The bank had too much pressure from shareholders. They couldn't give too much discount. And it is getting much harder to approve a mortgage., a: j& Z2 u1 U' n. U
4 f0 a/ ]4 q( p7 |Because everyone wishes to have cheap money, and there is not too much cheap money there. Cash is a rare resource now.
Edmontonian18 发表于 2015-10-24 17:12 : i" `: i6 y% u. vThe bank had too much pressure from shareholders. They couldn't give too much discount. And it is g ...
$ n+ {% D K8 x* F * \' x& x1 D7 o* c5 d理论上,银行设定的利息和股东无关。如果你真能证明和股东有关,那就涉及Collusion了。