鲜花( 1394)  鸡蛋( 16)
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A2 ? a9 u/ U9 s( ~! k本文来源于http://www.ereb.com/News&Events/LatestMarketStatistics.html,中英文有异议之处请以英文为准。% |' l/ W7 p) F- m
4 D+ J8 t) G6 l% j2 Q
埃德蒙顿2013年5月2日消息:今年爱城春天的到来比预期晚一些,虽然3月份平均房价有个出人意料的上扬,大爱城区4月份的平均房价与3月相比相比却有所下跌。据埃德蒙顿房产经纪协会报道,4月份所有住宅房(包括独立房,Condo,Duplex和rowhouses)的平均价为$348,535,与3月份相比下降1.8%。但与去年4月份相比,仍上涨了2%。7 B! [ L4 I# F7 s
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“每年的第二季度一般是一年中房产交易最活跃的时候,” 房产经纪协会主席Darrell Cook说。“买家和卖家都希望在9月份开学前完成交易和入住新区。”每年大概有33%的交易在4,5和6月份完成,而第3季度为25%,第4季度为19%。4月份爱城共有1,645(实际上报1,523个)单元通过MLS售出,而去年4月份为1,656个。
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4月份独立房的预计销售量为1,037个单元(实报960个单元),比去年同期下降4.4%;而Condo的销售量去比去年同期增长了4.1%,为459个单元(实报425个单元)。Duplex/Rowhouse售出118个单元(实报109个单元),比去年增长15.4%。+ g* _" V D; x' c0 ~ T
* t5 z/ o5 L. v4 x各种指标均显示,4月份房市已经开始活跃。4月份销售/挂牌比上升到55%,从挂牌到售出的平均天数从3月份的50天下降到49天。4月底MLS库存量继续保持相对低的水平,为5,294个。4月份共有2,769个单元挂牌上市,比去年同期上涨0.5%。“每天平均还是有100个房子上市,急切需要买房的买家需要和他们的房产经纪保持联系,以便能及时知道有合适的房子上市。”Cook说。
+ n* X1 p' z& K& ^# _6 d3 b: @8 A# P6 i g
" o" d" U4 b5 ]0 M! c# t5 l, n3 E7 }+ G1 c4月份,独立房的平均价为$402,270,比3月比下降3.5%;Condo的平均价为$243,503,比上月下降1.3%;Duplex/Rowhouses上涨2.8%,平均价为$324,975。需要指出的是,平均价是包括所有房子售价的平均值,因而容易受到该月高价房子销售量的影响。请联系你的房产经纪对你房子的价值作准确的评估。( d; x+ b$ d: T; p- w
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MLS® System Activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1)
* _3 r9 D/ ~1 O$ q. x$ k2 x1 `April 2013 | | M/M % Change | Y/Y % Change | SFD2 average3 selling price – month | $402,270 | -3.47% | 2.88% | SFD median4 selling price – month | $379,000 | -0.26% | 2.99% | Condominium average selling price | $243,503 | -1.25% | 3.45% | Condominium median selling price | $228,000 | -0.65% | 1.38% | All-residential5 average selling price | $348,535 | -1.75% | 2.03% | All-residential median selling price | $335,000 | 1.61% | 2.29% | # residential listings this month | 2,769 | 14.33% | 0.47% | # residential sales this month | 1,523 | 9.88% | -8.03% | # residential inventory at month end | 5,294 | 11.66% | -12.35% | # Total6 MLS® System sales this month | 2,014 | 10.54% | -9.16% | $ Value Total residential sales this month | $616 million | 8.08% | -6.20% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales – month | $710 million | 10.37% | -7.06% | $ Value of total MLS® System sales - YTD | $2.3 billion | 10.24% | -7.35% | 1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and surrounding municipalities)
9 O+ j: C3 z$ v* _8 X$ L. X1 c, \ 2 Single Family Dwelling
+ P9 }: q6 u$ H" z8 u 3 The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold % q: ]; h* c( X# D5 z
4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices: M9 ^+ a+ E2 W- @. o! Q
5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.
6 f, n$ K( T7 E' f# j 6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales
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