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本文来源于http://www.ereb.com/News&Events/LatestMarketStatistics.html,中英文有异议之处请以英文为准。! V9 m' C! F) O4 ^8 Z+ u! z
! z5 T5 L, g; \今年房市季节性的下滑比往年来得晚
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; `4 }/ }/ A, ?0 ]/ e埃德蒙顿2014年11月4日消息,一如今年爱城漂亮的秋季,本地秋季的房市与以往不尽相同。以往秋天的这几个月,房市一直表现的较为低迷,但是今年的销售业绩与以往相比却较为活跃。由于高端价位房子销售量的增加,大爱地区总住宅销售的平均价格保持稳定(同比去年上升了8.5%)' m7 C4 D" h) P: s
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房市的季节性的下滑主要反映在独立房的销售量方面,总销售为850套(校正后为918套),比上个月下降了12%,而仍比去年同期上了将近8%。平均价格由上个月的$436,870 下降到了$426,848, 下降了2.3%。
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而公寓的平均价格为$260,491,比上个月增长了2.6%,与去年同期相比增长了9.75%。 双拼/联排也增长了,为$352,907.
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6 [8 z6 I* s3 j+ e& r2 M在10月份,2049套住宅被挂牌销售,同比去年增长了18.6%。其中1412套(校正后1525套)被售出。总的从挂牌到售出的平均天数比去年同期减少了3天。
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在10月,对价格区间在35万到40万的独立房的保持着很高的需求,总计185套被售出,而挂牌的房子却很稀缺,仅为227套。“今年,我们能看到40万以下的房子在市场上面很活跃。对于这个价格区间需求的人们很有可能需要重新调整他们的预期。因为有很高的需求量,但是市场又较为紧缺,人们可能要等待更长的时间才能找到他们想要的房子。” 埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Greg Steel解释说。
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; d2 Z0 {6 N' Q8 d5 }另外一个很“火”的市场就是超过百万的房子。“从进入2014年便有这样的趋势。上个月,百万的豪宅占了独立房总销售的几乎2%。而去年同一时期,百万豪宅的销售占才不到0.25%的业绩。”Steele 说。 在2014年,总计125套百万豪宅售出,相比较去年为94套,前年仅为75套。- F- j- d& q8 u/ V: g
6 }8 X% E- C* jHighlights of MLS® System activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1) October 2014 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $426,848 | -2.30% | 7.80% | SFD median4 selling price – month | $399,894 | -1.30% | 6.90% | Condominium average selling price | $260,491 | 2.60% | 9.80% | Condominium median selling price | $241,000 | -3.90% | 8.70% | All-residential5 average selling price | $365,520 | -1.90% | 8.50% | All-residential median selling price | $350,000 | 0% | 7.10% | # residential listings this month | 2,049 | -6.60% | 15.40% | # residential sales this month (reported) | 1,412 | -15.60% | -0.49% | # residential inventory at month end | 4,473 | -7.00% | -7.00% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 1,939 | -8.62% | 0.10% | $ Total value MLS® System residential sales - month | $594 million | -11.10% | 8.80% | $ Total value MLS® System sales – month | $703 million | 7.80% | 6.90% | $ Total value MLS® System sales – YTD | $8.4 billion | 9.90% | 15.90% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities). G6 c; J/ r; V
2 Single Family Dwelling
/ C% ^* ]; @7 q5 F5 E3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold 3 p& {1 X$ y2 h
4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices8 | m* U1 g, h6 P
5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
0 L9 a; r( N+ t: `6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales9 d) R3 ^5 c7 _, M# Z8 P' q5 v
3 Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period sales figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. The RAE trading area includes communities beyond the CMA (Census Metropolitan Area) and therefore average and median prices may include sold properties outside the CMA. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®.
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