埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-10 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
节能住宅是绿色住宅最重要的组成部分之一。所谓绿色住宅通常意义上主要包括场地的选择及设计,使用绿色建材及减少建筑垃圾,室内环境质量,可持续性发展和节能建筑几部分. 其主要的理念包括:场地选择及设计要尽量少的破坏自然环境, 尽量选址在城市的已开发区域进行改建或翻新从而减少占用新的土地, 建筑的朝向要尽量利用自然照明, 提高建筑密度以提高土地利用率; 减少建筑垃圾及利用可再生及回收材料;室内环境质量要保护居住者的健康及提高效率; 减少能源及资源的消耗. 节能是最容易量化的部分.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
住宅的节能是一个不断发展演化完善的历史过程,北美在五六十年代建的一个普通的住宅的节能效率大约只有55(EnerGuide的评价标准,以下均同),七十年代建的可以达到60,八十年代建的大约是65,现在的房屋大约是70左右,由此可见房屋的节能效率是不断提高的。一个住宅的主要能耗是房屋的供暖系统,这一部分大约占整个房屋能耗的63%,热水供应占能耗的18%,家用电器用电占13%,照明用电占4%。从以上的数据可以看出供暖和热水供应占整个住宅能耗的很大比重,因此房屋的节能也主要从这两方面入手。主要的节能方向是怎样降低房屋building envelope(外墙, 屋顶, 地板,门窗), 排风系统,和热水系统的热流失。
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
对于节能建筑的通常定义是节能效果(EnerGuide)评分达到80分的建筑,达到80分的建筑大约相当于现在普通房屋(EnerGuide70分)能耗的60%左右。达到86分的建筑的能耗大约相当于普通房屋能耗的40%左右,86分也是做零能耗住宅(Net Zero)的最低标准。所谓的零能耗住宅并不是本身不消耗能量,而是消耗的能量很少并且这部分能量会由房屋自身的能源生成系统(通常是利用太阳能)平衡掉。检验房屋保温性最常见的方法就是房屋密封性检测, 另外一个常用的方法就是红外相机. 建筑能耗评价最常用的软件是HOT2000,这个软件由Natural Resources Canada组织编写,也是节能建筑申请各级政府奖励官方认可的软件。软件可以免费下载。它的网址如下:
  s8 y; ^" F. s5 S8 O) nhttp://canmetenergy.nrcan.gc.ca/eng/software_tools/hot2000.html
" Y; n0 H# d+ U  e. p. b1 E& E. h- a8 m% A5 C( N# [
今天1月份Natural Resources Canada又推了一个新的版本叫HOT3000,据说高节能及零能耗房能拿这个版本算了。另外有一些Excel Spread Sheet也很实用。
* u+ ~) |- r4 f& r- o8 g" e5 o7 i
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
亚省最早的零能耗住宅是由CMHC(Canada Mortgage and Housing)2006提供赞助建造的5套住宅,其中爱城3套(Riverdale, Mill Creek & Belgravia),它们的详细资料请见以下链接:
/ y5 ^' o/ R" W+ k6 A
' w& v# u: \1 x+ [. m" f/ chttp://www.riverdalenetzero.ca/
4 h: W% \9 ~" |8 T8 K2 ?/ s; Lhttp://greenedmonton.ca/MillCreekNetZeroHome
) ]3 t# Q1 e: `! H) Z+ shttp://greenedmonton.ca/bnz
5 }0 U" @  z) p: L6 e- U
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:09 | 显示全部楼层
: k4 z8 d) A/ R) _* [1 H, y' t" {5 w! i7 b0 r! R" W2 k
building envelope:建筑的密封性和建筑的保温性/ h. c2 }; m! c$ m
4 G5 T5 C1 G0 y3 Q6 s. \8 P供暖系统:供暖炉的大小,效率及位置,供暖管道的密封性,管道布置的有效性及位置' s9 }6 _( j' q6 o: q1 Y
6 n# S" M2 S& C" a. @家用电器:炉头,冰箱,洗碗机,洗衣机和干衣机等的效率。
! D8 x6 ^3 u& M4 w/ m+ v8 r/ {照明及其他用电:家用电器在不使用时即使是待机状态时也是要消耗10%左右的用电的。
. m, T0 G: c% z/ c/ P8 Z, }+ h' X: d# h7 J
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
接下来我们举一个例子说明节能住宅可以节省的能源费用。以一个2000平方尺的single detached住宅为例。普通的住宅大约一年的能耗是41,700kWh, 水电气费约为$2,800。节能住宅(EnerGuide=80)大约一年的能耗是22,700kWh, 水电气费约为$2,300. 高节能住宅(EnerGuide=86)大约一年的能耗是17,400kWh, 水电气费约为$2,100. 零能耗住宅(在不计算自身产生能源的情况下)大约一年的能耗是10,100kWh, 水电气费约为$1,500.
& {, E8 p% L0 p, k0 y. |# E0 E
( l- B. ]7 M! {房屋如果想节能的话性价比最高的措施就是提高建筑的密封性, 保温性, 及更换节电节水的电器或装置。如果想进一步节能的话可以考虑HRV, DWHR, 太阳能取暖,太阳能热水,地热等措施,如果想达到零能耗住宅的话还需要采用太阳能,水能或风能发电的措施。节能型住宅采用的主要能源生成技术有:passive solar,太阳能供暖及供热水,太阳能发电,地热等。节能的方案根据各个家庭的实际情况也有可能不同。例如如果有家庭成员喜欢园艺的话那么这个家庭夏季的冷水消耗量就会增大。如果有家庭成员喜欢使用hot tub的话那么这个家庭的热水消耗量就会很大。当然节能的出发点不是要很大的去改变各人的生活习惯,而是根据各个家庭的不同特点去制定方案。例如对于hot tub使用较多的家庭管道热回收装置的利用率就会更好一些。. Y9 J. p& U+ r4 ?
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
提高住宅保温性能主要可以从升级墙,楼板和窗几部分着手。外墙的保温理论上通常是R20,但由于传统的保温是安装在木头的stud之间,而stud只有R5.5,所以外墙的保温实际上只有R15-16左右. 提高墙的保温效果最主要的是提高密封性和 避免由stud产生的thermal bridge。常用的方法是采用spray foam或外部 rigid foam. 房顶的保温建筑规范(Alberta Building Code 2006)规定最小是R28,通常大家都做到R40,如果想做节能住宅的话建议房顶保温做到R51左右。地下室地板保温 规范是没有要求的。但我们知道地下室周围土壤的温度是常年在5度左右的,因此最好是在地下室地板下加一层最小的保温(R5). 对于窗户的保温来将普通的窗只有R2-R3左右,如果是3层窗加LOW-E的话保温可以达到R5,这也是升级窗性价比最好的方案。
! C& ], H7 X. G$ J& @% [/ K; j8 G. e1 k3 @. G$ C- F5 o2 `- v
$ n9 ]& `3 m% m" n7 W  V
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-10 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 恭喜发财 于 2012-6-10 22:30 编辑
. j( E- ]' s0 T
$ r$ K2 ~0 _4 s0 vIntroduction of energy efficient homes
5 P( w3 y: g2 D( @1 i5 e: O; Z4 \& g1 c! Y
Energy efficiency is the most important consideration in green buildings design. Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED) certification, the largest green building rating system in North America, organizes its evaluation criteria into five environment categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality. Development density, community connectivity and public transportation access are three major considerations in sustainable site selection. An in-fill project in an existing urban community obviously has much less impact on environment than a home built in a new developed subdivision at the perimeter of the city. The intent to increase water efficiency is to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems. The easiest way to do that is using low flash toilets, low flow showerheads and faucets. In materials and resources areas, a green home need to be designed and constructed in a manner that minimizes wastes hauled and disposed of in landfills. Extending the lifecycle of existing building stock and using recycled or recyclable materials are two potential strategies to achieve this goal. Indoor air quality directly contributes to the comfort and well-being of the occupants. Since green homes are often very airtight, ventilation systems must be designed to meet or exceed the minimum requirements on outdoor air ventilation rates. Other measures to improve indoor air quality include using low-VOC materials for adhesives, sealants, paints and flooring systems, and installing better air filters (≥ MERV 10). Improving the overall energy performance has the heaviest weight in green home rating system. It directly contributes to reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. In Canada, residential sector is responsible for more than 17% of total primary energy consumption and for 16% of greenhouse air emissions.
