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请问大家~~ 今年买房子是时候吗?

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-5 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
打算买房子了~~  不知道现在的房价和走向,是不是最好的时机~~& Q& Z. z5 ^- `- P3 n" q

0 K/ K2 g8 N7 ~( T而且想买condo 2室一厅的那种 ,但是朋友说 买condo以后卖的时候也会很麻烦,再加上condon fee , 跟house的 月供都差不多了~~; ]* O& A# \2 n( T0 ?; e
* Y# z7 `# F) L2 n9 }
大家有没有很好的卖房中介 可以介绍几个? 谢谢~
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2012-3-5 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
现在新condo 2室一厅价格真不错带地下车库的才22万左右,07年卖到27-8万,至于condon fee,那是你得到服务的代价,很正常。跟house的 月供比较,那是典型的缺乏常识。其他还是根据个人情况。
6 L. u. g) {; }% O/ G2 `# K本省走向应该是谨慎乐观
  f1 C, @: {6 L; h9 n 9 Z: @. b/ z$ M9 Y7 L/ L
The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) predicts home prices will fall 1.1 per cent in 2012. A previous forecast issued in November said home prices were to remain flat this year.
1 l1 d4 I& K+ F9 x1 _5 P& u + K& v! U8 k. e; A9 C+ r
"Risks to the Canadian economic outlook remain elevated owing to the European sovereign debt quagmire," said CREA chief economist Gregory Klump.7 _1 \% f) F, {$ b( s8 Q7 V5 a

" j( x5 G* D1 k) ^+ F0 Q6 YMultimillion-dollar home sales activity in Vancouver caused the national average price to spike in early 2011. CREA said it does not expect this to happen again this year.# v$ ]4 g, ?8 l+ }) @: [/ j  i
# U0 l+ o- K5 |5 m6 s
Last year, the national average price of a resale home in Canada rose over seven per cent to $363,116.
3 {2 l& E. M, P * w: I+ M  Z) G/ k- \5 k+ `
The average price is now projected to dip to $359,100 by the end of this year. CREA expects a modest rise of 0.9 per cent in 2013 to $362,300 — still below where prices were at the end of 2011.7 v& ]  J) m& h8 U
4 {; \5 m& F+ a( H; C2 f% i
CREA expects home prices to fall the most in British Columbia, with smaller drops expected in Ontario and New Brunswick.
  l* E6 }+ R! m5 f- b
  t4 ?/ i: V, r" }The largest gains in the country are expected in Manitoba, Quebec and Newfoundland.
) f: z& q$ F; Y
: R0 h  {8 n* o# K9 O4 Z# S$ aPrices in all provinces are expected to rise in 2013.* X" X6 c# y& r* f
$ [, ?- z( m9 f! Z9 J- v/ G
Home sales are expected to rise 0.3 per cent this year, and fall by the same amount in 2013." m8 Q# [* g7 R  R
" a7 h' L1 n% y- S- q+ C

/ c: O% Y# g4 {6 J
# N) M7 U/ ~9 u7 R4 s8 H( A1 U+ P% I
Region) p4 t! z" s/ H! K% P' M( o$ k
) j1 n' ?0 F2 d8 j9 u; i6 o  W
2011 price change+ l2 _2 q' \2 v# a$ ^  B

, H/ K% b9 x0 V0 c" }2012
) w' [: Z6 ?9 z$ w- l, m4 l$ \7 w+ e1 m. k0 {. r' R; X# ]! y# T
$ J6 l7 C. T2 ]# `; ]2 U3 |- n% C( q
  ]; M, B: J# r1 P) t/ k& g: V6 ]& {9 y! r* Q& R; E; X

& D) y' `$ o6 K* fCanada8 ]/ r3 D7 X! J( p% Z
3 e+ a5 E% v; i2 p: y8 r
7.1%7 F* P8 k4 u) l4 J* D. M$ u7 F5 @

4 \7 ]& s# G  |) d-1.1%
* V# W( g! ^2 y) D; k% r0 j4 Z, o4 ~1 _: ^( o) n! j) A
6 }" b6 f4 |' ?4 H+ A& x  F# X5 h, v% z% J1 m& b
; c2 [1 z0 H# |# D

- t3 b. I8 b6 y8 |+ nBritish Columbia+ u0 K" {2 L- l5 b% s

% n8 H( ?9 T6 S- _; i11.1%
/ Q; ^0 i, S( L' K  D" `% I. B( P# ]6 |9 L$ M  b! \; B. V/ ?
. |; I; _) ^9 }. V$ z# E6 ^3 j( }% |  q
7 g% F" R$ |1 u  Q
5 @/ }3 _+ C* {$ g% i) E8 `$ N! k

