使用道具 举报
HWT Maintenance.pdf
2013-1-20 22:09 上传
47.24 KB, 下载次数: 96
ceramistpalace 发表于 2013-1-20 21:12 5 o0 H4 X. o/ Z. l! i) {4 X管道口是指排氣口抑或其他東西,請詳加說明一下
安居乐业 发表于 2013-1-20 22:10 % d7 z; ?1 e5 x4 l I had the same problem as you have. The attached info which I got from the builder may help you.
安居乐业 发表于 2013-1-20 22:10 ( i& D9 _% V; b8 j4 d9 d% t I had the same problem as you have. The attached info which I got from the builder may help you.
安居乐业 发表于 2013-1-20 22:10 7 b: ]( P/ }6 W& n+ W7 ~I had the same problem as you have. The attached info which I got from the builder may help you.
kingsnake 发表于 2013-1-20 21:18 & L& s4 c& ?3 ?$ S* d5 o7 G 冰塊堆積不是大問題。 8 f* [! b* @( ~! {( r看來問題在那個向上的管子,是排氣的嗎?? 。
channel1111 发表于 2013-1-21 20:00 # ?/ k3 w7 P V E$ O0 @0 Q7 r9 H我去地下室瞧了瞧,前2个出气口貌似连接热水器。堵塞的是第一个出气口。5 H% C; ]+ d8 V; Z 安民乐业给的信息好像说热水器出 ...
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