8 E" A% C6 c3 e/ D. f. I1 X
( @) j" o/ O3 ~; V$ ~  J/ iThe home energy efficiency has been improved gradually in the past.  Today’s house is about 50% more energy efficient than the house built 50 years ago. Measured by EnerGuide rating, a house built in 50s or 60s can be rated about 55, a house built in 70s rated 60, a house built in 80s and early 90s rated about 65, and a typical house built today will be at 70-72 level. As a government regulated system, EnerGuide rate home’s energy efficiency on a scale of 0 to 100. A rating of 0 represents a home with major air leakage, no insulation and extremely high energy consumption. A rating of 100 represents a house that is airtight, well insulated, sufficiently ventilated and requires no purchased energy on an annual basis. Every point increase in rating is equivalent about 5% energy efficiency improvement.
! O" j* z& A  k: t
' z- Y/ x) K2 k! Q9 q; x* YIf a house gets EnerGuide rating of or above 80, people normally consider it as energy efficient home. It means that the house only consumes about 60% of energy that a same house built to today’s industry standard does. A house that achieves EnerGuide 86 will consume about 40% of energy, and meets the minimum energy conservative requirement of NetZero Homes. A NetZero home still consumes energy, however at the same time, it generates equal or more energy from solar or others renewable resources. The first five NetZero homes in Alberta were built in 2008 under CMHC’s (Canada Mortgage and Housing) Equilibrium program. Some detailed information about three NetZero homes built in Edmonton can be found through Green Edmonton website (http://greenedmonton.ca). % C" W2 w' g) Y' o/ o4 ~, ?
7 y* c. _, x/ D  s
For a typical home in Alberta, most of the energy usage goes towards space heating, accounting to about 63% of the entire energy consumption. The second largest energy use in a home is hot water, about 18%. The energy consumption of appliances is about 13% and lighting 4%. From the above analysis, it is easy to see that the priority in improving home energy efficiency is to reduce heat loss from building envelope (wall, ceiling, floor and windows), from air ventilation, and from hot water. Some major systems affecting building energy performance include:
$ }# o# S" c% Q: g) X! \% s/ t+ QBuilding envelope: Air tightness and insulation value
( L5 }( q; ]2 }- MWindows and doors: overall U value and glazing SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient)
2 c8 \1 a& r+ s& t, HHVAC: furnace size, efficiency and location; duct tightness, distribution efficiency1 `* n6 w. q9 Q. U1 n' I
Hot Water: Generation, distribution and stand-by-losses6 @' f1 j# \8 |3 ]: T
Appliances: Stove and oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer9 T/ X# S$ @/ T# F- O8 w
Lighting and miscellaneous: Phantom load is about 10% of electricity usage.
: S/ g) c( h. n4 b
. V% m$ _0 w- uThere is a free software, HOT 2000, that can help us to calculate the annual energy consumption for a home. It is developed by Resources Canada and downloaded at following link http://canmetenergy.nrcan.gc.ca/eng/software_tools/hot2000.html. This software is well recognized by governments as the base of energy efficient home grant and incentive application.
  ?& V. F  q3 }3 p! SLet’s use a typical 2000 square feet single-family detached house as an example to explain how much energy a home consumes in a year and how much savings an energy efficient house can have on utilities’ bill.  A 4-person family living at average life style in the house typically consumes 140 GJ of natural gas and 9,600 kWh of electricity. The utilities’ bill is about $2800 per year, including $875 grid-connection charges. An energy efficient home with EnerGuide rating of 80 consumes 75 GJ of natural gas and 8,760 kWh of electricity per year and pays utilities’ bill about $2250. A Net Zero home generally does not have natural gas connection and consumes 12,000 kWh of electricity, but it also generates the same amount energy from solar PV or other renewable energy generation systems. Considering that it still need to pay electricity connection charge and delivery fee, the annual utilities’ bill is about $500.
+ [) p2 s/ I, K3 S$ A% e/ H
: |, E6 l3 X7 n& XWhen you improve your house energy efficiency, the most cost-effective way is to seal the house (reduce air leakage) and increase insulation in building envelope. The insulation in exterior wall is usually R20 for houses built after 90’s and R12 before. However, since the insulation is installed between the studs and wood is not a heat resistant material, the R value of a 2x6 exterior wall is about R15-16. Considering convection caused by air leakage, the actual R value in cold weather condition will go much lower. Spray foam insulation is very effective in reducing air leakage and rigid exterior insulation is commonly used to mitigate the thermal bridging effect at wood studs. The minimum artic insulation requirement is R28 and usually we use R40 for new homes. The energy efficient home requires R51 and NetZero home R90. Building Code does require basement floor insulation. However, we know the soil around basement remains 5°C year around. Therefore, we suggest adding a minimum insulation of R5 (EPS or XPS) under the basement floor. The R value of normal due-pane window is about 2-3, and a triple glaze LOW-E window can get R5. It is also a good choice to increase the energy efficiency of the house.0 t  i* D. u! P! d- H2 G& g

