing the field,它的意思就大不一样了,是表示同时跟很多不同的人约会。
. i. a+ w2 Q% D5 e9 o3 X8 X1 i+ A) @+ a5 w7 g$ O% \$ G; L
101.你输了! You lost!2 S4 h' [" d/ p& }/ u
/ i. h1 x  b# e
102.吵死了! So noisy!
( b; j; \0 F' _( j  Y6 X. F6 ~: w9 ^% |2 V2 C4 T2 a4 B
103.不见得。 Not necessarily. E.g. A: Everyone is gonna hate me.
9 Q# j; U9 J  c- A: bB: Not necessarily. (意味“情况可能正好相反”)( k; t8 \7 K4 Q2 e

$ t! \% E" o# ^104.兜风去。 Let’s go out for a drive. : m/ ?7 ]* A6 Z9 o' j4 _7 C+ {! i  v
E.g. A: I feel so trapped in here. Let’s go out for a drive! 7 k, d! m, z' n' v/ ?
! P; R0 f& J3 k! @4 VLet’s go out for some air! 0 M: I/ n$ H* N
E.g. A: We’ve been studying all day. Let’s go out for some air!
3 X; _/ j/ I& ?9 e* U  W, M注:going out for a drive 是开车或骑车出去。 going out for some air 除了开车或骑车,也可表示用走来散心。- \7 _1 `* }  w7 T, A5 T% Q' `, K
* y$ E; A# n+ z0 W
105.怕了吧? Now you are scared, aren’t you? 8 V1 q- Z( U6 }4 u9 ?, {
e.g. A: Now you are scared, aren’t you?' Z. m4 t) y2 w# W" k2 c
B: Get that gun away from me!7 M1 B5 ~3 l$ i. I8 a( X

! j- k7 I! B+ b' H5 _106. 真低级! How low-class! E.g. A: What do you think about Mary’s new skirt?5 a6 l6 ]% z' ]$ @% A
B: How low-class! (通常不当别人面讲这句话)
) Q3 ^" s1 }0 j6 t1 @- |7 f$ [& H: F. e/ m9 h4 q' w2 b8 o
107.就这样。 The way it is。 E.g. A: You can’t change anything. That’s the way it is.
" E! v9 r0 T: m9 GLet it be. E.g. A: I know it’s hard to accept. Let it be.' ]/ X' [+ f" @' i$ }2 f9 g  Y" z
注:let it be通常语气和缓,以安慰别人或使人平静。6 j, f- x3 z( r! X

, g& `( g! V+ |- b. S0 l108.放弃吧! Give up! 0 |  ?" ?' L! Q, Y2 t
: D1 |* s' E3 A; |* e0 T8 `
109.太神了! Cool! 0 A% b, @2 ^; p: Y2 p) z7 h* v

. o- ~) v. y2 G9 u0 q110. 解脱了! Free at last! E.g. A: Thank god I graduated and I’m done with school forever. Free at last.
; D* H8 K- |: u5 f4 P& v! N8 h& Q* [& k- Z9 ]  L
111. 要你管! Not your business. /None of your business./ It’s none of your business. : x0 k# p! E9 s
6 J1 Y' g, l- m
+ e- k' ^4 q' M; a% Y) e112. 好恶心! Sick! E.g. A: Have you seen that movie “Friday the 13th”? It’s so sick.
/ b2 K! L$ W' B; W* c1 X. {" @6 F$ G6 ?* ]1 X
113. 小气鬼! Stingy bastard! E.g. A: He didn’t even pay for my dinner! What a stingy bastard.0 A2 z9 W) c$ E, f
What a miser! E.g. A: He’s been wearing the same clothes since high school. What a miser! Can’t he buy new clothes?  v1 k7 R; I9 g1 N! e" _
注:stingy bastard语气很刻薄,因为“bastard”已经近乎粗话了。Stingy
. v  z" t4 Y8 e, U+ d  f) _
  D/ x% A% _# q6 g是形容词,小气,吝啬之意。Miser是名词。
# P+ z/ s1 T0 V9 Z. N) p8 I# b0 `  X' k$ H9 `
114. 我招了! I admit… E.g. A: Yeah, you’re right. OK, I admit it! / P% \6 O" y# h6 _) o3 n  Q
- P. j: I2 f7 b
5 }2 j- K  z/ M( O  ~! j6 h8 V115. 别惹我! Don’t bother me. E.g. A: Ok, I’ll do whatever you want.
: ?/ @3 C4 J0 y/ G) HBut just don’t bother me anymore.
% O7 n% u9 Z7 J2 W5 CStop picking on me. E.g. A: Can you stop picking on me? 你能不能别再惹我?
% x1 r* v. k. J" }注:Bother 意思是阻挠,困扰,或对某人唠叨。To pick on someone是指作弄人,找人麻烦。
5 U* c0 z3 B* ^0 C7 W
, @" A; P1 m6 [+ I! @4 S* w" E116. 没什么。 Not much… E.g. A: Hey! What’s up! 2 h4 g) _9 I0 i3 N/ Z, u
B: Not much…+ V6 T' F- G9 I( `) t

