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本帖最后由 camera_111 于 2012-3-26 11:26 编辑
3 t7 @$ L7 S, V! Y) U' Z A
9 M+ Z0 a; Z, Y* T& a2 F2 \0 D% k& U
- q5 r; p4 j% p+ {$ U( ^' ]) }# b& _# b' ~
Copy from their website, ING Direct Rates5 `5 G! F3 `& b I9 Y m
2 d% _+ e! B1 X7 l* ASavings Accounts. ?* `8 } C0 Q% ~
$ D- A* W) Q0 g/ H- E( aInvestment Savings Account (ISA) 1.50%
; s' W2 U( a0 J9 w, @RSP Investment Savings Account (RSP ISA) 2.00%5 ~; E1 P2 `. j: n) U
Tax-Free Investment Savings Account (TFSA) 2.00%7 W" `! `8 ~& g1 r" L
2012 TFSA Kick Start Account 1.50%- x' _8 {* x4 V0 ]- t9 k' ^
US$ Investment Savings Account (US$ ISA) 0.50%$ f% ], Y7 x8 l* T
Children's Savings Account (CSA) 2.00%+ }- c& |6 } z
90 Day Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
. S V% L/ W! Q$ p180 Day Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
" c8 r" R0 r; K# g8 z270 Day Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
" f* t+ ~) j7 n0 H5 S& z+ ^1 Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.25%
; }7 N N% ~5 W1½ Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.30%/ F; S% n# } y% M! k% z* ~
2 Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.45%" V J% X8 B q0 m2 K. _5 c( ~
3 Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.65%
# I+ ~' @. O) ~7 @4 Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.85%
7 t6 y1 `) ]! x; R4 \+ E$ y' T5 Year Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.10%
# ^5 t; T- I9 L( p. K90 Day RSP Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.50%
* F/ Q, C ]' D3 I+ {+ N9 u! c180 Day RSP Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
# }3 \! T c# R270 Day RSP Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%& u5 q9 F7 g& J$ o! c, i* `9 @
1 Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.25%
9 x2 m1 X. x0 y' j1½ Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.30%# `6 |( L# G/ \1 J& ^
2 Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.45% I e# y% G! l% O6 r: D: R/ G) C
3 Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.65%
) S) c1 H b2 O4 Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.85%
* e( S' k$ k3 L7 S! f4 J5 f5 Year RSP Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.10%
' ~/ O2 t/ t! x" h4 r Y) J* S" e+ c, o90 Day Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.50%# B s) Y, t7 x; U
180 Day Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
7 h9 T+ m, s9 K$ P270 Day Tax-Free Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
4 p, e$ L% `- e1 Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.25%
9 a8 t' m+ F, Q# l2 Z1½ Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.30%
( Y2 @. j: ~/ a% {8 t1 @% A2 Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.45%$ v' R/ L& J' M! i7 i# g1 Q! p' G4 e
3 Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.65%
C9 V, _' c$ V! H' Y4 Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.85%- T" S1 K: X- b1 }1 p* a9 m
5 Year Tax-Free Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.10%
9 N: E' I8 Y% l9 Z% \Business Investment Savings Account (BISA) 1.00%
# B. T8 B( v2 h: u# y* S% ?US$ Business Investment Savings Account (US$ BISA) 0.50%
. F6 e( \+ t8 m% _9 Z# n! @' V90 Day Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%! p% K6 L6 m1 l
180 Day Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%
( \; ~6 p4 ^* Z! l0 Y270 Day Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%! p' H* ~$ M1 Y t' S
1 Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.25%
+ t. c8 \* d8 h: t+ z/ R1½ Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.30%% _# I# W% g$ ]. H5 ]' b
2 Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.45%
8 ~, d/ X, Y+ z2 ~) K' g# y3 Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.65%$ ^' y4 u1 D7 p' _. ~
4 Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.85%
& _8 {' t0 K+ d0 n+ |5 Year Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.10%
: G% ~. b, t. a& i/ `2 {90 Day US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 0.50%1 @% O. {+ z9 G- m$ I
180 Day US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 0.50%3 t& }, Z- J' n5 P
270 Day US$ Business Short Term Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 0.50%
3 n! Z% [7 L6 I# H" Y+ o1 Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 0.75%
" R- w0 r5 ?$ Q( V. X) ^& x; `1½ Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 0.75%3 Y' ]' R6 k) g% L
2 Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.00%% U' ^$ C$ Q' G) d3 h4 B( e: A
3 Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.25%& X8 n, C4 _4 c2 m
4 Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 1.60%
* m+ C/ W. `, m8 P' z. d( J! A5 Year US$ Business Guaranteed Investment (GIC) 2.00%
2 u/ C4 x: k) e6 {" Q: ^5 i/ T" [ : m+ U$ ^/ r# _ R" `
, v9 }4 n& `% d* oChequing! j4 c r, d# l0 I7 `( P
2 T: `. a' W- r7 H4 t& J; d; l! A* L$0.00 - $49,999.99 0.25%
. }+ B6 O4 n* g$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 1.00%; \: @" r M1 l5 B* A
$100,000.00 or more 1.10%
& f' {* i; n+ d
3 u: X2 n5 w% X0 V3 x
" m' e1 K7 j9 v$ jMortgages7 C6 \ g! R; h4 ~ m2 V
6 ~6 n4 O. n! o9 j5 Year Variable Mortgage 3.00%
4 L% u s# W: T# g6 P" l1 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.09%) A1 q1 R# l+ X! M" ~, `
2 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.15%
7 {1 R! n8 T8 L+ N3 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.19%
. G9 G/ W% _$ P' i4 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.25%) q* j2 f [. k6 T2 W+ K
5 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.49%3 R: E0 h' E1 ~
7 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.99%% j6 P4 r0 E( d, j4 {
10 Year Fixed Mortgage 3.99%3 m" B* M- _! {+ N
Home Equity Line of Credit 3.65%
6 A' w/ I0 b8 q) s; I
+ _/ \# A$ W$ ?+ \3 I7 s. m& ~% Y2 N! ?! N5 j% R/ U; ^
Other/ o4 ?& [- D/ t. R5 o1 z* v
$ }$ ]5 _2 D: ^
RSP Loan 3.75%$ n* h- l- z% w v. P. _
ING Prime Rate 3.00%
4 Q5 i$ @6 F3 m/ p7 ?Exchange Rate - Buying US $1.009% H0 T4 [8 U' L: `% G2 W1 c1 H# s( h
Exchange Rate - Selling US $0.9809 \: M$ S) d0 f4 e0 |
Savings Account and GIC rates are annualized and are current as of today's date and are subject to change without notice. Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly in the case of our Savings Accounts; and is calculated daily and paid at maturity on a GIC.
6 z9 J% @7 D5 a u! {
* e, f% X" ^5 cMortgage and other loan rates are annual rates and are subject to change without notice and are current as of today's date. |