7 u. u. @. Z( n* ?& X! UReplacing old hot water tank and furnace with high energy efficient ones also have good payback. Using Energy Star appliances are is another thing that is very easy to do and has good effect. If you want to do further, you can try to add heat recovery ventilation (HRV), domestic hot water recovery (DHWR). If you want to build a NetZero home, you need to consider energy generation technologies, such as solar PV and geothermal systems. Life style has big impact on energy consumption. For instance, if a family member uses hot-tub three times a week, this family will use more hot water and more energy.  The goal for energy efficient house is not to compromise personal life style but to minimize its impact to home’s energy performance.+ `6 P) D- ^" |) ~
Today, our society pays more and more attention on the environmental and sustainable development. We hope this article can help you get some ideas of green housing and you can use some tips introduced in the article. To leave a better world for our grandchildren, we all have responsibility to make the environment better and reserve resources for them.
0 x7 j  L( _  v" Q9 r( K
2 @2 K9 t) P$ N4 V8 {: c* TAlberta Chinese Construction Association3 E/ i' o7 a) _& {) X) X- ^: b" `! u
Dr. Yu Haitao, Yin, Zhimin$ o( B0 H! ^% _. w3 F8 |7 @
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2012-6-10 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(362) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-11 15:17 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2012-6-12 08:07 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜发财 发表于 2012-6-10 21:10 9 R4 w, R; S. t: Z3 ]
接下来我们举一个例子说明节能住宅可以节省的能源费用。以一个2000平方尺的single detached住宅为例。普通的住宅大约一年的能耗是41,700kWh, 水电气费约为$2,800。节能住宅(EnerGuide=80)大约一年的能耗是22,700kWh, 水电气费约为$2,300. 高节能住宅(EnerGuide=86)大约一年的能耗是17,400kWh, 水电气费约为$2,100. 零能耗住宅(在不计算自身产生能源的情况下)大约一年的能耗是10,100kWh, 水电气费约为$1,500.