0 ~* @/ i# B6 S6 L4 v117. 答对了。 Bingo! / You are right!/ _, \) M) f0 o. w- O" K
1 @# X+ h  u& _% h2 y8 t9 n
118. 改天吧! Another time… E.g. A: Let’s go out again tomorrow night.' [9 B6 {: k3 h8 ^; a1 M8 W
B: Maybe another time…/ Y2 x- K: I7 c: F- d, z3 U2 H
I’ll take a rain check. E.g. A: I’ll take you out to dinner.% G2 K, g3 l. ^. A
B: I can’t tonight, but I’ll take a rain check.
5 W3 d4 n* `# v' [注:rain check本意来自比赛因下雨而取消,所发给观众下次入场得延期证明;或是商店再减价时段特价品卖完时,发给客人在有货时可以相同优惠购买该商品得证明。
' }) I0 l. E1 L9 S
+ d2 a# Z5 d( Y* I119. 我不管! I don’t care! E.g. A: But your rival has everyone’s favor… B: I don’t care! I’m going to beat him. Just watch.0 b1 O0 B2 K& ~6 j0 X
注:I don’t give a damn! =I don’t care. 但是更粗俗一些。
3 \! S* m& O/ w+ Y8 {9 r8 w- z
5 m" F# W. D' E120. 别多嘴。 Enough! Shut up!
  F  I; e+ h6 Z" k, Y
8 a$ x1 k5 v7 z) x# E121. 耍大牌。 Poser! E.g. A: Who does she think she is? A movie star? What a poser!
! X9 U% B$ Y( p8 {, B# R# |9 \
+ I: O; U8 C' m; Q# X122. 何必呢? What for? E.g. A: I want to go back to school.9 [' @* @: E& ]/ @. f
B: What for? You already have a Ph D!
( `& j, Z( w$ ]+ P/ lWhy are you doing that? E.g. A: You have all the toys you need. Why are you buying more? Why are you doing that? : _0 @2 K7 b* ^
$ j9 b5 ?5 T) f, u, e' h9 D' o7 S0 B0 U. n8 R4 Y$ }! s( Q" L1 z% J
123. 书呆子。 Nerd. E.g. A: All he does is study. He never goes out. What a nerd!
& ]' l# F# p2 g. u+ R; U
% p! K, P+ {# K; O124. 不错吧? Look, not bad, huh?   @( |3 r+ g% K% r! \& r* M
E.g. A: I’ve organized all this information for the presentation. Look, not bad, huh? : o! ^% z5 J7 q/ |0 k! M/ y, G
1 U' T9 `* }& Y
125. 真可怕! That’s terrible! 1 c6 y& j) a% F, ^# p) X8 n

& X/ g# d  \: ^' `+ f4 W' [( A126. 别妄想! You’re dreaming! / In your dreams. 0 g( j/ m8 P8 a0 D

( B8 t7 U4 P1 Q4 h: N4 V6 Z6 ^. q127. 你真行! You’re so great! / You ‘da bomb! / You are the bomb.
( K8 l2 h% O/ D0 n, q
/ A  _0 z  G, m# X) U) {5 _128. 不难吃。 Tastes good.
  J1 Y4 h* J$ Y) V. e1 o0 N/ h. ], w' q3 p
129. 真体贴! So affectionate! E.g. A: Did you see the way she touches him? So affectionate!
* u) s& n. k0 F% ^* l( X6 m: p注:另外一种口语用法是“lovey-duvvy”,但是比较负面,含有受不了别人如此亲热的意思。0 @( }' ]/ R: Z" r  i

( g! v1 i% X/ v130. 得了吧! Come on!1 s5 S0 v0 o8 a1 [7 G

6 ]% _  V) h1 T5 w+ w) U131. 末班车。 Just made it. E.g. A: I was the 150th prize-winner! Just made it for the championship!
, b$ x+ C# [! }注:本句得相反词就是名落孙山, “just missed it”。
/ @9 `$ G) z8 _* L8 ~. X. i* x5 @! r1 j% b$ U) X+ N
132. 猜猜看! Guess! 2 X, m4 O* g% F! z" q7 x$ `, z

8 i! Q/ B* v' w: ]$ ^133. 这简单! It’s easy for me!
- l2 Y' P. o" g4 x
/ n1 L- l  J# S9 R1 _' P" \' x, ?' @6 H9 @% F7 ^, a+ n8 x& W
4 字篇/ s% O9 E2 ?+ B' o% A

' o' r- u% k; [) g134.不用担心! Don’t be afraid. / Don’t worry.
$ O1 U+ K/ ^: W/ `- G
4 X6 l% k9 r% }! z# e, L: G135.长话短说! Make a long story short! 2 _! X( U4 I6 x' c' p/ v" m
# @6 Z$ r9 _' b* J
136. 少说废话! Cut the crap! / Bullshit(粗俗些)+ X& l4 j  w: r% H% T1 M

; f8 V  h: ?5 m7 x137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you don’t know the half of it!
! T( z7 h+ Q/ c注:后者批评对方对情况或事情的不了解,不清楚。
$ X3 z( o- C# V4 X, f- e0 S9 i3 b2 S" o" g
138.我尽力了! I did the best I could.
/ I+ f  h% q- ?/ C$ b( b1 {* k* [0 d4 T  {
139. 你疯了吗? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind?
0 C9 t+ L5 U6 J: @' Q) |
, u7 U: i6 \9 Y! ?4 z+ |140. 半斤八两。 Same difference! % E2 D# H9 ^$ H; _7 x3 E
* t- x( g7 ?* B7 F5 U' I/ o, `
141. 这就怪啦! It doesn’t add up! / It doesn’t make any sense. ) V" U( J4 E- ^+ d# ~
E.g. A: I just bought milk yesterday… But we’re out of it today.
/ e- }4 P6 j$ A+ ZIt doesn’t add up!
7 Z- g( p( X7 C* G9 q  x: Y- p2 q. C' f2 p' |5 ]2 V8 f6 U
142. 知足常乐。 Easy to please.
2 l* C/ s  A/ O注:相反的就是“hard to please”(很难伺候)2 ]( Q* i" |1 g: e9 W
( V2 d/ {# J) N* u" E  Q# S, e) V- |
143. 教坏小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids).
8 B: ?1 ~5 |9 pe.g. A: I don’t want you to hang out with him anymore. He’s such a bad influence on the children. * e) f- L6 X0 I0 K' c0 ]; H2 E