3 ^8 T1 [* g6 j% v7 r* EAlberta5 n7 X* U1 m/ t4 G  s* {$ U- o

" s& E9 v4 l$ C! P( c! U- j( `/ Z0 t0.3%; m0 n& W6 ?( y! c

: \# b9 V) g2 f2 X7 S1.4%
7 H( `1 L% l. a; |" `% V% J' J  j2 J* E% J! I
1.4%1 s8 S+ z9 M4 s7 m" O" Y; n
* ]+ d+ @7 o) Q' }- M$ F

; J# r( X/ P9 @) A1 ?7 g
* l3 c7 v: [* J1 {) t0 a" w" Z9 n. E( tSaskatchewan
' J) x  D( k9 |2 H3 s' C2 l4 _. x: h5 `( r9 u# _2 L3 E
3 X) Q. e# {; ^, h
  U( t) w' [" Y! z5 @6 ?1.8%" ^) b8 l4 s# H& d  E
$ l2 M$ E$ B6 e/ _
" {! N: G6 d9 M0 i7 Z: L1 G* v1 A; h7 I! N# b
9 L. X/ C& p- @$ r8 M$ Z

+ [0 J4 u' N2 LManitoba
" O- K' q, v' {, J6 v  O
+ @! {4 F( B/ V3 p7 w5.6%
/ \# T$ a9 d- h* ]  F0 g5 j  U
: g6 \: ^2 S/ i- w/ e; a3.5%' i6 Q5 `8 F) a" _' H

' a, h2 G, X$ Q" K3.0%$ k8 W& G. j1 ~9 g
% c% Y( Z- w9 P6 g0 y

. K4 S9 g1 m$ B8 J0 E2 ~9 J% C% i3 v' Z( e7 F
* W! V& s# I7 \' K! [4 B9 L: ]. S/ U* N* }) |, X& z7 ~5 S$ i
1 l- U6 j/ N. i5 x0 v2 D6 G0 n/ e/ x- g2 j
( @6 w; [: I# g+ Z" F
! }: P& k0 ^" Y0 ^2 m3 Y0.5%
/ r/ G: ?: g0 H- E" M: }: d$ O; @) A* _8 j
( f8 _+ x: t6 t( ]( N
2 W* N. o7 X4 |. B' Z' A4 R, [
Quebec! P* ^. i: X' Z8 Q; X' |! U% e& p

7 z0 q( q( N- ?8 Y) ^" C! o5.1%
' g" o) U. Z/ L. c4 n8 A) }' }" E- P& G  y6 {' G
3.0%9 V& J' z( ?% T9 P
, N4 |- N9 P6 f
/ k9 @. N9 [4 _, b  a, ]0 j
# m; s/ C/ t: X; H% ~1 y1 X8 g4 Q0 w! `( I4 G9 ?

) t+ y: x! X  O3 D/ o1 ~6 JNew Brunswick( ^+ U; ?) s; y( Q  j. E

4 r2 j* W+ f) F! y+ Y  \2.1%
% v& V6 C* W% m% f9 @0 H* O; @
' {. @" G4 v5 c1 c* m. `-0.1%; P8 S+ P2 Q2 f- `
) ^' e, |" x! @* E  l
0.2%5 h$ W  O- D5 j

1 j" w' T4 z1 z" |, P1 A
# T5 q% k( g8 t1 `4 R. J5 [* l- }
1 }, p# U1 ^2 ]! C" d3 {Nova Scotia
5 O% k6 {! f9 x0 V
. J& u3 h/ ~* j9 n! ]& _3.1%+ i( h# t' I2 Q
# _8 Q4 q! ~; R* e) l' A  [
* |7 I/ A+ T% c* j( I' A, J6 d4 ?5 y* R7 l) f. d" n
2.2%: U! b8 U7 x/ r7 v$ a3 i
6 m  U8 T4 G) J- I' x; r6 V7 R; P

