埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-29 16:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 北上太子 于 2013-12-29 16:54 编辑
4 _2 D# C7 L3 n3 E( x. b
0 m' s( I* S3 J7 `, t           ( t2 O7 a: G( x0 g# K0 ?

; l- H; b/ Q1 r+ k  a7 {             e33664b80fa34f939f8e6ea23e535e7c.jpg      
( l6 b) i' d1 X6 p. S- P2 W  J$ B/ P( L* d% R1 y2 T; V
& b) z8 @8 k# C/ \
1. If you don’t take the first step, you’ll never do it.3 T' j5 i% N  ~- r) I& H
如果现在不踏出第一步,以后更没可能" b6 {4 t' p/ M9 x0 Z, `
It’s so easy to get stuck in this cycle of “I’m going to go — I can’t go right now — I’ll go next year — I’m going to go,” and never get out of it. There is, after all, a lot of logistics that go into getting out there and seeing the places you’ve always wanted to see.
6 J$ A! p8 l2 N  {人们很容易陷入这种怪圈:“我要去旅游,但现在不行,明年吧,明年我就去。” 可到最后也没成行。反正出门旅游的途径很多,总有办法去那些一直想看的地方。: t7 m, ]' B; A! r, H
If you’re looking for one, there is always an excuse not to get those tickets. But the second you take the plunge and decide that you’re actually going (and making the painful-but-necessary financial investments to do so), everything else has a tendency to fall into place.6 C" {, o! B; D7 `5 e- Q
" Z% t4 {" T) a5 c! P& Q- j8 j/ J+ \# i) O* Y7 a, @4 @9 X% `
2. It’s less expensive than you think., K; H6 ~' J  t/ t
0 Z8 y8 y1 L6 \# q: t( ]! |1 `While the purchases of things like tickets are always going to sting a bit, there are so many ways to make your travels feasible to do on the cheap.! k: D( L, {- |4 y9 g9 X
; K" `: ^# f$ x: r+ c; YIf a hostel is too pricey for you (though there are many which offer beds at 15 bucks a night or even less in major cities), couch surfing is a wonderful option. If you don’t know anyone, check any of the many websites which organize couch surfers. Speaking personally, I and almost all of my friends in Paris have hosted couch surfers at one time or another, because we understand that it’s a city so many people want to see at some point, and we don’t always have a ton of disposable income to do so.)/ \# Z4 k5 |) y6 Q
/ D% A, V3 W4 q8 c4 pIt’s actually incredibly fun for hosts to meet new people and be able to see their city through new eyes. They can also help you eat cheap, local food and shop places where you won’t be another ripped-off tourist. It’s win-win, and practically free. Of course, it’s always encouraged that you buy a meal or bottle of wine for your host, and help with chores when possible — but still, that’s nothing compared to a hotel.  Z1 s1 o* v  O2 i: K
其实,能结识新朋友并用全新的目光参观他们的城市是件非常有趣的事情。他们还能帮你吃到便宜的地方菜、买到便宜的东西,让你避免被宰。“沙发客” 旅游非常廉价,是双赢的旅游攻略。当然,建议你送主人一瓶酒或请主人吃顿饭,可以的话帮忙做做家务。不管怎样,这要比住旅馆省钱有趣多了。
) D5 {) _+ |8 c+ ~3 F: Z0 y# O+ @! A1 O. h
3. You don’t ever have to be alone.
5 J2 x; A8 t# g+ \旅游无需落单
6 Z: e# U: H! WWhether you meet people in your hostel, stay on someone’s couch, or join an online travel group before you go which organizes meetups for people passing through the city, there is never a reason to be alone while traveling if you don’t want to.. K6 ~! \3 [4 q& [# G
& B: o4 B' l/ X' ^Being young and in a new city is one of the easiest ways to meet tons of people, and gives you a million things to talk about in every conversation with a stranger. It’s a time you don’t have to be afraid of first impressions, or the baggage of your life back home. Everything and everyone is a clean slate, and you can meet as many people as you want on your journey.
9 }+ @& a5 J6 Y年轻人在陌生城市很容易认识各种各样的人,随便跟谁都能有聊不尽的话题。而且这种情况下你还不必介意什么第一印象或回家后的生活烦恼。一切人与事都是新奇的,旅途中你爱结识多少人就能结识多少人。
% L; Q+ }- G3 C7 E: Z
8 V% s" ]1 `. _# q- \" L" ^+ j4. But you can be alone if you want.5 ]4 m2 I/ O* p$ l: T' C
如果你想,一个人的旅程也不错/ i7 k7 p! G, P/ [0 m
If you are more interested in spending some alone time, however, there are a million ways to go about that. You can just leave for a day and go wander around a new city, taking everything in and being at peace with your own thoughts. You can take pictures or sit down in cafes and write about everything you see, and don’t have to be on anyone’s schedule. It’s rare that we get these kind of moments back home, and we owe it to ourselves to have them once in a while, if it’s what we want., @8 a% C: ?0 ]/ P  j
% y) I& G5 Y1 \4 T: Z* x" }+ K. H: X+ w" N& Y  M
5. Plane travel is an adventure in itself.
# }2 |$ T& e7 {* o# A' Z+ S2 J, G- u飞机旅行本身就是一种冒险
0 q$ a5 O( m1 p. M" [5 W4 e8 JJust the act of getting in a plane and feeling it take off, or navigating the byzantine chaos of an airport in early morning, can be a thrilling experience that we easily forget we can have. There is something terribly frightening but also wonderfully life-affirming about the moments before takeoff, or the glimpses of patchwork fields you can get from over the wing.$ |! @6 w) k; M8 {
- p. V+ E9 s7 G, l+ I/ K8 pEven the often-disappointing selection of airplane food becomes something wonderful and exotic when you’re going somewhere you’ve been dreaming about for years. It’s a moment that means you got out, that you overcame the false starts, and that something new is waiting for you.$ F* ]) v; g; I5 K/ ]6 D0 i
当你前往梦寐以求的目的地时,就连不甚如意的飞机餐都变得既可口又充满异国情调了。这是你克服障碍动身出发的时,前方是未知的一切在等待着你。4 D8 S) @6 C% d( b( a& I' K/ H

