鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2014-4-8 10:35
urspace 发表于 2014-4-7 18:21 
+ W+ P! q% ~; C! G3 m3 H在我们小区,没有一户(应该说几乎没有)人家是两个小门。。。至少我没有见到过任何一户人家是两个小门,但 ...
) g6 P. [9 Y, kOf course we are not rich like you can live in a neighborhood that most houses have triple garages. It is very common to have 2 single doors in the area that we want to build.
* Z$ j2 |# \8 I# N- k& g# u
- \ B* G" Z% F: M9 [# }+ |2 `If we go for 2 single doors, they will be 9 ft wide by 8 ft tall.
4 Y% ^: R a9 V- t8 k4 `If we go for 1 door, it will look huge 18 ft wide by 8 ft tall. The entire front of the house will look like nothing but just one big garage door.1 M1 G4 v5 D7 q" J" F
And the garage size is 24 ft by 25 ft.
" B% i+ f. n, s; \9 Y" k
{$ j' D; m5 U( m) p( ZI am not too worrying about how it looks, just wonder for the future potential buyers if we want to sell later. |