鲜花( 53)  鸡蛋( 0)
流光飞舞 发表于 2014-6-3 17:15 
5 m# v, ?/ } L- {* A: X7 C5 u. a这样修完会有效果吗?这种墙上有裂缝在新房中常见吗?我们有些不想要这个房子了。可又担心下一栋新房还可 ...
) b: D: I: `( M, X; m% |( l c% Ushould work, high pressure injection is the best and have lifetime warranty.; d5 z, \! Y5 q3 x R9 [1 O
( S% `4 i! ^6 N" khairline cracks not going all the way through wall is not unusual,
( |( r x( G+ n5 n" Q8 }- N* h y5 q, {
big crack is rare, if possible, I rather back off |