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支持Gary Mar (马健威)的N个理由

鲜花(66) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-8-29 11:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
支持Gary Mar (马健威)的N个理由如下:. _8 [+ M: H% u5 p
$ j6 @: D) }7 \" p! X& n: O9 }
A. 连续的从政经历9 n) g" T2 I+ p
8 I1 E' q; y: D' M' u& u8 B. T6 E& M/ G
B. 全面的从政经验
, Q8 f$ B5 k6 V$ R4 V) }! @  hGary Mar(马健威)是阿尔伯塔省政府经验最丰富的阁员之一,历任省卫生厅长、教育厅长、环境厅长、国际与政府关系厅长、以及两届社区发展厅长。2007年起出任阿尔伯塔省政府驻华盛顿特别代表。同时,他还是Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund 委员会委员。
6 {: i' v9 O( z
2 e# n; ?2 _. J- zC. 改革的魄力和决心" P" l( E% B- Q3 ]0 |" A+ j
Gary Mar认为,当选省长后的首要任务是振兴经济。在这方面,要善于理财、消灭赤字:“再也不能把我们的前途押在无法预期的经济发展上面了!”他的举措之一,是把Heritage Fund在十年内增加到400亿加元。. x! Q0 W9 g+ P% b: \, Z/ |; ]

- B7 ~! n9 l/ }% }D. 出色的外交能力$ Q# h2 v$ c! o0 A$ I
Gary Mar的外交能力在他任职阿尔伯塔省国际与政府关系厅厅长时就已经显现,而在近年出任省政府驻华盛顿代表时,他出色的外交能力更是体现的淋漓尽致。在全球环保主义者把矛头指向阿尔伯塔的“Dirty Oil”(脏油)问题,给阿尔伯塔省打上了一个负面的标签时,他四处斡旋,开展各项危机活动,为在国际上重树阿尔伯塔省的正面形象,以及国际社会对阿尔伯塔的石油经济的认识,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。同时,他在任期间,为阿尔伯塔省与国际间合作,打下了坚实的基础。5 z- F! x/ ~# C% ?. ^- h' x$ \
1 j1 b( {  Z* D  N) h
E. 国际合作视野3 M* e' w7 t- S; `' i! t2 {$ [
Gary Mar认为,阿尔伯塔省的未来发展,经济是重中之重。而这仅仅依靠内部发展,无法实现全面的经济腾飞。未来阿尔伯塔省的经济,合作将是主旋律。而合作不仅仅局限于同美国的合作与交流,更要走出去,冲出北美,与全球范围内高速发展的国家和地区形成经济合作体。他的国际事务处理能力,对未来阿尔伯塔省经济的国际化战略,将起到重要的决策和引导作用。他认为,阿尔伯塔省未来的国际间合作,除了利用地缘优势,同美国继续保持高度合作之外,又不能太过依赖美国的经济,还要与其他国家进行充分的合作交流,尤其是新兴的经济大国如中国、印度、巴西等。
6 r2 i( M: s9 S( G) M
" @( M3 Q2 R5 ~5 a( {4 C8 s' c# \F. 可持续发展的能源战略眼光/ J' `" R0 G# d7 j/ N; W3 @
对于阿尔伯塔省的经济命脉——石油,Gary Mar主张石油对中国,印度等新兴经济体出口,以降低对美国出口的过度倚赖。在能效和环保方面,他同时主张用先进科技提高石油采收率。他大力赞成无水提炼技术。
' k8 z! m% v' Q) ?