& K) V3 h0 d5 i+ h4 R8 N
- j! y( m7 n8 ^3 H3 v( x1 P
  I, U% n5 k* i0 z' T" X6. Once you get there, moving around is easier.# I/ _( V/ U5 f  S
既已抵达,游览便容易多了) b+ ^( C  W" g, r/ M& f" w
Take, for example, Europe. You come primarily to see Rome, but you want to get around and see other things. Between cheap train tickets with the 12-30 discount cards, incredibly cheap airlines that hop between European cities, and car shares that are easily accessible online and can cross entire countries in a few hours, there are limitless ways to get from one place to another once you’ve already taken the leap across the ocean.( f- N5 b1 a' o; U
就拿欧洲来说,刚开始你主要是想参观罗马,但很快你就想到周边看看别的了。既然有优惠12-30%的火车票卡、欧洲城际廉价班机、网上拼车花数小时纵览各国,只要你已经迈开第一步,就有数不尽的方法从一个地方玩到另一个地方。5 X# s) T, G& A9 v
Whichever continent you’re headed to, though, you’ll find that (in many ways thanks to the internet) the means of shorter travel to make the most out of a single trip are growing exponentially every day.
! b0 o. s) d, R" V1 f& J+ g不管你去哪个洲,你会发现,因为互联网的普及,一次旅游中的短途游玩方式已经日见增多了。+ f# x2 m* n/ P5 O; m' O
1 [. p8 i* m) @4 p$ H5 q, e4 r7 e, D
, G# R% m( e. T' O( ^2 q
& U1 z, ~) f  i2 [8 E% @: V, p7 a2 Y
* s7 Z' a# `: d4 u9 _* M' I
7. You never know what will happen when you get there., q+ I. |% p8 A# b- a# ?! X; [4 ^. e
: W% A- A- E/ W" n# `* VIt’s so cliché, but it’s said often for a reason. You can spend years rationalizing how you aren’t missing that much by not going, or how you don’t want to risk not having a good time, or that you won’t know what to do when you get there, but the truth is you have no point of reference.
4 [  m4 b. y+ o7 y/ x虽然有点老生常谈,却也不乏道理。你可以年复一年地说服自己“不去旅行没啥大不了”、“去了不好玩才没劲呢”,或者“你去了也不知道干嘛”,但事实却是你这样说毫无根据。# t7 a; ?% O- Z/ C, J0 i2 E* F
The amount of incredible things that you could happen on your trip is literally unimaginable. You can say that you don’t need to see it, but you really have no way of knowing exactly what you’re missing out on.
0 a5 f3 u7 e0 c旅途中可能发生的奇妙事情绝对不是你能想象得到的。或许你会说你根本就不想要什么奇妙经历,但这样你真的会错过很多很多。( @' m* x7 f+ S: w& x9 q1 Q
. I8 w' j, S, h( |# H, W" d
8. You will invariably learn something about yourself.6 N: w1 r+ o5 H* a5 ]$ t$ \
你总能更加了解自己+ H3 r6 t% M5 z% k
It can be as simple as, “I can navigate a foreign city by myself and get around with a language book full of only useful phrases. I can use my limited skills to get good food, accommodations, and meet new friends.” Even this is an incredibly important and affirming thing to know about oneself, and the only way to learn it is to get out and see what happens when you try.6 B- q4 k# F0 o  l  J
