本帖最后由 珠圆玉润2013 于 2014-4-26 01:29 编辑
2 m# j2 m5 p, _
, a8 @% M6 i8 S/ G3 P5---幸福就是享受现在的所有; k) I g( I0 t, L" c5 O
0 ~! n7 h4 p. u* T! [& ]& R人生即是一种选择,幸福同样也是一个选择。有些时候不得不说,生活并没有亏待我们,而是我们自己亏待了自己。凡墙也都是门。7 J6 m, z. ?4 Y6 z& L
我从小就是个快乐的人。我会和动物说话,和花开心。还会做白日梦。 记得自己还是很小的时候,就懂得了如何感觉幸福。那就是一个坐在太阳里傻傻的唱儿歌。那时候也就五六岁吧。我就唱,和喇叭里唱的歌一样。我不知道什么叫孤独。尽管我只和两个七十岁的人生活在一起。 我也没享受过真正的父母亲的宠爱。更加没有别人那种娇生惯养的条件。 我好像生下来就已经和世界上的某种人群隔离,而天生快乐的我,从小就学会了享受自己所拥有的幸福。 0 T$ T3 A! h- `' V C R
我特别娇惯我自己。我总是把自己打扮的漂亮的。五六岁我就知道照一个看不清的镜子。尽管是去和人家要东西吃,我也从来没有过低下的感觉。我总是那么被大家宠着,得到我想要的东西。也许,我天生的哪种天份就好,我本应该活的很悲惨,因为远离父母,姐弟,因为一无所有。可是我童年的穷苦确是我最幸福的财富。我学会很多别的小朋友不会的东西。绣花,做鞋,做鞋垫,织毛衣,做饭,烧柴火,贴饼子,做年糕,炸麻花。虽然我那时很小,可我真的尽我所能学到了最多。 , R3 t; ~3 H7 m% n/ y/ K
我不仅学会了能靠自己靠自己,我也学会了找别人帮忙,向别人求助。因为姥姥是下放的地主婆,没有地。还要被斗。我必需很小就学会要饭才能有饭吃。直到来了加拿大,上了护士这个专业。那真的是苦。 一种难以名状的苦。因为语言。我尽量的去发挥我的情商,和能够相处的老师都处的非常好。可是,还是有个别老师要难为我。我最怕的就是人家给我穿小鞋。因为我不喜欢解释。我一直认为我的离开会让难为我,不喜欢我的人开心。就算我在哭泣,只要她开心。
7 `* n, D$ Y$ H( |我厌倦了去证明。厌倦了所有的游戏。尽管我可以游刃有余的斗到底。可是我真的够了。我让说三道四的老师赢。我想看见她恶毒的脸上展现笑容。正直的老师们一直都在寻找我,我确躲了起来,我不想任何人为我而战。我宁愿就这样落幕。可是我还是被老师抓住了。她和我一起流泪。不让我退学。她愿意为我去找校长,领导。多少老师,就连收费的人都说我冤枉。她们竟然不给我注册新的专业。让我在想两天。那么多老师都可以证明我的口音他们非常的懂。我非常感动。我赢得了这么多的支持。所以我后面的专业会那么轻松的学下来。得到那么多无微不至的爱护。 1 m) [) J! x. U6 x0 W% b( |
7 ^. d$ S; b/ V/ S- `" l( o8 B4 P/ y( I% w
9 e! ]* v" p" y& O v Q) _
9 x+ C& ?7 ]& C7 b! L1 nDear XXXX,
4 ]3 ^! o- f& f0 D @7 Y/ O2 P6 |: S: Z" J% E; [8 \# G
Thank you very much for the support and caring you gave me all the time since you became my instructor. I know how busy you are, so I really appreciated the time you spent with me today, I feel so relieved after talking with you about what really happened in my acute care. This course was the only thing standing between me and my degree, and, as you know, I had a very hard time to explain the wrongs I had suffered to others because I always think I am strong enough to carry on everything. Thanks to you I will continue my program next year. You are the kindest instructor that makes our clinical a great place to learn. I cannot forget the time we were with you.; }% }( Z3 I+ i8 X
Now, I decide to work as HCA first to get some experiences from the hospital or long term care. I hope when I come back to my acute care, my new instructor can trust me that I will not cause any errors and unsafe situation by my accent. If I do not depend on my fate, I think my future work experiences may help me to prove that I do speak English quite well, and I am capable to work as a second language speaker.