2 X5 n5 T- F; s! z0 `4 kG. 丰富的社区经验$ T6 c" K8 V+ u5 j- o
Gary Mar曾担任两届社区发展厅长,重视社区发展和居民生活。
8 Y* V; q- {, _! v& s
4 x, ~4 c8 E% r! L; ^+ Z' yH.纵观全局,全面发展
+ x% X- \9 `4 ]5 N/ ?对于Gary Mar,政界和社区如此评价:他心系全省发展,如果他能胜选,将综合平衡阿尔伯塔省各方面的优势,各地区的差异,考量人民的实际需求,集合阿省资源、农业、旅游等多方面产业优势,深化改革和发展,将阿尔伯塔省带入一个新纪元。
, g+ \& F# A* D8 L4 z0 \( B, d
8 {# x" G: I' p7 c% XI. 强大的内阁后盾  u; A8 Y* \2 ~6 u+ G* C( w3 w5 @* T
前省长Ralph Klein,教育厅长Dave Hancock, 环境厅长Rob Renner, 国际国内关系合作厅长 Iris Evans,法务厅长 Verlyn Olson,旅游局局长Cindy Ady等阁员,以及众多省议员的支持。
$ _1 z1 D, r. b1 G
5 Y% w6 ~  }2 C  sJ. 广泛的民意支持6 s, \/ c) d2 Z# U6 ]: W3 ~
在Gary Mar宣布竞选后,得到了广泛的民意支持。目前,多家本省媒体调查显示,在所有候选人中,Gary Mar的民意支持率是最高的。由阿尔伯塔省两家最大的平面媒体Edmonton Journal 和 the Calgary Herald联合开展的民意调查结果显示,Gary Mar的民意支持率目前领先其他候选人,高居榜首。其中,得票率领先民意支持位居第二的Ted Morton 四个百分点,票数高出了50%,排在之后的依次是Rick Orman,Doug Horner,Doug Griffiths。2 H6 g+ X) b+ W+ m+ q2 ]$ q
5 W. G% z1 f3 f+ n3 d
K. 本土背景,立足当地" u" k3 x& V& d; D1 J  w
Gary Mar出生在卡尔加里, 1984年在卡尔加里大学取得工商管理学士学位、1987年在阿尔伯塔大学取得法学学士学位。 18年本省从政经验,从省议员到厅长,再到省政府驻华盛顿代表,马健威丰富的从政经验,以及自身作为阿尔伯塔人,对本省方方面面的了解,形成了自身广阔的政治视野,富有全局观念。这种优势是其他人无法比拟的。
& }# [" ^: R. P* ]* _5 G6 v0 q7 N
( D  ]1 j1 ^2 `  i" t1 y7 YL. 移民背景,感同身受
, u+ Z- D9 I5 `: x$ Q! T8 k" ~作为第三代华裔移民,马健威对移民问题以及政策都有着比本地人更深刻的理解。阿尔伯塔省过去经济的繁荣,移民群体做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而阿省的未来,更需要一名对经济,教育,医疗以及移民政策等多方位有着深刻见解的全能型领导者。
9 `, z# D0 |- Z2 {  j) y/ t/ p- ?# }0 `7 {3 Q# x
M. 一个优秀的倾听者
9 x4 X3 M4 @% {+ ?8 EGary Mar马健威出身平民家庭,来自草根阶层。从政多年,他从未脱离社区,他深知作为一名政治家和领导者,聆听民意的重要性。而宣布竞选后,他深入社区,与民众展开对话,积极开展选战活动。/ T1 I. e" J) {  g# k  s2 y
http://garymar.ca/category/events/. N$ q+ s1 r7 U" r) e$ [  d
5 Z8 ?# {' ^9 c1 P- m* Y" R
N. ALL OF THE ABOVE. . m7 x8 S) T& A: B. \
普通话移民协会把此次的挺马行动命名为:VOTE FOR FUTURE. 我们深信,阿尔伯塔基础雄厚,人民积极向上,有了Gary Mar这样一位富有政治谋略,国际视野的经验丰富的实干家,一定会聆听到我们的声音和期盼,带领阿省再一次腾飞!请选民珍视自己至高无上的权利,为Gary Mar投上宝贵的一票,因为我们相信,投票给Gary Mar,就是把这一票投给阿尔伯塔省的未来!