2 `- k& T4 c, B, g144. 小气巴拉。 Scrooge!
  W3 c- A. r& U" iE.g. A: What a scrooge! He didn’t even buy presents for them on Christmas!
& K+ x) ?  I$ K: a; r注:Scrooge这个字是从迪更斯的小说“小气财神”中的人物而来,也是圣诞颂歌中的一个主要角色。
: x( R5 f3 M3 o1 g, J6 l6 y9 I3 P3 I4 h, c, @$ P' f& \0 p5 D9 [/ |
145. 不识抬举。 You just don’t appreciate it.
3 T! ^1 [# |; r% C* UE.g. A: You don’t know when a good thing’s right in front of you. You just don’t appreciate it.
0 E8 Q+ K+ a/ ?: v注:appreciate (欣赏), 相反词是“scorn(藐视)”,“disparage(贬抑)”
& y; Y( P$ |: Z4 G. v1 f
5 g% J) u9 H) v- Y+ q2 X146. 在说一次! Say again? + h$ n0 P& b7 w$ y
注:say again是口头上,私下聊天时的用法。正式一点的像是“Pardon me?” “Excuse me?”, 或是 “Could you repeat that please?”, 会比较有礼貌。5 X: z( `; I( x  T6 T! N, T
) n5 @! [4 `6 V3 o
147. 你觉得呢? What do you think? / What’s your opinion?(更正式些): X* z# l" v" F, V% S& |
+ c" u& a" V- \- |" k3 m# b/ T2 n
148. 岂有此理! How did it come to this?
+ }+ A: [. w2 W注:通常是事情出乎意料之外,而且多半是朝不好的方面发展。$ q0 m+ [. ^5 z
. t* E, g, ~" V% Y6 _
149. 脸皮真厚! What nerve!
& g2 V/ g( o* a5 CE.g. A: How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!
0 Z+ C% V1 [# I注:本句是指人大胆、无礼的行为。9 d- V' C6 Y( R$ a
6 U2 ^7 O; s. Y- B; O8 z( l* k  d
150. 你急什么? What’s the rush? 8 ]/ x8 J# X+ M4 y9 W

# p, f5 y7 }9 E3 Y/ t  O( T151. 没完没了。 Will it never end?
! S9 H* j3 u. r/ m4 EDoesn’t he know when to stop?
- ?6 \# w9 G0 u  H$ a( P& [7 V& H4 _注:will it never end? 就文法上应该是:Will it ever end? 这里用Never,是在强调语气懂得无奈。 Someone doesn’t know when to stop 意思是“有人就是不知道适可而止。”
% ~( L$ B* D3 L$ k6 g+ @
( e+ b- K; d/ k4 O  M152. 太过分了! That’s too much! - j: h& X9 n' T# p$ U# s, _
+ F3 X# B4 s: c' _4 z# q8 l  H
153. 太夸张了! That’s an exaggeration!
7 u# U; f% E* G* b  R
$ x6 q% |+ c/ c7 R0 t3 x& W154. 死都不要(干)! Over my dead body!
# g& T1 x8 \  v) h注:这句的愿意是“等我死了再说”,用隐喻的方式表达说话者强烈的反对。8 r* g; x, s) C% J& M9 G

. B2 M' B2 h" w* W; k: Y- Q155. 真没想到。 I had no idea.
) g8 n4 a, l! h2 r7 y& a5 N% @1 O5 M$ o$ b2 g5 \0 a
156. 我的妈呀! Oh my god!: B7 r' p5 b( j3 M. W7 K
- d8 K) Q* @! z  T
157. 赶时间吗? Are you in a hurry?
3 n0 _5 W) L8 l4 j  w注:in a hurry亦可用rushed for time 或 pressed for time代替。
  x; d% C  t" `0 B$ `4 h( _- r2 w. V1 `6 i
158. 常有的事。 Happens all the time.
! B" {* t: [, W/ n0 ~4 z
: j% u0 h5 x/ a' S+ b159. 你真没用! You are useless! ( {& d$ N, Z6 @+ Y
  [& k# R0 _' R- g+ v7 X  k% Y; G- K
160. 真没水准! No class!
4 d/ C8 V0 ~# W注:若以classy形容一个人,是指他对许多事物有高水准的品位,虽然“classy”多半0 Y5 Y$ r! _$ D4 z% [$ D

5 y  ]$ @7 C* r0 d: s是用来形容有钱人,但你对一些事有独到的品位,你也是classy噢。
: [+ o5 u1 \  [# W: t" r& f! Z, O5 }1 u0 H& p
161. 不一定啦! Not necessarily. (反义:definitely)0 G$ L  e% o* G5 S, H% \

! B9 m5 S' O2 V4 v& l/ W6 q4 c* c7 F162. 别想骗我! Don’t try to pull one over me! $ R& D4 m: _9 V$ [/ s# q
注:Over me是over my eyes, 意思是“蒙骗”。6 V5 M+ {) ^  z! s' E9 A& x

. ^2 ^3 M8 E. M3 v  u6 r1 v163. 想得没喔! In your dreams! (是指某事极不可能发生), I8 S- ~. G1 \* ^# W

0 @( D5 u7 R' _9 I164. 想都别想! Don’t even think about it! - ^% E  }+ H. r$ n4 g% |
% D) p/ _. H  N6 w- k5 A, C) D( \" E& T1 `; F
165. 怎么搞的? What’s eating you? 形容对方看起来疲惫、沮丧、生气、不快乐等。" A' M; _- j0 ]1 v
What happened? 一般人常用的句子。9 n/ m  v& }: e/ w  l& a

' ?* S" z: u0 u% [* f+ z( c; t, @166. 这也难怪! No wonder!
- H# K0 [) w; y. ]) a' }8 A, Z& G! B1 o/ W
167. 你很烦耶! You’re getting on my nerves! / You’re really annoying!. Q: L9 [4 q& w! c  V$ q

