all furnace should have air filter. but if you really can't find it (assume you looked at the right places), then maybe the previous owner didn't bother to put one in.
i'm guessing your furnace is lennox. it has 2 panels. the one on top is the gas burner/pilot light. the panel on the bottom is most likely where the filter is installed. remove the top panel first (by sliding it upwards) then remove the bottom panel by also sliding it upwards. it may seem tight when you try to slide it up, just use a bit of force and it'll move. don't worry, you can't damage anything
NEB 发表于 2013-11-5 08:27 ; y- z( x: m- J- D- h& T: l* Ui'm guessing your furnace is lennox. it has 2 panels. the one on top is the gas burner/pilot light. ...
natson 发表于 2013-11-5 20:28 ( R I. H9 C B/ `' V
) ^. w& u$ A7 P) x8 \
you can re-use it maybe once or twice by washing it, but it's cheap to replace too. if you don't know how long it's been in there, I would suggest you to replace it this time and then in the future, you can wash it a few times to save some $$