本帖最后由 richmond 于 2014-3-15 09:28 编辑 # e% ^! Z7 Z A) M: {0 Y, Z* G2 B( T6 Y6 \
邻居的地主想把 他们的空地从 zoning RA7 改成 DC2, 一旦rezoning成功, 他们将在空地上建四层高的55岁以上的年长者公寓。% S9 q& j7 W" @; r5 k E
写信问我意见, 要我在四月四日前答复。0 D" a7 R$ D) G" ?7 C: ~
- A) I( h4 v4 u8 `( O* j5 mDC2: A direct control provision with site-specific land use regulations to address circumstances that would be inappropriate or inadequate given the existing or future surrounding developments and the interest of the applicant and the public, : p2 d! j g+ j9 N6 ]
5 L8 U# ]3 \/ E- h. `( [, z
到底是啥意思?5 M' V: o# P# r