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free $50, before December 31, 2011 在 ING direct 开ISA Savings Account账户-17523723S1
! O3 ]. R9 D0 w开户就白赚$25,最多可以赚到$2000! here is how: A' C# n% h/ Q- }
如果您想在ING 开户,用我的推荐码, 我们各得25元. For your reference,6 [2 |$ E3 G$ f, L, R8 M
My ORANGE KEY is:# m0 w9 h) ` D9 L& p
( B1 u" P& S1 m, J2 e: Q" e
7 A( t3 A+ k1 ~, D' A( W* \我 已经在ING开了一个账户了。初次开户Investment Savings Account 最低存款100元,以后无最低限制。取款无任何限制和费用。
& s- B* [1 H. D. n! N( P6 W$ R* t" _网址:ingdirect.ca! T$ f' c1 W' c. e. c! w
ING的高利率主要建立在他们低成本的基础 上。他们没有实际的营业网点(只有在多伦多和温哥华downtown有一个咨询的柜台),只有网上银行和 ABM(Automatic Banking Machine).与ING做业务,需要有一个实际的开户行,要存入ING时,先把钱存入实际银行的账户,例如支票账户,再通过ING的网上银行转入。从 ING取款,可以用他们的Access Card到ABM取,也可以通过ING网上银行转入实际银行账户,再取出来。- L4 x4 P) h3 s7 O
第一次和ING做业务是先 在 ING网上开一个ISA账户(Investment Saving account,可以随时存取)产生客户号和账号,然后给ING寄一张支票,ING就会把你在ING的账户与你实际的银行的账户联系起来,以后你可以在 ING的网站随意在ING账户和实际银行账户之间互转。有了ISA,然后可以任意开你喜欢的其他账户。ING也是受Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation保护的, 10万以下的存款都有破产保护, 跟加拿大的主要银行享受同样的待遇.# f% E. ?$ ~6 }7 e
如果你能受到朋友的介绍开ING的账户,你就可以拿到25块钱,而你的朋友也会拿到25块钱.只要在申请的时候把你朋友的orange key写在申请表或者支票上就可以了.这样你只要开了账户,就可以拿到$25块钱,以后要是觉得不满意,关闭都可以,就白赚了$25,呵呵. (年底前的bonus是$50)0 ~0 P& a% a# t6 N
如果你没有朋友有ING账户的,可以用我的orange key: 17523723S19 o+ Z; w0 T) J& _; G
; Q* w! G- b1 }0 a% s
开账户的时候也很简单,只需要填一个表,提供自己的SIN,然后写个超过100块钱的支票到自己的账户就可以了.没有任何手续费,随时可以关闭.1 M4 K1 ?$ F/ C
" O+ Q# ~0 ^, V2 P- N! g详情请访问
1 G& y; \! a$ e( Phttp://www.ingdirect.ca/referafriend/. k0 o4 F7 F( l7 v: [
- L* N* I& P' V( z! X
When you open a high-interest paying ING Direct Investment Savings Account (ISA) with at least $100, you and I will each get a $25 bonus deposit from ING Direct. Use the referral code called the "Orange Key" when you sign up:
. H$ Y1 d: a. L3 MMy ORANGE KEY is: 17523723S1
. S( W# T' o# j1 uOnce you get your $25 bonus deposit, your initial investment of $100 grows to $125 which is an instant 25% rate of return! This is far better than letting your money sit in bank's chequing or saving accounts, and you can transfer to ING using online banking once your account is set up.
6 c+ V* P4 B% x d; y, f( L/ BPass on your own orange key to friends once you sign up!* a5 ^: H. b0 \9 V
You can get up to $2000!
* g( k# h7 Y, b: z' QAs a client of ING, you can get $25 bonus free money for each referral
( B( X+ Z' p% h! ?The ING Direct ISA has no fees, no service charges and no tiered rates. You can deposit or withdraw your money any time you want, as often as you want, and not be charged any penalties or fees.. {7 X: K& V& x$ `* t) {5 Z- {
please check:
+ d4 O2 E& g! Mhttp://www.ingdirect.ca/referafriend/
5 |! l/ k2 N. l6 [Remember, my ORANGE KEY is:
2 E; i( b" U# M* B" t17523723S1 |