4 G9 n  Z$ X! K6 e( ~. T3 X# O168. 原来如此。 So that’s how it is!+ M% r1 e9 f/ ?6 q: z- a
3 |: P/ ]8 X/ U% i7 t) {: Y5 n, F/ C. C/ G2 _
169. 没日没夜。 Day and night。* t" s( O9 Q- e" ^% v

4 u/ `" G( ~& Z3 {4 U170. 一视同仁。 Friend or foe…; b& m- \2 X3 N* O
E.g. A: Whether you’re a friend or foe, I won’t treat you any different. 5 N' s2 Z; I- l( q- b/ ]
注:foe的意思是敌人, 同“enemy”,虽然enemy较常见,但这里是要强调两个字一样都是f开头,所以用Foe。9 S7 G; V4 }0 t2 C9 Q

$ z& B% I0 M2 h2 d$ X: m4 k171. 表里不一。 Thinks one way, but acts another.
1 ^8 @0 E8 R9 A: ]1 qE.g. A: She’s so hypocritical. She thinks one way but acts another.
: E; P" g# c) U# J注:用这句形容一个人很虚伪,说的一套,做的又是一套。  m- F; ?; j! ]; f% c8 K
% v9 W; _/ f4 Z8 [
172. 正是时候。 It’s about time!
9 k9 Y, w1 k& _6 N3 J/ S/ k  Z1 |* C& t6 ?( X0 f+ H
173. 真是经典! It’s a classic!" g+ c; h% q- D) \0 D
* m, J/ @* d( p4 ^2 u: E$ R) u
174. 多此一举! There’s no need! (最常用同义词:Don’t worry about it.)% f  M! l; c: A1 D, Z8 Z

8 I/ ]+ D& a# q$ X3 `175. 真是够了! That’s enough! (说enough时加重语气,显露不耐烦的意思)
0 _2 }1 b1 a# G6 {( q2 ^8 c, ^) S8 X; U; ?4 ^
176. 骗你的啦! I’m joking. / I’m kidding. / I’m (just) pulling your chain. - m# _9 V7 E5 z: v
  [, x; L! q3 @8 ~6 ^& }: D
177. 你有病啊?! You’re sick!   y6 ~; L) s; P) G! x7 }& @
: E/ R. P; A: z# @8 n+ G
178. 别害羞嘛! Don’t be shy! ( a+ g' u0 R: p  L2 I6 A* [
: O0 `) u1 e# f3 P! [8 w! M
179. 勿失良机。 Don’t pass up a golden opportunity.
- f9 w0 N0 h3 w注:简短一点可以说:“Don’t pass it up!” 或 “Don’t pass this up!”.
7 T; G# i0 O5 f8 K4 B8 Q( G# Y7 u3 Y3 H7 @9 q
180. 两全其美。 Everyone wins. / Good for both sides.
2 j8 H) S/ P1 k1 L7 F$ V4 q1 t/ f- a6 ]注:这两句情况有些不同,“everyone wins”愿意是“每个人都赢。”因此,所指的对象可以不只是两个而已;“Good for both sides。”就特别针对只有两个
5 a2 A6 r- N1 h: V; [对象的情况。
2 R7 x, X) `$ a) g1 ]6 C  g2 N$ }6 S# i) L" I  e
181. 一举两得。 Shooting two birds with one stone. / Get two birds with one stone.1 {, S4 C1 f3 h- m
: w- b! p8 \$ I3 J. L* I/ {
182. 心照不宣。 Mutual understanding. ) f0 w4 y! c, R# i
注:本句与“tacit agreement”(默契)意思一样。
1 \5 H9 L* _" o) k8 s3 T# f: J8 Q! a/ t5 y* @" B
183. 自相残杀。 At each other’s throats. / Killing each other.3 Q; R1 t) Q5 Y% D, u7 J! ~

9 k" f+ h  H9 L% R184. 好事成双。 Good things come in pairs.
6 L% `. w8 P: f# }+ ?
( Z0 Q1 v; @5 p4 N4 y$ x185. 别惹麻烦! Don’t make trouble. / Stay out of trouble!
& t- p- k1 s( ]) m' i
6 S' A- @* N3 R186. 搬弄是非! What a gossip!  L; I2 x! n% S* ~( }7 J0 O- C! ~

! X' m6 b; U9 ^# m" U- n, @187. 算你厉害。 You win.(通常带有认输的语气)- i% {, ~2 x, I3 F

: M) B. O0 F  o/ i9 p1 j188. 不见不散。 I’m not leaving until I see you. / Be there be square.
" O7 ~9 R( S# I) B7 W# _" g9 P/ j% w2 C, `9 P7 y/ b
189. 行行好嘛! Have a heart!
- J  [) d. s3 F; ^8 t$ n: g0 i; J: Y5 [
190. 没这回事! No such thing.   ^' b5 G6 X! {& v
. z2 q$ T9 j: @& i2 o0 C2 ^
191. 安静一点! Be quiet.
+ U) D6 c+ p1 L. C5 ?
, }% ^0 s  ?. v& p$ [& p192. 那又怎样? So what? (本句通常带有挑衅的语气)% B0 H! p/ ^/ u3 {; f5 i* u8 B, S

/ g( e. {: }- V2 c5 S, w193. 有话快说。 If you have something to say…say it!9 e7 i. m  i# F/ V
( a4 F) ]. m" ^  O
194. 拐弯抹角。 Beat about the bush.4 x0 K6 k/ f$ ]  i! H2 Z, Z5 v

5 I" G" n; N2 Y2 _8 z195. 慢吞吞的! Slow as molasses.5 Z! m* V- ?$ w! ^0 s6 }
* @" t  f- z: M: d8 ~# L- w/ O% S7 t. p" l/ W
196. 很好玩的。 Super fun。
/ F% I% _. C: b
3 I4 |. w9 u+ ]' F0 z2 O* F# d( s197. 祝你好运! Good luck!0 w, z$ ^6 W! b( T
2 m/ i% K; ~7 O
198. 口是心非。 You say it, but you don’t mean it. (可以只说: You don’t mean it.)) ^8 g% x" B$ B5 U
1 F, f0 ]5 C% G3 F: s
199. 乱七八糟。 What a mess!0 _$ L" b  t* H