% e1 Y  n" K% m$ \2 d  b5 b
% \  l1 m$ _* d- O, rPrince Edward Island
8 k: @7 N2 M$ q" [$ u7 u3 ]( v( z8 v' ^$ D0 M, |" ~
1.6%- m9 K8 E! N1 U5 |- H
" t" C; c: g3 w4 U4 |+ i4 e5 B9 }
0.1%$ D% f  c2 T  c
; n1 h; Z% ?" U% R7 C* K1 |
+ \% I$ p0 D% B: A- ~+ {* F* q
, M5 z/ D" g6 Z8 k5 A' O! o+ W
# r+ ]& c$ c3 K8 `
' Q( W: _2 d* J, Z7 _0 l3 |Newfoundland" ?" X0 J( M/ ?  U' a. g
% E6 A* |1 e! H( @. \$ I# |
# ^  {" ^( f3 i, \& D  o7 K; L, s* q9 I" S9 `0 {) C
3.2%  A* O/ i1 A. v7 V7 F/ N
% B. O% k" \6 b* w
2.0%# K! _; c9 P4 H# Y( v
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2012-3-6 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
2 f2 g7 N# @6 P' E2 z个人观点,只供参考。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-7 13:31 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
同意楼上,爱城房价最大可能是只升不降,现在房贷利率也低,买正是时候。condo fee是你得到的服务的费用,比如,冬天不用自己去扫雪,走廊会有人清理,水电等等。你买独立住房的话,也是需要每个月交水电费的。所以,其实差不多了。不过,需要注意的是要找一个好的物业公司。
鲜花(9) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-8 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-9 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
Bisically, the realtors, builders, and developers say buy a house ASAP, but the banks said be careful. If the mortgage interests increase up a bit, Canadian real estate markets will collapse. Alberta will be better than Toronto and Vancouver. However, the oil industry will slow down hiring, improve production efficience. No body knows what will going on. look the following link - see how some Canadians think. Most Indian and Chinese people like owing a large house, but they are not the main stream in Canada.) M3 k/ X4 t3 R9 }- a7 y

! k* ^2 J# m# g" {http://canadabubble.com/bubble-w ... -not-different.html
* c- }+ B/ _2 ]' c
5 S0 X& g5 V: @. V% N1 c! z4 uAverage house prices are now 12 times personal disposable income, way above historical averages. This ratio reached 9.7 times in the last housing bubble in the late 1980s. As a result, household debt as a per cent of disposable income has risen to over 153 per cent in Canada, reaching record levels and coming close to the levels that the U.S. reached before the housing crash./ Y" Y$ G7 m! }7 g8 {

, ^( @, d: x  b% w) p+ _) tHousing investment as a share of GDP climbed towards a record high last year. It reached 7 per cent of GDP as at the end of 2011 vs. a 50-year average of 5.8 per cent and previous peaks of about 7.26 per cent in the late 70’s and 7.18 per cent in the late 80’s. After residential housing investment as a percentage of GDP peaked in the previous two cycles, the housing market crashed within a few years. This ratio peaked at about 6.1 per cent in the U.S. in the mid-2000s at the height of its housing bubble, and toward the end of the 1980s in Japan, when that country was nearing the end of its own property boom.& D# Y8 q/ v/ v, h
: b5 ]# R- \2 L' BSorry I do not have Chinese input.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-9 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
Bisically, the realtors, builders, and developers say buy a house ASAP, but the banks said be careful. If the mortgage interests increase up a bit, Canadian real estate markets will collapse. Alberta will be better than Toronto and Vancouver. However, the oil industry will slow down hiring, improve production efficience. No body knows what will going on. look the following link - see how some Canadians think. Most Indian and Chinese people like owing a large house, but they are not the main stream in Canada.
/ _, \) Y9 W- n; ^1 C. A8 X3 O3 S4 f# y: W5 |' M0 V! F
http://canadabubble.com/bubble-w ... -not-different.html
, V- x3 {  g8 U& i8 x
, f6 Z1 i2 f1 {$ x, \Average house prices are now 12 times personal disposable income, way above historical averages. This ratio reached 9.7 times in the last housing bubble in the late 1980s. As a result, household debt as a per cent of disposable income has risen to over 153 per cent in Canada, reaching record levels and coming close to the levels that the U.S. reached before the housing crash.7 Z, T4 ^6 K% g9 x$ `9 F* R+ u* [
4 K7 g' a5 w: \8 j9 o9 \
Housing investment as a share of GDP climbed towards a record high last year. It reached 7 per cent of GDP as at the end of 2011 vs. a 50-year average of 5.8 per cent and previous peaks of about 7.26 per cent in the late 70’s and 7.18 per cent in the late 80’s. After residential housing investment as a percentage of GDP peaked in the previous two cycles, the housing market crashed within a few years. This ratio peaked at about 6.1 per cent in the U.S. in the mid-2000s at the height of its housing bubble, and toward the end of the 1980s in Japan, when that country was nearing the end of its own property boom., C* p+ z' k7 J7 w0 d
-----------------------5 ^7 j8 W0 S$ {* C. H
Sorry I do not have Chinese input.
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