8 U( r2 I. k9 f$ b; c2 Z6 Y# s* S. b2 A' |

  r- {1 e- p6 g3 {# `从这个角度,零能耗住宅每年节约$1300,按照5%的长期投资回报率,也就是说这些升级的价值是$26,000。按照当前的行情,要造零能耗住宅实际升级成本估计要30~40万。也就是说根本收不回投资。
+ h0 ]  R0 G* K+ M" }; Q, F8 j$ r5 T5 l' `- J8 P$ c
我觉得任何关于环境的讨论都不能离开成本这个话题。钱是可以用来节约能源,保护环境的,但方式有很多种,我们应该选择最优的那一种。在北美,天然气储量非常大,价格非常低,这在未来几十年都不会改变。所以一味追求零能耗是用10块钱去解决一个1块钱的问题。关于天然气,有一段话很有意思:0 j# b: t. Q7 i/ B0 q* A

. t' L, n: `& d0 `& D& dNatural gas was green right up until environmentalists found out it was real, plentiful, and cheap. ' a# b  P; Q' \3 r

: X* I" i* Q& Q0 B2 \- ^) R我们不能因为一个东西已经很便宜很普及就认为它不环保。事实上现在天然气可能是最环保的能源。对于爱屯而言尤其如此,冬天日照短,房顶积雪,不适合太阳能板,而天然气是本地出产,价格便宜。
' u+ _  G7 \% L1 W9 V- m: i% |) S1 |  H& W# A5 D
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2012-6-12 08:29 | 显示全部楼层
小黄 发表于 2012-6-12 09:07
: k( R3 F9 T, N- ^从这个角度,零能耗住宅每年节约$1300,按照5%的长期投资回报率,也就是说这些升级的价值是$26,000。 ...
. K( ?1 _: |# h5 v9 p+ d7 ^. T
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2012-6-12 08:54 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
如花 发表于 2012-6-12 08:29 ; K" ^, p' h% g$ i5 H