' S6 |4 `* D2 x. R200. 替天行道。 Carry out God’s will. ! o2 H& U) H/ j5 o! w7 \3 n
; T1 z1 |2 Y% r0 _4 r+ R8 K2 {
201. 下次再聊。 Talk about it next time." C" f8 I1 f4 I" ^- m5 g

6 x3 e  N) J' P1 b$ E4 o202. 我好[怕喔! I’m so scared!  I9 ~  m3 {" E# y' R
" M7 b2 |/ {. k) }, @; l% k2 e
203. 别搞砸了! Don’t blow it.
) G/ u4 z! L( }4 [8 D8 F2 i. F注:本句用来提醒别人别把事情弄糟了,语气通常是轻松的,又是也因为要警告对方而语气严肃。
% o" D1 y0 y" v
! \, H5 J  D. f" a) m/ B204. 好久不见。 Long time no see!9 |- c7 [7 ^1 b: W; ^
" l; L# k# G$ u; U
205. 这样也好。 I guess so.- O5 g1 F7 q6 D: x! M4 M
! V" P4 N3 z$ @( H  X% ~% ]
206. 自找麻烦。 Looking for trouble.7 a$ Q& C1 r; v4 I9 X, c" M+ U) C

2 Y- }( _, w4 V1 Z5 X207. 自讨苦吃。 You’re asking for it. / Asking for it。6 U1 L3 n$ a- P+ I* n: J
, C( D/ W: i( g4 M/ k$ F
208. 不够看啦! 一般般啦! So-so.
, V8 y- p; Z# I5 \" K; s2 Y4 P7 D$ q# U% x5 t, R! p3 G! X& c1 X% l
209. 别来无恙? How’ve you been?, e6 |  h5 h. {) F

* `' |$ i. I% Y2 S0 Y210. 有什么好? What’s good about it? ! N/ y7 k" k  y
注:句中的good改为so good,意思就变成了“一点都不好”。
3 I/ d9 u. i# y; W7 H, Y& J+ d; Y- I( y/ I6 T
211. 社会败类。 Scum of society. (表示很强烈的谴责,通常指无赖、罪犯及下流人物)+ R3 a( Z: w& o! C* u+ {; k/ J/ g, M8 j

  t% r3 X) w4 \4 h% I212. 我在忙啦! I’m busy! (依讲话的口气,话中有不耐烦或忽视对方的意味)
* r5 A% ?4 u, |) @5 p. A9 E8 p6 X6 W/ t7 e7 S$ h* B0 A
213. 放你一马。 Off the hook. / Lucky this time. / Saved by the bell.
/ T* x; z3 h! ]E.g. 1) A: You are so lucky the teacher let you off the hook this time.
* ^$ q- z. i8 d9 c  U6 K2) A: You’re lucky this time. Next time it won’t be easy.& k. [, |- ^4 M% k8 z/ n% J( q
3) A: Why haven’t you finished your work?
+ F. s4 g# g, p  b. O5 |) A% ZB: Well, I’ve been working on…(Bell rings)
9 Q& I; \  Z$ S; R. C' J- g/ _A: Saved by the bell.
6 ~) z$ g, l" Y" B- p: b注:off the hook 本意是鱼脱钩,引申为逃过一劫。Saved by the bell常见于学生因下课铃声及时响起,而逃过答不出问题的窘境,或在拳击比赛中,被打得快输了,但因中场铃声及时响起而得以撑到下一场。
4 T- h2 ]7 \) ^; L3 Y+ z( j" n
/ H6 x# [$ h$ l* A" I( k  Y214. 歪打正着。 Hit the jackpot. (俚语,表示非常幸运或成功)
% {: Q0 y! w+ ?2 L) n* L: ?
1 h  c% b- K- T* I( f' a% Q5 D5 Z215. 别搞错了. Don’t take it the wrong way. (本意是“不要错估形势”或不要因误会我说的的话而生气”。)$ z9 Q# @& \+ x" N

/ M: Y: W% b$ j! c4 e) x216. 别管闲事! Stop bossing me around!
5 F3 ]% P% H; ^+ o0 x6 o注:它的形容词bossy。在不需要帮忙时,硬要帮忙出点子、下命令,就会被说是“You are so bossy”。* e# \9 G( u. f1 }. A: Z) V
. C# y8 l* r9 g* Q6 |0 O' B; _
217. 求之不得。 Want it badly. 5 m( E8 N# s+ f
I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
. z( x$ Y2 S5 [: i6 ]  f注:前者是指想要某物而不惜任何代价,前后句接得通常是I would give anything, my arms, my legs…”等。 而I wouldn’t miss it for the world是指“
% S+ X3 E: Y' a* D
* ]! N. @4 U& k- O# u我一定会去”或“我一定会参加”。# t5 B( [/ S; Z6 w

( i6 t0 _+ o, L1 d! d+ A218. 想开点吧! Take it easy. / Don’t take it so hard.% W. g6 ~/ Z; }$ d6 {/ R* z' f
注:Don’t take it so hard 是安慰别人的话,要人家“不要把事情想得那样糟”,或者是“不要让它困扰你。”/ }2 x/ n; @: u+ H! e! r) Z/ a
  z$ J, L. X" B; ~& u: |2 w4 i+ _
219. 不如这样…… What about…/ S& j3 u8 {% M) l( a) Y1 }
: C) q+ d/ z# B  w% k" X6 t
220. 有口难言。 I can’t say… (指是知道答案,但为了某种原因而不能讲出来。)2 h3 @/ W# t# @+ @

