鲜花( 22)  鸡蛋( 0)
原帖由 阳光沙滩 于 2007-2-23 11:35 发表
6 w/ R, k0 M# _0 h- f$ G% f/ A0 M2 e/ D+ W# Z4 G7 V9 h
首先,只是就观点讨论, 没别的意思, 目的都是想帮助大家理清思路.
A9 H9 i* G9 s$ T% _4 J# d% x地价, 涨100%, 可以认为是虚涨的一部分, 一旦需求下降, 它就会回到0%.: f, o/ A. Q' O0 M1 v, U
材料, 我没了解, 但比较难相信所有需要的材料平均下来一年涨50%.
6 p( J1 m. l X, S2 G Q6 c; s人 ...
# e. Z1 _% B2 Y1 c. T" b1 G- X- T \
1 }4 Z7 B% ?& }- h) QYour reply makes perfect sense.
, ]% A* o4 X, u7 i/ V9 ?" k" x0 I( n+ X( E# J& T8 ]4 p7 e4 [
LZ said he is an accountat, please let LZ do the caculation. I think he should take the course of Cost Accounting.
/ o$ {; S' j( g& e) E2 n
6 ]8 O9 T2 l, @3 d# F$ ]LZ, please go ahead. You even know that buliders got red last year even though the price of their products had been soared. And you also mentioned your company has been in the market for decades, does this mean the company is well operated? If yes, the only reason that the company was losing money should be the rise of the costs. So, conducting a cost analysis will benefit your company as well. Please go ahead.
: D7 J7 n2 C1 w$ P- h8 X* O5 ]5 m3 }0 F2 t, l
Please tell us what the percentages are for labor cost, material cost, capital cost and lot cost for a new house selling at a price of $1 million.
' R) e& R' b; c8 Z" K, p+ Z
/ z6 C& p {2 g9 ~- bThank you in advance. |