# Z  Q6 r" ]# ]) ~, P0 }$ \
0 `$ I, p- F! p; O9. It’s good to get out.6 i" d- E* a% S1 T
  u# D1 _% H" B! c2 q$ v+ HNo matter how much you love your current place of residence, it’s just all-around a good thing to get out every now and again and see some new surroundings. You are able to put some comparison up against the corner bars you are used to, the restaurants you frequent, the architecture you’re surrounded by, and the public transportation you use every day.4 ~# q7 t% |  `5 f# {$ \" R
3 W: F0 k' A2 WWhile you may end up finding that you prefer where you came from, it’s nice to see just how much of our own cities we take for granted as being universal, and even how the buzz of a city around dusk can feel completely different in a climate which is almost identical. Cities have their own lives and personalities, and we sometimes forget that ours is far from being the only kind out there.4 D# M3 W( v5 a0 i7 n
或许最后你发现自己更喜欢原来的地方——这样也好,原来一直这么理所当然地住在自己的城市,而黄昏时分城市的喧嚣就算是在相同的气候下竟也有迥然不同的韵味。城市各有各的生活与特征,只是我们常常忘了外面的世界很大很精彩。& A  L# [4 U) I4 z
! }9 w, p5 r0 r# }; c+ ~& @
10. There are so many people you haven’t met yet.
# M2 i  |3 O/ K还有很多人等你去认识
; X6 r3 x1 j2 zMaybe you won’t meet the love of your life waiting to cross a street in a foreign city. Maybe you won’t have a whirlwind two weeks with them where you explore your new environment and learn the first fumbling steps of a new language. Maybe you won’t end up remembering this city for the rest of your life as the place where everything wonderful first began. But maybe you will, and that’s reason enough to go.
% h0 _0 o* h4 W* Q. a2 _* l或许你不可能在异国街头邂逅你的至爱伴侣;或许你不会来一场闪电恋爱跟他们交往两周,但旅行的乐趣在于一边探索新环境,一边结结巴巴学习新的语言;又或许以后你再也不会记得这座曼妙旅程拉开序幕的城市,但是或许你又会,所以你一定要去旅行。
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-29 17:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 北上太子 于 2013-12-29 22:01 编辑 " V  W* x/ p. Y# A
4 X4 A. |; X1 J3 F4 K  e6 x
在路上 - 刘欢
4 }5 e3 z' {6 h) J8 N$ L0 h& U) w. d# e" Q/ j+ N3 F
词:王利芬,张瑞敏1 j" ~$ _- u5 T- W
* P9 I1 B* a1 K- B7 w5 F: U
4 M1 S( F  A: K# b7 [: a2 L$ S" H6 y
, Q+ |+ J4 _& a3 D2 a; l/ v
  Y! ~# O1 x" j8 w# S+ C( @
8 s4 d5 |+ t9 I+ z7 \
' ^# C# U, l! o" g/ Y+ Y7 R4 g
% m$ z: }; e6 V: s% @' w. y
+ Y7 m5 L2 i) y( n我不得已上路' D; P  h5 z! G: [6 `
% r) H: [! k3 g) y* u3 t% ?/ B

