鲜花( 1394)  鸡蛋( 16)
2 }/ B+ W. P: h& C- T/ Z7 X$ O7 H: ^5 O8 s! K6 Y
5月份爱城房产销售减缓# n# m8 M: T6 S' r( z
7 e* K2 Q, |0 l9 I7 q& W
0 p& c7 L: Y) F2 `# c 据埃德蒙顿房产经纪协会报道,5月份大爱城区房产销售减缓。与2012年5月相比,今年5月房产销售下降10%。独立房同期相比销售量下降14.4%,Duplex/Townhouse下降20.3%。与之相反,Condo的销售量却比去年同期增长了4.9%。5 `0 f, x0 i! }7 V& y! C4 S6 z
/ [6 T* \3 @* p+ z7 F4 S6 T “目前房市依然活跃,但很多买家有困难找到他们满意的房子,” 房产经纪协会主席Darrell Cook说.“虽然库存量在增长,但与往年相比还是偏低;在价格低端的有吸引力的独立房房源尤其短缺。这样的情况阻挡了一部分买家。初次购房者不得不转而买condo,从而也能在他们的预算范围内买到合适的房子。”
! L5 M, @; j* ]3 O. O 预计5月份有1,169个独立房(实报1,082个)和512个condo(实报474个)通过MLS售出,共计售出1,824个单元(实报1,689个)。7 N# N; d9 ]' ]( e
: Z- h: G( h: M5月份挂牌量增加,有1,969个独立房(年增长1.3%),963个condo(年增长0.3%),共计3,188个住宅单元通过MLS挂牌上市。5月底,库存量为6,028,而上月为5,294。
8 g3 r/ V3 U) [/ |- S: X/ ?1 G 对房子需求量的增加已促使爱城房价上涨。5月份,所有住宅房的平均价为$356,807,比4月份上涨2.4%,比去年上涨1.3%。5月份独立房的平均价为$418,110,上涨3.9%,但condo的价钱比上月下跌2.4%,为$237,664。与去年5月相比,condo的平均价下跌3.97%。
% t$ ]: u) r+ D# `# R, y
# S# R" R5 k* O* j4 x0 @4 ? “高端房价区市场活跃也促使独立房平均价增长,” Cook说。“同时,在condo市场,买家有很多选择,从而使condo的平均价下跌。目前,在不同的房价区间仍然有供每个人选择的房子,但买家必须调整他们的期望,才能在目前的市场里买到房子。房产经纪能帮助买家找到符合需要的房子。”
, n9 y$ I$ e) X4 e, \' r7 n& u# w
1 e( w- m- m7 o; _8 P5月份从挂牌到售出的平均天数为45天,而销售/挂牌比为53%。; T( l2 M" I* z1 j
% l! k& \6 {& q: B3 OMLS® System Activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1) May 2013 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $418,110 | 3.94% | 5.35% | SFD median4 selling price – month | $387,750 | 2.31% | 3.40% | Condominium average selling price | $237,664 | -2.40% | -3.97% | Condominium median selling price | $228,000 | 0.00% | -0.87% | All-residential5 average selling price | $356,807 | 2.37% | 1.32% | All-residential median selling price | $339,500 | 1.34% | 2.11% | # residential listings this month | 3,188 | 15.13% | 1.59% | # residential sales this month | 1,689 | 10.90% | -9.97% | # residential inventory at month end | 6,028 | 13.86% | -6.67% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 2,365 | 17.43% | -8.83% | $ Value Total residential sales this month | $719 million | 16.88% | -7.62% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales – month | $837 million | 17.91% | -8.95% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales - YTD | $3.2 billion | 14.13% | -10.67% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities)3 N. k. y/ q8 U8 G5 y
2 Single Family Dwelling
) d3 |! y$ p4 K' _" H7 | 3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold
5 B2 c( X2 O; O$ G. s- s 4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
$ D. @; B S; M* T2 g8 I/ K) P# F/ y! C 5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses. , `; {( k3 j6 f" n3 i
6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales
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