I just did a google search. If you want to take a bus to get there, here is the information:6 D A1 U# H/ C, A
0 |5 I. d2 P$ e
1. From Sougthgate mall, take bus #336 (stop ID: 2208) at 3:15 PM on Dec. 25 and get off at Town Centre Blvd & Taylor Close. Takes about 30 minutes. ( P8 H1 O0 Z8 s
) F6 G/ H. d1 T
2. From Century Park, take #334 (stop ID: 4210) at 3:10pm to Leger Transit Centre then take #336 (ID: 4810) at 3:30 pm or 4:30 pm.9 s p$ I& W2 W& d' A
# T/ q5 Q' a7 t* G0 P8 W# \Or you can just call (780)433-4124 or email pastor.evan.yang@gmail.com to arrange a pick up. Hope to see you there.) k& }8 S* r! \7 i
wendy4 发表于 2012-12-18 10:55 6 w6 J% w2 \5 Q. bI just did a google search. If you want to take a bus to get there, here is the information:/ P" C4 L9 i0 b |! c. |- W