1 o/ t7 b8 B: E
# S* L$ V9 M, f% [4 U* q# Y4 i( t
附:$ E. p3 A( i% U6 q* N1 m
VOTE FOR FUTURE——埃德蒙顿普通话移民协会宣布支持马健威竞选省长新闻发布会:
/ b* O4 N/ ~3 P7 O* M& o! \. g' qhttp://www.edmontonchina.cn/viewthread.php?tid=457160
# g. C0 H  r- ]6 a( W& g. a% U( v! j* ]6 B
( i3 B2 S+ @7 m. V0 ?# a  {: X# |
唐守白 780-435-6245    ; u2 w  A4 S* {3 `; e, r
王晓红 780-964-3477    ) ]6 d2 L5 G' w7 d, L
宋红瑞 780-435-5312   
4 N. }4 T  A& H. G& g尹志民 780-441-1456        
7 G) U" s6 _- A9 @- H刘  杰 780-907-6557     
3 m! ~' N. Z* E* J5 j戴为群 780-721-6183    ! U' Q: |* j* E% L" g
顾大进 780-906-2864    ' t9 W/ m3 H& R7 Y
徐小平 780-709-0233   
( g* ~* ]- `1 z/ v傅玉玲 780-988-2581   
0 b) D- I+ A; V& {王真强 780-468-9322
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-8-29 18:25 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1654) 鸡蛋(51)
发表于 2011-8-29 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2011-8-31 06:49 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
3# JoyceAccSG * h9 P& u4 O& `

. ^" a( S3 \; t5 ]: |7 a. \
0 o( |( [" C' t. W5 j* |' c1 A% E选票  还要买?
1 ?4 w4 h% v1 i/ b4 r( x# r3 F
* _0 Y1 }6 Q! v4 P8 E) N应该是免费的吧,只要登记一下 就可以 参加?
鲜花(645) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2011-8-31 08:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-8-31 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
LZ, 你给所有人群发email拉票有点滥用职权吧。
鲜花(219) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-8-31 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(11) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-8-31 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
N个理由,; h* B9 m% v+ _6 Z
* U0 b+ L2 t8 f3 ~9 X8 N那就不凑热闹了,反正也不差我家这几票
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-3 07:59 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(85) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-8 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(754) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-11 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
- S. U  k* a/ V' F. K1 x, i: A6 C6 Q& a8 p1 \6 y6 i/ x
作为华人支持马健威,其实完全应该是没什么好说的事情:其他方面看他都不错,然后他又是的华人,得,就选他了。反正选谁都一样,干脆选个看着熟悉一点、亲切一点的。就这么简单。8 \. q/ W! k2 V3 E1 d8 z" ^' Z

. T1 e' }+ R2 G$ D但是现在的情形被搞得非常复杂,非常有些让人费解了。固然是公说公有理,婆说婆有理,但总难免让我想起很多年前,印尼大规模屠杀华人的场景来。那些被大规模屠杀的华人当中,如果多几个马健威,情形想来或许会有所不同。不过,如果我坚持说下去,那肯定还会有朋友说我牵强附会,杞人忧天,等等此类;我还是不说的好罢。1 a% G0 G3 ^; ?/ ^- y

, F; h$ \! i. P" c0 r3 w" S) T  N4 C我见过马健威两次,听过他的演讲,也见过他的夫人(华人,数学老师,普通话水平还是蛮好的),也见过他最小的一个孩子(正在学中文)。大家或许觉得这样的了解是不足够的。但是面试一个人,不也就是半个小时的事情么。非诚勿扰,两人从完全陌生到手牵手,前前后后用的时间可能还不到半个小时。所以我还是有信心用我两次见面的感觉说:1 _! ?, R* L( H8 E9 ~2 u' v/ T
2 B4 z( D+ ~+ I! c
: M4 f0 ~6 U: W7 f  g2 i马健威是一个尊重自己的华人根本的人,他以身为华人为自豪,并对华人移民的苦辣辛酸感同身受;
% H! h+ o1 R$ P! D马健威是一个好人,厚道的好人。他或许缺乏政治家应有的厚黑,但是他诚恳,善于聆听,并且从善如流。
8 Y% {3 [# }# n* G' E+ T6 k! |7 \6 E+ y
如果有朋友够投票条件,并且愿意在这最后的关头火线入党,挺马健威一把的话,我这里还有几张党票可以发放。给我发短消息好了。: I$ n8 ?, }8 T7 o; z
% t& j1 q9 f( c
鲜花(37) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2011-9-12 07:51 | 显示全部楼层
