鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
Memorandum D6-2-6Refund of Duties and Taxes on Non-Commercial Importations7 G2 [* m9 k9 [
上面说 非商业 进口 可以免关税?( _! d+ e x% Z
( [% k% F2 _. s8 w
. \& e; R' G5 M( }3 E" B& x
% j! B4 W5 O6 k( i6 @7 e
http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/b2g.pdf9 M+ m+ m& P5 i* g( d* V
" W' A0 f; G3 h
% u' P$ E" u, a! [" g8 aRefund Requests
O7 m! ~5 {/ o# W6 a/ t74. (1) Subject to this section, section 75 and any regulations made under section 81, a person who6 l3 h3 {; b0 O# C& p" a
paid duties on any imported goods may, in accordance with subsection (3), apply for a refund of all or part6 h* m }# q0 {6 ]2 q! j
of those duties, and the Minister may grant to that person a refund of all or part of those duties, if
: L+ q2 n, W; ]1 v7 ?* [(a) they have suffered damage, deterioration or destruction at any time from the time of shipment to
" B7 q8 P4 l8 v+ [5 P2 O eCanada to the time of release;. `8 @4 S: w7 y0 ~: _4 ?0 P7 K4 X
(b) the quantity released is less than the quantity in respect of which duties were paid;
' X$ m2 U& a6 S6 I(c) they are of a quality inferior to that in respect of which duties were paid;
* j# Q7 y& K* l8 e( V3 T(c.1) the goods were exported from a NAFTA country or from Chile but no claim for preferential$ q0 k3 R' m1 S) p; v" l0 J- L# l
tariff treatment under NAFTA or no claim for preferential tariff treatment under the CCFTA, as the' { E! g3 B f3 Y" e% p
case may be, was made in respect of those goods at the time they were accounted for under
5 H- n; \# y8 ~: o( H. osubsection 32(1), (3) or (5);. j; N& S) ]" O. y+ @
1 d7 i+ D/ O8 `* f$ X$ a N( N(c.11) the goods were imported from Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary but no claim for5 o) m4 r# X* n% R) n* u
preferential tariff treatment under CIFTA was made in respect of those goods at the time they are) l1 j- Q8 y4 X' O9 \* b
accounted for under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5);
5 q" n8 P$ L |* _(d) the calculation of duties owing was based on a clerical, typographical or similar error;9 K3 E4 c. q! `- `1 ~
(e) the duties were paid or overpaid as a result of an error in the determination under subsection 58(2)
5 L3 N# E6 i* Bof origin (other than in the circumstances described in paragraph (c.1) or (c.11), tariff classification or) j2 T+ i1 E3 B! q% @* f- E3 {
value for duty in respect of the goods and the determination has not been the subject of a decision
# J; G( t) q/ Z5 v- _, Lunder any of sections 59 to 61;( U. E7 U' v2 i) }) k
(f) [not applicable to non-commercial goods];
6 ?) A' |) J- x, C) o(g) the duties were overpaid or paid in error for any reason that may be prescribed.
) y I; G5 ]4 Y9 ?. K(1.1) The granting of a refund under paragraph (1) (c.1), (c.11), or (e) or (f), if the refund is based
, e% m1 C' B' L6 g( i2 n) h2 \on tariff classification, value for duty or origin under paragraph (1)(g) is to be treated for the purposes of2 f% D+ I! H/ g$ v" g
this Act, other than section 66, as if it were a re-determination made under paragraph 59 (1)(a).2 ^& y8 c4 W, ~' E3 Z) w. c
(2) No refund shall be granted under any of the paragraphs 1(a) to (c) and (d) in respect of a claim7 }# e$ H. A7 C0 p1 p4 M l2 g- R
unless written notice of the claim and the reason for it is given to an officer within the prescribed time., j* M: Z) x* i# o, G( g
(3) No refund shall be granted under subsection (1) in respect of a claim unless* F$ m: `3 ]% o* Q# m2 Q" x
(a) the person making the claim affords an officer reasonable opportunity to examine the goods in
8 a# ~0 ~/ D' l0 h9 O% Srespect of which the claim is made or otherwise verify the reason for the claim; and
5 H' Y8 C9 Y, e9 }# t(b) an application for the refund, including such evidence in support of the application as may be
/ J+ u8 B$ H' s: C! tprescribed, is made to an officer in the prescribed manner and in the prescribed form containing the
+ P1 T& C+ n7 x0 T- p5 Nprescribed information within
9 p: ]! y- E9 s; G% L; _6 u(i) in the case of an application for a refund under paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c), (c.11), (d), (e), (f)" J) ~/ u2 E8 M0 h- U1 O
or (g), four years after the goods are accounted for under subsection 32 (1), (3) or (5), and
1 A8 v- t1 D# d- N/ f(ii) in the case of an application for a refund under paragraph (1)(c.1), one year after the goods% f ^! w; l8 _9 \: b' k
were accounted for under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) or such longer period as may be prescribed.
% G8 Z" ~# Y ]) _/ s I(4) A denial of an application for a refund of duties paid on goods is to be treated for the purposes of y$ g) ^6 e- |* B4 D2 [
this Act as if it were a re-determination under paragraph 59(1)(a) if* X/ ]4 l) F/ F; T* M7 X8 H. ^
(a) the application is for a refund under paragraph (1)(c.1) or (c.11) and the application is denied9 L4 ]9 _3 f. i3 i2 y, y
because at the time the goods were accounted for under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5), they were not
4 v5 j8 Z) v# @' Beligible for preferential tariff treatment under a free trade agreement; or
! L3 C( K5 `3 i* \8 L2 k+ s(b) the application is for a refund under paragraph (1)(e), (f) or (g) and the application is denied
1 \5 h1 i0 ?( A8 Q0 Nbecause the origin, tariff classification or value for duty of the goods as claimed in the application is
( c( n. z: Q7 Z: a5 fincorrect.
# y7 t5 d; u i(5) For greater certainty, a denial of an application for a refund under paragraph (1)(c.1), (c.11), (e),
3 M# s6 h1 F! I3 K$ m& L! {(f) or (g) on the basis that complete or accurate documentation has not been provided, or on any ground7 O: ~( A. {1 ^, G8 V5 }% S
other than the ground specified in subsection (4), is not to be treated for the purposes of this Act as if it
& L. J9 }! K0 p2 k Zwere a re-determination under this Act of origin, tariff classification or value for duty.
: [7 C. W% V- k) B/ l' ^. ^$ l- ^: Z3 E
这到底是说可以还是不可以啊? |