鲜花( 5)  鸡蛋( 0)
十五年针灸诊所,固定西人患者,诚聘有经验按摩师,要求2200小时以上资格。。工作时间灵活, 如能在周末及晚上工作为佳。薪金优惠。请电邮简历到officemanager@acucare.ca.4 v5 U1 R+ L8 k6 ^
6 @) `4 w( e0 P* o% Z; }Experienced massage therapist needed in a well established clinic, must have 2200 hours program. " A9 T3 l) k& Z3 W, [5 `9 ]! p# {
Customer service oriented, motivated person and team working required.
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Friendly team members and we take care of all the linens, supplies, cleaning and administration - allowing you to focus on what you do best, providing excellent client care./ A5 M, D- r7 F% L# Z
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