# Y* ]) z9 X4 b" D3 F我在网上找到了1 j# R3 O) i2 f0 K$ M& J
给其他需要的做参考 # b4 M/ [& B/ @* {. a" L- P S7 ?How is the residence requirement for citizenship calculated?2 C! s2 s) |9 `. d. w6 N" p
_/ L7 g& ~, U s eA2: Only the four (4) years preceding the date of your application are taken into account. Within that four-year period: 7 I& b) E% \+ k( T$ lEvery day you spend in Canada as a permanent resident counts as a full day. 4 r& N- P' t+ O2 ]. L8 S8 AEvery day you spend in Canada before you become a permanent resident counts as a half-day. / L, X/ R% e1 T- G) I