4 F7 S& }# l& O/ M7 ~7 j7 ~. [. Z' }
: g2 z7 }0 h  Z5 B  O7 X  {. L
0 C# C3 _0 n6 R; c  {2 h
; `0 I2 y$ Z+ T. ]1 ]
* n' \$ W1 i! b( I. y- Q为自尊的生存
! u& r3 Y1 ^2 Y; x' H& ]* A4 `) O4 Z- {! N& g8 ?
! X2 h$ G+ ^  _0 S' Z: n/ k

. T; b# ^1 U* ~  k0 d0 B1 K( }为自我的证明9 i, Q) V; q0 x, J4 s8 |1 D

3 t: I2 ~0 F0 W3 R: u: J路上的辛酸已融进我的眼睛
# W' y. ^  ]  l/ t
; Z% Y- q& |+ I! @& I; r心灵的困境已化作我的坚定# a7 a: I! O, D# W% S
5 i- R  T6 H& b' P
在路上 用我心灵的呼声
- p- e  t" x6 R" _4 \+ p- U) S7 f; j, t6 ]
在路上 只为伴着我的人
3 m( T: u7 M) H4 ?9 {+ `5 L7 s6 j$ y
在路上 是我生命的远行' m( M* O4 M/ k  y9 H7 C
$ o" x; W. b: K* w! v
在路上 只为温暖我的人
& c8 W# g( _) H  W7 z7 D; k- p' Z
) }% ~" F  S2 M# S
9 i" C- G. j, j9 d6 {
" I. X' S. q0 g, P温暖我的人' }& g" d  s# H5 O2 Q. M; g
7 L, d7 r* i+ u) y
; E4 M# v% i0 d
* r7 R3 E' C; E* `; n8 V
( X- z3 t/ O& Y. L
8 ?1 `$ ?8 R+ S我不得已上路1 l% L% `' h1 y# j! R

$ s# @7 {' X/ M6 T1 h# B# k0 ]) w" ^+ a( c
: n$ s( x; p  U4 w$ [2 M  R6 n0 A/ i' _$ R: H7 L0 K! t
: g: K+ ]7 D8 r  \9 @! f( d+ |! D
- ?) w% y! |5 V3 I* p- [/ H& ]4 O' I6 W

4 e8 i; o1 [* F( ^  `为自尊的生存
! Y, J2 j6 ]0 Q" r5 s3 v/ i; I# j5 l% s) o
" b: `$ C* t  @% I4 C
" D4 Y; ^8 `0 D6 T
- d9 a/ q# Z0 f) e; x
$ j4 r, k; y6 k路上的辛酸已融进我的眼睛
# k. L4 @& T7 l4 }( t, C" u& ~: G! u/ X# o- K
( T" J: F' x* C( \3 U( O* Y% t" ^' g; i2 ?3 ~) \. i0 Q/ p
在路上 用我心灵的呼声
# ]4 Z: C) K  R4 v+ [' E: y4 B& t9 V  _. d, h. ^
在路上 只为伴着我的人3 [4 x- B6 J- a+ N7 ?8 e) z+ `

1 ~7 g3 T" x- E* `$ i在路上 是我生命的远行
% X- t6 Z$ g) ]& z" d5 _" K; _5 O% m* O
$ ]% H% ^5 z4 U8 w4 g在路上 只为温暖我的人; Q* X$ J, v* b* r7 d" z
& Y( h+ ~- b' m0 n

