鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
Quiet/private small bedroom available for rent from May 1 - August 31. Approximately 10min walk/5min bus rid to the University of Alberta, close to Sobys, Shoppers Drug Mart and Safeway. Very central location, easy to access bus/LRT transportation. Mature students preferred, female non-smoking students only. Please contact Caitlin at 587-984-8495, caitlin2c@gmail.com.
e7 E5 Q" [5 {% q" ]6 P+ b' |% f
4 E. a3 s; |, }: V+ d. [3 OWindsor小卧5,6,7,8月出租,四月底可入住,离大学十分钟步行时间,楼下有多路公交,有sobeys,离shoppers和safeway都很近,楼里有免费游泳池,建设房等。
5 H8 L7 z! J5 e! g7 ]5 k" Y望寻一位易相处,爱干净,安静,无不良嗜好的的女生,价格600,含床、书桌、书架,有意者请联系5879848495,caitlin2c@gmail.com |