鲜花( 1394)  鸡蛋( 16)
" z# V. a/ Z* k6 R% F# h
7 C, j5 E1 q# `; Z年中回顾显示房市稳定3 ]! F+ v( E4 B4 ^3 w; h/ z
7 D% q) M3 t) `7 ]9 n
9 i' a4 ?/ s! r1 o( u% i埃德蒙顿2013年7月3日消息:在今年的头6个月,大爱城区房价呈现稳步缓慢增长的趋势。据埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会报道,与2012年12月31日相比,所有住宅房平均价上涨5.6%。与去年6月份同期相比,则上涨4.2%。
+ }5 t1 {+ a% ?) u* {- e0 i$ ?& u; M, G
“总体来说,爱城的经济形势良好;这也反映在当前的房市上,” 埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Darrell Cook说。“今年头6个月,房价缓慢增长;目前没有迹象表明,经济形势的稳定会在短期内发生改变。”/ {( n) O# P% {7 W
r8 R, X: D/ C; l* G3 Y6月份,大爱城区所有住宅房的平均价为$359,631,比上月上涨0.8%;独立房的平均价为$412,269,与去年6月的$402,840相比,上涨2.3%。Condo的平均价也出现同样的增长趋势,为$261,854,而去年同期为$240,822。
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0 U( P6 t" w5 `* U# L在过去的两个季度,MLS系统上住宅房的库存量有所增长,现在的库存量为6,078。尽管如此,目前的库存量仍然低于去年6月底的6,435各单元。# r# Z( f% G% X! [$ v+ r6 M$ r6 o
3 h, p9 L/ X" X
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从年初到至今,所有住宅房的的销售量为8,664个单元,与2012年的8,792个单元相比下降1.5%。6月份,大爱城区所有住宅房共售出1,840个单元,而去年6月份为1,800。独立房的销售量为1,080个单元,比去年同期下降4.9%。由于价格低端独立房房源的短缺,今年头6个月Condo的销售量增长,今年6月共有470个单元售出,而去年6月为536个单元。Duplex/row house共售出116个单元。
4 m$ Z8 V6 Y1 Y# k8 ?" \. C3 _: ]4 k- g4 }7 L, c( Z8 e/ s
6月份,所有住宅房从挂牌上市到售出的平均天数从5月份的45天增长到47天。销售量/挂牌量的比例为63%,而上月为53%。# r9 y( a8 p! M8 O* o* A% Y, x
1 P; r7 o: U! ]8 D/ K
MLS® System Activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1)
+ S; d: K" n' o- XJune 2013 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | 412,269 | -1.40% | 2.34% | SFD median4 selling price – month | 380,000 | -2.00% | 2.15% | Condominium average selling price | 261,854 | 10.18% | 8.73% | Condominium median selling price | 242,500 | 6.36% | 6.83% | All-residential5 average selling price | 359,631 | 0.79% | 4.17% | All-residential median selling price | 338,475 | -0.30% | 4.07% | # residential listings this month | 2,710 | -14.99% | -0.77% | # residential sales this month | 1,704 | 0.89% | -5.33% | # residential inventory at month end | 6,078 | 0.83% | -5.55% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 2,306 | -2.49% | -5.61% | $ Value Total residential sales this month | $720 million | 16.40% | -8.95% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales – month | $840 million | 0.35% | -0.40% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales - YTD | $4.11 billion | 28.40% | -0.01% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and municipalities in the four surrounding counties)
0 {; b3 B' O' l" v: U 2 Single Family Dwelling; i- g5 E/ X: C- o
3 Average: The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold + V7 }7 E2 z' D: Z
4 Median: The middle figure in an ordered list of all sales prices
& H( ]0 B( H) l+ _* H" u 5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses
1 b, l4 R7 d& \1 o9 t4 ? 6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales* g( w& q% _4 _; C6 X# f& a6 D
3 Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period sales figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. The RAE trading area includes communities beyond the CMA (Census Metropolitan Area) and therefore average and median prices may include sold properties outside the CMA. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®. : S1 Z5 ~& {/ @/ |) F