+ A/ t( F! Z+ Y* R221. 你还顶嘴! Talk back. (指回答的态度或方式很不礼貌)
( R3 T! B8 ]! R: P6 Y" `% b4 c' K
222. 我不行了。 I’m done.
8 k$ C) J4 C' D/ @" m4 p$ e注:在以下几种情况可以用I’m done来表达: ①感到太累,不耐烦而不想做某事。② 吃太饱而不想再吃。 ③ 完成某件工作。另外,也可以用“I’m finished.”来代替,意思一样。  F6 h, a* \5 a6 [) _' L3 W4 W

( O) r3 `. |9 U7 W& f223. 我就知道! I knew it! (表示事情打一开始我就知道是怎么会事了)
4 Q" C7 H/ s  V) l; G! L3 \( ?3 }, Z* v% p, o$ M
224. 看得出来。 You can tell. 3 f. V. s0 v# R! Q/ N
E.g. A: You gained weight, didn’t you? You can tell.* Z+ [. V" L. G* u

5 n) j" @' g: J225. 来得及吗? Is it too late? (指是否还有足够得时间)
) ?. w5 ^, l0 nCan we make it? (指我们可否及时完成或我们可否及时赶到)& G# c% a/ M% w! M/ {

; F# H+ X8 [- K& q" `226.不买可惜。 Hard to pass up.
; R) W# @8 U6 mE.g. A: Clothes on sale are hard to pass up.
! ~$ K: W9 i! O( r9 [5 o/ r注:Pass up放弃、拒绝,也就是 turn down的意思。 9 i0 X) F: T* F# |! G$ L

0 K8 }5 {* U  P& f! t6 h5 E" @+ }227.快去快回! Hurry back!
$ n7 X4 g% z  L2 S: C2 F2 ~4 |, G1 \$ p+ P* S" q9 ]3 g
228.你说了算。 Up to you. 9 ^4 t. \& i) k& T5 @
You’re the Boss. Anything you say.# G, Q4 i( N) j* |' i8 o

" r& k6 \& K9 u; v229.放松一下! Relax! . w. {  O" [2 ]

  W' v% i& B  L& v; Y230.习惯就好! It’s fine once you get used to it. / You’ll be fine. 7 S$ @( q# S7 D: r& [* m; c

; _4 |, ?& q( r& C* i/ [231. 自作自受! Serves you right! / You get what you deserve.% ~# n# a0 w0 O; Y( h/ L6 E
. k8 Q) p( |" c6 ^$ W/ ]* {6 s0 a
232. 我急着要。 I need it badly./ n$ K$ k2 |1 E+ U  D

$ w! n  T) G7 p# i233. 说话算话! You can’t take it back! * \) C' O) z- h; o0 _( T4 \; K

7 c6 J  u4 W0 G234. 笨蛋一个! Idiot!
. ^3 }# s4 L6 G2 j* I- K' F) [1 n9 k: V5 W: `9 Q5 k
235. 真没礼貌! How rude! , F( Z. P( F% |
4 s, ?: d3 [8 u2 Z2 u  {
236. 你还嘴硬! Don’t be so stubborn!
0 q5 Y7 V6 w1 J$ P& X  O' f! Ne.g. A: I can do it! Let me try again!
6 U8 F0 u! i4 d% K6 Z7 c; i  DB: You’re injured! Don’t be so stubborn.
  V4 ]; g. @  x' J* f' G
5 f% ?1 m" U0 s237. 借看一下。 Let me take a look-see. (俚语用法)
1 r: B2 c$ u4 }6 y5 f  {Give me a look. (比较正式一点)  f) s. u0 o) Y7 a$ y" p  ~+ w
2 a5 T" @& q0 u; x
238. 可想而知。 Goes without saying. 0 p0 I% x! p7 s, Q! T
. `0 A2 d, D* \$ }  R
: q$ w  R0 ~. ~+ D; l, m239. 气死我了! Makes me so mad!
" |+ P  X, E" U6 lPiss me off! (比较粗俗)
& [7 S& ]- ^7 M* \6 N& F7 P7 C. I" ?. M2 C( O) u3 k
240. 说来听听。 Let’s hear it. . s* W) E6 Z% U6 @) A6 j& u
0 |! d$ r- X1 S+ Q
241. 天要亡我! I’ve got no place to go.
& F) c& a' n3 y9 k/ T4 T. Q5 ]8 V! nI’ve come to a dead end.
: H) e% W2 i# Q0 b1 }8 A. i7 ~& R; R注:以上两句都隐含绝望的语气,其中“no place to go”还带有请求别人帮忙的意思,而“I’ve come to a dead end.”则特别用来形容经过一番努力却仍然失败的情形。! P+ }5 B8 o$ @! n' P7 s
+ F6 ~0 D5 M6 M+ U
242.顺其自然。 Go with the flow.
: m$ t# F5 O0 t( W  J7 B7 O注:俚语,Flow原意是水流,这里用来指就像水会自然流动,事情也会自然解决。
8 M! X9 B2 b0 H  Y9 o6 g1 E
; S: s: u9 f' j' J242. 经济实惠。 Get your money’s worth.
0 L. Y/ S3 T+ y; i
' o7 v- U! F% J$ |! t% m& s( l6 F0 b243. 说来话长。 It’s a long story. (意味着情况过于复杂,难以细说分明)
; }' \  z+ M9 l3 k* ]
3 R) C4 X1 Q! N1 i( w: C6 w244. 无怨无悔。 ( I have ) No regrets. ; n0 r% {$ s' u& ^/ |9 e/ v