" T9 I: e/ e% E8 T1 I: r9 P" c
4 W  {  T1 g: S# O6 O& J0 O6 L" _但混合动力车可以收回成本。我刚刚查了一下最新信息,Prius比类似配置的Matrix贵5000,而其城市油耗100公里省6升油。按照20万公里寿命,就是12000升。最后还省钱。
鲜花(2253) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2012-6-12 09:05 | 显示全部楼层
小黄 发表于 2012-6-12 09:54
: {0 v# Q! p$ \但混合动力车可以收回成本。我刚刚查了一下最新信息,Prius比类似配置的Matrix贵5000,而其城市油耗 ...
0 \2 K. H2 ~; ^. K
let me know when you buy one.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-12 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
小黄 发表于 2012-6-12 09:07 . `& N/ f9 }4 Q, F4 L( w8 a7 y) W
从这个角度,零能耗住宅每年节约$1300,按照5%的长期投资回报率,也就是说这些升级的价值是$26,000。 ...
0 \( [3 y) }, \" D
5 y* \# }+ h# [" w0 a& h  J
你的说法没有错,现在建节能住宅是不经济的,更不用说零能耗住宅了。但造价也不是那样高的。爱城的第一个零能耗住宅(riverdale net zero)我去参观时业主和我说多花了10万多,但他们申请了各种各样的founding(尤其是CMHC的)基本上把cost给cover了。现在如果建一个零能耗的一般的房子大约会多花6万块左右,老于和我现在的努力方向是把造价降到3万作用,这样虽然经济上仍然不太划算,但也在可承受的范围内了。! }/ a2 x4 _$ u* d- k- V' q# ?/ V
鲜花(1181) 鸡蛋(48)
发表于 2012-6-12 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜发财 发表于 2012-6-12 13:34
( g* b* O  O( R1 h你的说法没有错,现在建节能住宅是不经济的,更不用说零能耗住宅了。但造价也不是那样高的。爱城的第一 ...
* _, E: ^$ e' z. g
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-17 07:19 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
小黄 发表于 2012-6-12 09:07
4 _' K. F0 r6 f( ^  A4 E' P从这个角度,零能耗住宅每年节约$1300,按照5%的长期投资回报率,也就是说这些升级的价值是$26,000。 ...

! \- t, R; r) J7 P9 w5 h 黄教授说得好!环保住宅只不过是又一个向人民榨取钱财的项目罢了。
+ c  ^% f* i; l, s6 F% `
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-17 15:10 | 显示全部楼层
小黄 发表于 2012-6-12 09:54
/ y* g( h* h: }7 ~( Y但混合动力车可以收回成本。我刚刚查了一下最新信息,Prius比类似配置的Matrix贵5000,而其城市油耗 ...

, X' x" K8 D7 f! h8 }" w7 l别忘了得算上换电池的成本。
鲜花(437) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-17 19:00 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(776) 鸡蛋(24)
发表于 2012-6-17 19:20 | 显示全部楼层
阳光沙滩 发表于 2012-6-17 20:00
& Y6 u- H0 K: f请问楼主,在爱城,R2的窗户,靠南的话是越大房子越节能,还是越小越节能?

7 i/ ^& s$ e  a2 V基本上只要是窗户,无论朝向,都是越小越节能,因为自然采光节电比起采暖制冷的能耗都只是小头,除非窗户的R值很高。
5 E# k( h$ J1 q/ K" O$ [' ?6 o2 l' V1 E0 i6 x
正如发财和小黄说的,目前节能住宅如果单从经济账来说并不划算,但这是一个绝对“政治正确”的方向,而且随着技术的发展,费用也会慢慢,慢慢地降下来。目前的节能建筑,如通常的LEED认证的项目,多数是或者政府项目强制执行,或者由于各级政府的incentive program鼓励,或者是有些真正有环保责任感的业主所为
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-6-18 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
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