0 Y$ f" j& ^' q6 S  J
9 Y3 K5 c0 h& J$ G" n( F温暖我的人
0 k2 t" l9 l# N* K2 e7 Z) C: O/ X. n: b; S: S
在路上 用我心灵的呼声8 }6 _. w' S+ S7 ?' [/ \6 G: F
' i+ F- p/ F) S% X+ B) o# m! x
在路上 只为伴着我的人
4 M. f: ^' F  E$ u* ]4 G# t+ G" I$ y/ n6 m; R; l
在路上 是我生命的远行- }% H* Q" Q* x3 Q# p& ]: c

% y# R, B1 S0 |3 Z在路上 只为温暖我的人  |( ~% B- j$ ]: A# w& b
* H3 ^6 l" @0 _2 K8 B4 }$ S" g- F
. |0 C" v2 ]2 J3 m
6 F4 _# D3 _" b0 B! ~
温暖我的人              2 q! T( a' h4 P" i: H5 V

8 K9 z1 o% Y0 c7 M# E; p
/ C9 T2 {& H7 ^% }3 T9 a7 N
6 n- p& y- v7 Z; }0 {# A3 ?% S
鲜花(1283) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2013-12-29 18:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2034) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2013-12-29 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(1005) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2013-12-29 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
今年我出去了4趟, 1月份回中国和老妈呆了3周的时间,2月份去了Las Vegas,great canyon(4 days).6 i& O0 O! C/ N5 R  B
5月份去了WA state and Or state(4 days), 10月份去了Seattle and Victoria(4and half days)
% c) Y( |) u- [2月份回来 took an offer, E& b6 D: i, E3 S1 g6 q+ C
5月份回来May 21 started to new position,挺累挺忙的,但非常开心
鲜花(792) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-29 22:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(63) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-29 23:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-12-30 02:39 | 显示全部楼层
marie 发表于 2013-12-29 21:12 / K! p3 ~% I* f" l2 h- p
今年我出去了4趟, 1月份回中国和老妈呆了3周的时间,2月份去了Las Vegas,great canyon(4 days).
2 E( h$ @3 H% W3 E! j7 ^* X5月份去了W ...
3 i6 H( j% \+ a/ ?! W: M1 x) k; r
好开心呐! 希望能看到你的照片奥.
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-30 09:50 | 显示全部楼层

6 p0 _: {$ o( G* u& ^6 i; L1 w
( [* M7 Y0 |4 r# L& F+ q  2013    一去了冰湖看气泡,深入河底看凝固的瀑布.二随花仙子等浩浩荡荡高歌猛进去了BC省观海踏浪 三去看了爱城郊外的油菜烂漫花海徜徉....四随摄影色友又去BC看枫叶舞飘飘,看苍鹰搏击蓝天,雾失楼台,旷野觅佳境.五:去深山宿营看银河若冠,感斗转星移,观宇宙苍穹!
8 }( l1 l1 k- H( d4 w   2014 继往开来,身随心动,勇往直前,行者无疆!酷到肌无力,心麻痹!
鲜花(2034) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2013-12-30 21:39 | 显示全部楼层


茶水  在2013-12-31 22:47  送朵鲜花  并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-30 21:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 北上太子 于 2013-12-30 21:49 编辑
& J, s$ P) Y( @- \8 I
圆梦 发表于 2013-12-30 21:39 7 M( u1 k! d; K$ S! g
* V- |2 d+ R& Z  C
# e0 h! e4 ?* F$ ~3 W. v% y& X
' x3 }+ l; ?$ V& ~4 i' t5 ^5 b% g" d; }3 x

' G9 g, M6 X+ v9 F; W" Bhttp://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... &extra=page%3D1http://www.edmontonchina.cn/foru ... &extra=page%3D1" [- {5 `" K* J# Y3 U( z- D0 G1 `; m

# M9 \& u, y- Q0 [; y打开上面的连接, 其中有详细说明. ) T9 F$ B* R' m9 d6 m
9 y) d- Y$ \6 L/ g
' _$ w9 S) G) c0 Y. Z
鲜花(1624) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-12-30 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 北上太子 于 2013-12-30 22:04 编辑 % p' M' A7 L8 M/ E
; V  w  w: n* Q+ S
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6 c) t9 h$ O4 y" A
1 I" e$ m3 f! ]% [
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