, E2 b3 ^5 S- Y) P245. 买一送一。 Buy one get one free. ; l4 z2 t; z$ |* \; y
! n7 h. ~0 ]/ i( M% s
246. 打个折吧! Give me a discount! (Can I get a discount?)
! b# k6 G2 S% G0 N$ _
7 ]$ o. Q/ C  B1 L& B4 L  q247. 血债血还。 An eye for an eye. (语出圣经,原话是:An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
$ H" Z! J/ e* @
* _% \# v- W7 m6 S1 W248. 不知羞耻! Shame on you! 2 E' T/ r4 J' J  O' i

, A0 [  }7 H9 J4 r6 T249. 你省省吧! Save it!
5 E6 ]: u/ U+ A4 x& O2 R7 U: f6 o1 d
' M, _" ?  V/ N2 k250. 看缘分吧! Leave it up to fate(destiny).
0 e* {/ K$ P! @  ~6 ]注:再美国只是偶尔在戏剧性的场合用到这些字,可说是过时的字眼。
& S) G1 q: y# J5 ]* }. s8 y: X5 z
% T# I+ _5 h+ T251. 我支持你! I’ll back you up.
$ ]0 e% _( k6 I- [# P
& ]1 N! p0 i+ J7 p& D252. 马马虎虎。 So-so.! t7 ]! w4 o( v8 s. ]8 @
! k3 z- ^3 |: B. |$ B
253. 真是有缘。 It’s destiny (fate).
9 c4 ~8 ~5 A. e; C* k) S& J  @0 ~/ G+ Q5 r! }7 R5 W
254. 再接再历。 Work harder. 6 F' F3 B  a/ [# N

9 u. S# c1 a8 X3 G6 \9 w255. 白忙一场。 In vain.
/ B+ Y4 l' i/ l9 E; `6 Be.g. I did it all in vain. 指事情结果令人大失所望,语气多是难过,失望或生气的。, E8 j% C% a% o( u' @2 E) ]: q

! _! U2 O' y! M2 Q256. 出师不利。 Get off on the wrong foot. . T8 J. N7 F: G/ C
注:本句表示一开始就遇到了麻烦,走错方向或做出错误的决定,与“get up on the wrong side of the bed.” 意思不同,后者是“心情不好、烦躁”的意思。, E1 d6 \% @* M  V- d( {
3 W$ t( a, q) y, r% d: b
257. 你出卖我! You betrayed me!
2 g% n+ T: h9 k5 ^+ g注:这是对人的严重指责,一般在日常生活中较少有这句话的情形出现。另外,“You traitor!”(你这叛徒),意思与本句相同。
; |* }0 c/ n1 y0 m! v! e  q* p% b* q
258. 一言为定! It’s a deal!# e9 n# w0 H# l$ m2 ]
注:这句话很常见,只要是达成协议或共识,不管是商业上成交了某种交易,8 R( V; S7 G: @& V8 y$ J

1 k$ x  T& ^$ M. [或是和朋友讲定了某件事情,都可用“It’s a deal!”表示
1 c+ q: E! ]9 U# i, b6 i  @0 X* D1 \: c0 d. @
259. 快一点啦! Hurry up!, R4 f0 u0 v; k

7 k! A1 ]5 \+ C' J2 U( ~8 M/ H260. 我不在乎! I don’t care.  i+ f' i, y( F5 x, O' O( w3 D6 f

- s; d" e# f+ a3 {/ f6 K261. 真是遗憾。 What a shame (pity)! Or That’s too bad.5 ~+ k3 A/ W4 n8 C- l- W- ~! u
( s  h! L3 M2 `; j2 @' L
5 字篇
5 R) a2 z: y$ {/ h+ I$ U/ B
' b9 s0 @* ?! l# ?7 a* E) V262. 我怎么知道? How would I know? 0 @1 \& C1 a- d. o
% l! f  M3 J5 U, `0 g/ \2 Z; R9 A' y2 K' h
263. 不关我的事。 None of my business.
! `: E4 H7 K( z8 F
! E0 W/ H5 f# z7 A2 x$ t264. 我是清白的。 I’m innocent.9 j" I7 h8 E: y, c7 W2 v
注:innocent本身有两种意思:①无罪的、清白的 ② 不成熟的、无知的。这% U6 K( u. t  V  |

4 X9 E2 z5 r' h2 }! S* o2 o儿的例句意味着“我和这事无关,不是我做的。”! o  i4 t) z1 N" {

3 g) J  l! c3 [265. 面对现实吧! Wake up and smell the coffee!
  Q; o5 }' ]; N4 B; VFace reality! (较正式)6 x( Z  B2 ~4 {* S# t
4 b' Q6 w$ X2 Z4 O# z/ G7 G. R
266. 笔记借我抄。 Lend me your notes.
, ?, G6 I7 L" h9 `( B
! e* V; A1 h# t& |% p; m* z267. 这不是重点。 That’s not the point. (可在that,not或point上加强语气。$ v$ |- E/ `6 k, }/ O4 ~

; P2 \1 @  L, N7 S) F. f) ?)
5 d2 v0 N) l0 @/ W6 x3 y% M- q  {1 p  s, ~5 q% r& T1 D) W  U) g' |7 _' ~
268. 包在我身上。 You can count on me.& a( u7 I. D* G' ]- b. R+ c
% g9 W' d) K7 T/ A
269. 有钱好办事。 Money makes the world go round.
. Q) s" u9 k4 p. U! l" B# g% X& R+ g1 S& P
270. 别那么夸张。 You’re overdoing it. (中国人常用此句,而美国人很少用)1 {& k  i) u' C
6 B0 a2 Y4 d$ }$ n+ I/ I7 E
271. 不可以偏食。 Can’t be picky (about food).% k% o) _6 u; [
! k. s1 e7 j  C* m+ W7 Y5 ?- I
. T+ p( E1 @! e. j2 ^
注:本句可用choosy来代替picky,意思相同。另外,有一句常用的谚语“Beggars can’t be choosers.”与这句话意思接近,是说人不可以对免费的事物太过要求,也就是“不要得了便宜还卖乖”的意思。3 k$ t! ^2 N3 b
( U4 D1 v9 p- D9 W1 A4 k6 i6 y
272. 行不通的啦! It’s not gonna work.6 Y/ \! g+ z8 z+ t
! N& b( z. ]  m
273. 你这张快嘴! You and your big mouth!
8 z$ n1 U0 [, j& B4 H% p- q7 l/ M9 L2 o) u$ V, g3 e
274. 我快饿扁了。 I’m starving to death. / I’m so hurry that I could eat a horse., W& z# M2 n1 C( }& u. \; M
( C! H( x0 k- S
275. 我快撑死了! I’m stuffed.
. I" j# [7 j. x# C/ t" e# ?3 z/ K- A9 S  Y8 ^
276. 你喜欢就好! As long as you like it. (表示“只要你喜欢,一切都没问题。”的意思)
( H+ {7 Q3 g% b5 l9 _
- i& O8 |- z& e3 u' d+ k6 v277. 怎么会这样? How did this happen? (指你不希望发生的事竟然发生了). c9 z9 \: r: @0 u% x

