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本文来源于http://www.ereb.com/News&Events/LatestMarketStatistics.html,中英文有异议之处请以英文为准。6 e+ ?3 A& l# T' [2 f1 b/ ~" c: p
0 s3 j, [' d( ^( S G( Y- u八月份数据表明当地房产价格持续保持近年来的稳定。& n4 b1 h4 S1 `
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埃德蒙顿房地产经纪协会主席Chris Mooney表示,“由于当前国际经济市场不明朗,加上联邦政府官员不断地警告债务过重的危险,消费者对房产消费都持非常谨慎的态度。因而我们当地房地产市场并没有出现其他市场所有的繁荣景象。他进而表示,目前房产价值保持稳定,埃德蒙顿和阿尔伯塔良好经济前景预示在接下来的几年,房产价值会有真正的增长潜力。% d4 q* x6 j* j- w2 t% g, x
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2011年8月,总共有969个独立屋通过MLS系统售出,康兜为428个;所有住房售出总数为1, 507,而7月份为1, 564个,这表明由于进入秋季,房产市场出现减缓。 Mooney表示, “目前稳定的房产市场,加上稍微降低的房价,以及减缓的销售周期表明现在市场上有符合各个价位的房源。虽然平均房价比上月稍低,中间价和上月基本持平,这表明高端市场有松动。在这种情况下,如果卖家把房产价格定在 略低于市场价,将会吸引更多的买家注意,因而卖的更快。”, F& j" a8 w1 K2 v% h8 l
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Highlights of MLS® System activity
6 [, m# D- a% z+ O' ]August activity | Record for
6 q7 `0 l! k3 T' S# A3 Wthe month* | % change: J( B+ O# }# m3 j) t% v
August 2010 | Total MLS® System sales this month | 1,709 | 17.70% | Value of total MLS® System sales - month | $557 million | 14.20% | Value of total MLS® System sales - year | $4.49 billion | 0.10% | Residential¹ sales this month | $488 million | 17.70% | Residential average price | $324,217 | -2.90% | SFD² average selling price - month | $370,438 | -3.90% | SFD median³ selling price | $355,000 | -1.40% | Condo average selling price | $231,735 | -5.08% |
3 o8 m8 K2 Y. r: Y9 g5 c/ m6 _& h¹. Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses.( {. V& c1 _8 p! U
². Single Family Dwelling( P3 p' Y: x: y! j! x( ^$ U
³. The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
2 c1 j( ^; p2 c4 U, z* Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. For information on a specific area, contact your local REALTOR®. |