* `0 r9 v9 A; ~" j* p* F
8 R4 Y) q) H0 |5 S$ Q- c( v作为华人支持马健威,其实完全应该是没什么好说的事情:其他方面看他都不错,然后他 ...
7 T1 R& Y: z8 ]& R云山水月 发表于 2011-9-12 00:13
. w6 X# e; T. ?, g, F
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-12 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(754) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-12 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
以上这些只能算马健威的个人背景、资历。有没有马健威的政治主张和如果当选后的改革计划?能否登出来让大家有个全面地了解。2 E5 g: T, t* x  R( H3 g- w5 {# G
工人物语1 发表于 2011-9-12 20:56
' N1 B1 I+ ], h; |8 f8 U/ r
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-12 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金龙食品 于 2011-9-13 00:34 编辑 / Q/ O- G: I( N- H" }% y  w- i7 y

8 e  L) k/ {$ L是否支持马健威有各自的理由,然而对我来说支持马健威是不二的选择,因为我忘不了,当时年仅七岁的儿子,自己看Yahoo里的新闻,得知奥巴马当选美国总统时,用惊讶的口吻告诉我:奥巴马是个黑人阿!对他来说不可思议。然而今天在加拿大,马健威;一个华人劳工的后裔,已经站在了省长竞选的擂台上。他是孩子们的榜样!他为我们华人的后代插上了理想的翅膀!8 w- d6 ^! }. O! c' S
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-13 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
well, looks like just got caught for selling membership illegally.
) s& R: ?" Z6 {1 M% ]5 _He should know better about this.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-13 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
是否支持马健威有各自的理由,然而对我来说支持马健威是不二的选择,因为我忘不了,当时年仅七岁的儿子,自己看Yahoo里的新闻,得知奥巴马当选美国总统时,用惊讶的口吻告诉我:奥巴马是个黑人阿!对他来说不可思议。然而 ...
& v- U& }! G, F( t  O! e金龙食品 发表于 2011-9-13 00:19

( z. z6 H! T+ K
2 T1 |1 M7 L( AThat's your reason for support???
+ d# w0 d) m5 ~. zonly because he is Chinese????
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-13 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
His policy on the oil and gas sector is pretty good.
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-16 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
  r$ u. _; Y  z我就是想让白人看到政坛上也有华人的影子,华人也出来投票。
; h( |* x% a% C+ e! s, O就算有人看老马不顺眼,没关系,你出来投票就行,投谁都没有关系,关键是我们要出来投票。这是我们的态度。, v7 Y( M: j. l$ {
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-16 08:08 | 显示全部楼层
why we should support Mar2 v0 Z2 k+ p( D3 D
I personly do not think that is a good reason just because he is  kind of chinese.; i7 ?8 R9 }1 U8 [, V! b
Let us talk a little bit about OBAMA. Yes, he is the first black people became the president of   M4 v5 |/ y5 t) s* ^6 x
the united states. But so far, what he have done to Americans, what he have done to black
! o; i/ {$ l: |6 g+ \people is so disappointed. He got no clue how to be a useful president. I remember Clinton said that Japanese prime minister felt sympathy for the united states before he took power from George Bush. But now, the whole world is feeling sympathy for the united states.' b( K6 s& _9 u8 {
People will look up to us only because ourselves, not depending on the color of the person who is  on the power. And normally people will look down on the same race people when they get on the power,espesially, the Chinese.$ s! L0 w5 C, V4 u, c
Maybe Mar is good. but I do not know. As you said he was the leader of the health care, education, enviroment, international relationship, development of community and so on, do you really think alberta is great on these areas. Honestly, I will give the vote the person who is willing to dig more oil. Other than that, alberta is just a village, people will leave anyway.
