鲜花( 1394)  鸡蛋( 16)
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1 R, u; D. p( `2 Z; B2014年上半年本地房产销售量较去年上涨9.8%
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埃德蒙顿2014年7月3日消息,爱城人口普查都会区(简称“大爱城区”,包括埃德蒙顿和周边卫星城市)所有房型的总成交量, 相比较去年同期增长了近10%。 根据埃德蒙顿房产经纪协会的统计, 上半年, 总计有11,595套房产通过MLS成功交易,而去年同期为10,566 套。与此同时,房产的价格也在逐年增长,所有房型的的总成交金额从去年的36亿,上升到42亿,增长了15.3%。
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6月份,大爱城区独立房平均价为$435,534, 比上个月下降了0.7%。 所有房型的平均价位$371,839,比5月下跌了0.2%。公寓平均价格为$254,182,比上个月上升了0.6%。
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“今年以来,本市房产平均售价保持着比较稳定的态势,每个月市场小幅波动," 埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Greg Steele说, "但是相比较去年同一时期,平均价格上涨了很多,而且在过去的5个月,独立房的平均售价创下了新的历史高点。”
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在6月,独立房的平均价格为$435,534,比5月最高峰时的价格$438,506下降了一些。但公寓的平均价格比5月上升了0.6%,为$254,182,却依然没有达到去年6月最高峰时的价格$258,383。Duplex和townhouse比5月的价格下降了1.7%为$343,198。所有住宅的平均价格下降了0,2%, 为$371,839。
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% q" S0 z( X9 w5 ]“今年平均房价创高点,促使了一些房主把他们的房子拿出来卖,这使得买家有更多选择的空间,”Steele说。“ 但是,不少房子卖的又非常快。所以买方一定要和他们的房产经纪更好的合作,才能不错过理想的房子。”' w3 c# t8 [9 n$ M
, H6 i I* I2 X; I在6月,平均的挂牌上市到售出天数仅为41天。今年至今为止的平均售出天数为45天。而去年的6月则为47天。
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目前埃德蒙顿房产协会总计有超过3200名的房产经纪人,每年服务超过4万个客户。从Cold lake到Drayton Valley, 从 Westlock 到Wetaskiwin, 房产经纪能帮助客户购买或者出售所有类型的房产,包括住宅,商用,工业物业。5 U. u& a# I) \+ }3 e. P8 ^ X% }* t
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Highlights of MLS® System activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1)5 K' |- F, v$ T3 d! U- y
June 2014 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $435,534 | -0.70% | 5.80% | SFD median4 selling price – month | $412,500 | 0.60% | 8.60% | Condominium average selling price | $254,182 | 0.60% | -1.60% | Condominium median selling price | $239,000 | 1.70% | -0.40% | All-residential5 average selling price | $371,839 | -0.20% | 3.90% | All-residential median selling price | $359,000 | 2.00% | 6.40% | # residential listings this month | 2,963 | -12.60% | 12.80% | # residential sales this month (reported) | 1,961 | -10.50% | 3.50% | # residential inventory at month end | 5,704 | 1.20% | -6.20% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 2,621 | -2.10% | 2.50% | $ Total value MLS® System residential sales - month | $836 mil. | -1.60% | 5.50% | $ Total value MLS® System sales – month | $992 mil. | -2.10% | 7.11% | $ Total value MLS® System sales – YTD | $4.9 bil. | 29.10% | 16.16% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities)7 l; M" W% O l0 S4 Q) k
2 Single Family Dwelling
- Y, \3 G. B" t( M/ V5 `2 I 3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold
% m$ \0 t0 F1 f3 Y5 _* b$ y- q 4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
5 h/ _6 `& j# a2 f 5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses. * g5 x8 F( d( t% W
6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales
- e8 F! t7 ?+ T( t* t3 Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period sales figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. The RAE trading area includes communities beyond the CMA (Census Metropolitan Area) and therefore average and median prices may include sold properties outside the CMA. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®. - H! M/ h4 _( Q: t% A: j/ ~. Q. |
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