" f- u0 m4 E3 K' y278. 你在烦什么? What’s bugging you? (如用bothering代替bugging会显得更正式些)
6 m9 H- k. C7 t5 ?
5 J) Q* ]; g3 b' {1 L( y/ U9 O279. 有什么关系? What does it matter? - X# s  }, o9 s$ E# H' Z
注:本句与以下句子意思相同:①What’s the matter? ② What’s the problem? ③ Does it make a difference? + ?+ m$ J9 R" m
0 `8 C" ~. e, g* I" t2 _
280. 一切听你的。 You are the boss. (现在俚语中年轻人也用You’re the man, 意思一样)3 t  S  D* `# l0 e1 J! k

! ?" {' n6 w- _) f281. 你方便就好。 Whatever’s convenient for you. 4 i$ {3 `0 f6 u5 F; O

5 n0 I, s  ~( N282. 我们扯平了。 We are even. (一般用法则是互不亏欠的意思,比赛中用来形容比分相同)9 _9 w. s4 m5 a" o8 U

5 E' x+ n4 x$ q" f* Z+ _! F9 H) X283. 这才像话嘛! That’s more like it!) Q3 \/ {& y1 L, Q8 O

/ P4 Z" x& K" C$ b2 j! w% I0 x/ n8 v284. 跌个狗吃屎! Take a bad spill! - n+ F; t: l  D# j
注:这是俚语,正式用法:falling down in a bad way.) n5 I0 F/ O' B/ U8 ?

+ e' N$ M. h1 j6 U/ L' j! U- w285. 说点别的吧! Change the subject.
4 y% l6 Z* J' a# n0 h; g% a! q& W* W) r& T7 F2 x. m
286. 听天由命把! Let it be! / Leave it be. (指要对方不要担心,顺其自然的意思)0 i7 H6 x6 l5 a  W

9 R* c! u5 n- h$ N4 W5 B287. 三思而后行。 Look before you leap. (Think before you speak)
8 m& Z9 V% Q7 p7 O
9 o% N8 ^; k' ^) k& l- I- E+ D: [288. 你很迟钝呐! You’re so retarded!! R+ O/ ~5 D1 T# p* e& L  w
注:retarded这个字对人很不礼貌,有轻视别人的意思,现在多用“mentally challenged”来代替“retarded”。
7 d$ a$ l' Q. r8 @' t# c! i/ ~- j
8 y; q/ ]8 K, O# W8 j- v289. 你懂不懂啊? Don’t you get it? (本句带有不耐烦或轻视的语气)5 s. Z- G( K: W
4 w+ ?* I* q8 U0 p5 s! f5 |% n& F6 Z
290. 别放在心上。 Never mind.
. A$ q! Z: e9 C4 |; s$ o1 O; u( l! l8 W7 ~
291. 我无能为力。 Out of my control. (control 可用hands代替,意思一样)0 C1 D. C! F" {1 T
2 Q1 X: Q% }5 k4 o
292. 明天在说吧! Talk about it tomorrow.5 u* |+ h# G$ l$ p9 c! W8 d" E; `8 |
# q! r& _+ h: n* n
293. 我走不动了。 I can’t move.  Q$ a, Q: o( t: D9 B- H) v1 T

* w6 h0 z3 W" w8 y294. 你认错人了。 You got the wrong person. (person可用man或guy代替)
% s  l( y9 T; F- b: t/ Y: ^* \0 X0 M
295. 真是受不了。 I can’t take it (anymore) . / t: j5 c% u* U% e+ V0 U# l
2 W' C" D( R5 b4 {8 l' G0 O+ {5 P
296. 你会后悔的。 You’ll be sorry. / You’ll regret it.
" Q2 x5 ^8 e# A* N5 l( A/ m2 g  L+ v1 J* Y6 G! u* v9 j
297. 吓我一大跳! You scared me!% D6 \0 l( j& w0 v9 t! P+ V

8 ^& Q- W' Q. I* s# {! ?2 m298. 你想太多了。 You think too much.4 A$ c3 d2 L* X9 G- c
+ j! l) ]0 D1 j" N. [; ^
299. 说了也没用。 Doesn’t matter what you say.
& e1 `1 m# @0 M7 p( s注:本句意味着对方已做出决定,不管你怎么说都不会改变。* e) Y1 E  k3 e: }
# b. X( }4 S6 q
300. 太夸张了吧! That’s an exaggeration! 4 G" n. H% J7 k# p
Go overboard!
9 {! ~/ R1 b( A注:to go overboard字面意思是超过了船边而掉出去。用来指情况超过了一般范围,太夸张、太离谱了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-10-30 06:06 | 显示全部楼层
% P& W9 z8 i7 `" l  Y' }8 H$ k不过300句, 我看得眼冒金星*&^%$@#!!!!!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-10-30 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
pretty good.
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