6 Q" ~9 E. u0 ?/ Q: v, vI do not have much strength to appeal this program with head office now; I have suffered depression for two months. I have to admit I do need some time to improve my communication if I do not hope the instructor judge me like this. If I have a good attitude of all aspects, I hope God can take care of me, and lead my instructors to understand me as a whole.% K/ d) j3 ?2 j- s. f# i$ m
I do not care about the title of my job; I only hope I can contribute my life to the country, to people who deserve a qualified care. I won’t take the stories I had in norquest as a tragedy. Few comments I have gotten from this program really damaged my health. I thought I need a break to forget all. I am so sorry I cannot help my tears because you are the one I trust. I dare not to open my heart like today because I know It was not an “ok”. I appreciate that you would like to be A reference for me as I am going to apply a health care job soon. I will do my best., _: W7 [; g- f! W7 Q+ n; ^+ x) S
. M) Z2 s) F* r, ISincerely
% l: S9 m3 M7 D/ G. B1 P
( K d; E" W* C9 f% d3 d3 T4 c& G- d8 ]1 H
. v4 Q$ K' E: m$ rWen,( v' a' T5 w- k$ s' @
) n, X3 t. H" I) M6 GI am so happy to have heard your story and so sorry you have suffered so much. I will support any action you take./ `1 k! b! p. G7 q; `
' W- o& R! K1 \1 v- F, ^! @, J$ B
I too have felt depression at the hands of another person’s comments and struggled to find ways to claim my life back. The experience never leaves me, but I draw on it to understand others and to help them. One day, I hope you find a way to use this experience as you help and advocate for others you care for.
' B8 _3 g3 W: m- D; B2 `
/ B0 g9 }- G* d" a9 ?If you are willing, I am interested to explore cultural traditions that may have influenced your actions in clinical. I know you are very respectful of instructors and I wonder if that may have prevented you from seeking clarification of instructions or in feeling you cannot explain yourself? 9 V8 C9 H+ [7 R9 O, N
For your reference, you can use my work address and phone number as in my signature block, but also add my home email and phone in case they cannot get a hold of me,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
$ o* X) D' Z* z8 O: [0 r
% p& Q* W0 e) E9 S7 b H9 ?4 K" [Dear XXXXXX
% {; E5 r/ H0 ~& F$ J3 F- w! {Thank you for being my reference again, I wrote down all information that you provided. I am so grateful that you are interested in my cultural traditions that have influenced my actions in clinical or any conflict.
: y8 |# V" }6 s' ~8 fI believe in Taoism. There is a term called “WU WEI”, which is usually translated as “actionless activity or sitting quietly doing nothing to surrender”, in ancient china, it was regarded as one of the highest achievements or virtues. The real “doing nothing” implies inner non-resistance and intense alertness. On the other hand, if action is required, I will no longer react from my conditioned mind, but I will respond to the situation out of my conscious presence. In that state, my mind is free of concepts.
2 J& q# r* \- K! `( hI understand if we always accept the way things are, we are not going to make any effort to improve them. To surrender is to accept the present moment unconditionally and without reservation. I have lived long enough to know that things “go wrong “quite often. I only need to be practiced if I want to eliminate pain and sorrow from my life. Acceptance of what is immediately frees me from mind identification and thus reconnects me with being. There are certain people they unconsciously attempt to get energy and power from others. If I resist or fight unconscious behavior in others, I will become unconscious myself. It does not mean that I allow myself to be abused by unconscious people. Not at all, it is perfectly possible to say ‘no’ firmly and clearly to a person or to a situation, let it come not from reaction but from my insight, from a clear realization of what is right or not right for me at that moment, let it be a nonreactive “no”, a high quality “no”, a “no” that is free of all negativity and so creates no further suffering. 4 z- G! X/ V9 D6 W& I D+ K
I have talked with her to explain immediately, but she told me her story when she was in Germany where she could not find a nursing job due to her language. As well, she clearly told me that even though I went back school to get my chance to pass my midterm, she still could not let me pass final exam because of my pronunciation. I completely understood what this meant. I also admitted I do not have that fluent speaking as same as a Canadian. I thought there was no need to explain to the head office about what was going on in my acute care; I thought I just need to walk away from the corner of my life. This was my primary. I did not explain all to school to make her bad, or attempted to change her mind. My ego or program were then of secondary importance to me. I thought when I became involved in this argument or explanation that might cause me to prove her wrong. Then, I might hurt her egos as same as she did to me. I made it conscious by acknowledging it, by feeling it as fully as possible. I suddenly realized that I had a choice, and I decided to drop my own reaction –just to see what happens.
+ G; b' s7 x5 kI surrendered. I said nothing to school, and dropped the course without a word. I do not mean dropping the reaction just verbally by saying “ok” or “I am all right” with a look on my face that says “I am above all this childish unconsciousness” that is just displacing the resistance to another level. , z: s4 Z4 G: }! N, M
In my belief, I no longer need to defend my ego; I became very simple, very real, and honest of my life. Surrender does not transform what is, at least not directly, surrender transforms me. When I am transformed, my whole world is transformed, because the world is only a reflection. Maybe, one day she may realize my English improved.; @8 S% j3 X4 {
I hope one day, I will not suffer and have no pain to accept everything of life. The stories I have experienced from this program are long enough to inspire me to write a novel. All I have suffered that will become a gift of my life.
& w; G( v& E) e* D0 [Thank you for your time reading it. I hope xxxxxxx
0 r) |& p+ A; v, h# }& ^) s( V/ gXXXXXXX
7 ^6 z+ G6 ^4 m" S9 V2 N& O |