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-16 08:17 | 显示全部楼层
Have not written something for long time, sorry about the mistakes: personly-personally,
+ ], W& Y  }2 d" h' m  E  khe has--he have, especially-espesially,  I will give the vote to the person-----
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-17 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
$ z# [8 s6 c2 J8 A3 g今天看到很多华人面孔,他非常有可能当选!先预测一下!
鲜花(754) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-18 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
于本周六(9月17日)举行的保守党亚省省选,第一轮投票已经结束,结果公布如下:$ }. Q  ?: X+ q8 e" C2 c
$ Y4 M1 _/ m! C2 z( A5 H
总投票数:59,361票/ n# r: A" P, N9 r

; I( h' Q/ K" d排名第一:马健威:24,195票,40.8%9 e+ {" v& ?/ D, Z- O
排名第二:Alison Redford:11,129票,18.7%2 Q& F) t, g/ a  b2 Y+ i- T3 O$ z
排名第三:Doug Horner:8,635票,14.5%
7 I" Q+ b, O  z% z' f. @# }: d: o1 A6 S! h5 t7 J; {
+ x% M9 O" _. k& [4 |" O* w" e
. m0 J5 t  Q- \) j8 t& u排名第四:Ted Morton:6,962票,11.7%
$ j6 L' t. e8 ?/ W- g7 _6 x排名第五:Rich Orman:6,005票,10.1%
7 j& q# o  ?9 j& g8 z7 R排名第六:Doug Griffith:2,435票,4.1%
. l9 H+ X& k- G' W/ Z; H
. ]2 f9 G6 s4 N5 a; P如果马健威第二轮省选保持领先局面,胜出并出任省长,他将是第一位在保守党官方网站的自我介绍上明确声明自己是一个亚省华人社团中的积极分子的省长,也将是加拿大历史上的第一位华人省长。" |$ M" V, }+ M# A( m* g" ]
3 u2 [6 E% z- U+ v* m& w" A/ u
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2011-9-18 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
老实说,我选他,就是因为他是华裔,华人的面孔,不管他的施政纲领会不会给我带来什么利益。也用不着使劲拔高说选他为了什么大道理。1 n3 u! q9 S+ M; g0 d! o2 {: B7 o
我就是想让白人看到政坛上也有华人的影子,华人也出来投票。7 Z, Q8 Z" |1 b' F/ P; n4 s
就算有人看老马不 ...
0 y' {5 w- G: I1 I. U9 C+ E俩俩 发表于 2011-9-16 00:01
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-18 15:12 | 显示全部楼层
22# hao9570
- L% K- q" P. X" ^  o  t2 S4 d( y- f# l; D4 u8 H2 h1 e8 s# g' P
Obama is a brilliant dude, but he is no saint. It takes a very strong leader to get anything done in the current political climate. Obama may not be the person capable of reuniting the left and right, but that alone doesn't make him a bad president. On the other hand, what has he done for black people? Well, people are getting accustomed to seeing a black president and black people in power; people are beginning to appreciate that holding a prominent position as a member of a minority is no longer a distant dream, which would give encourage to more people to take a shot at the trophy. There is nothing more indicative of this fact than Obama being elected the President of United States. Being the first is always the most difficult as one has to overcome a hurdle built upon centuries of traditions and beliefs, but when time is right and once that hurdle is torn down, it gets easier for everyone else afterwards. In that regard, I think Obama has done a great deal for the black people and minorities in general.: v4 I! G+ C' e6 M2 v
6 v1 J" Y% D! L' q
This is the same case for Gary Mar. Honestly, conservative beliefs don't fit my cup of tea. With that being said, we are all selfish people. We want the best for our community. There may be scarcity of resources, but there is no scarcity of problems. Alberta policies are drafted with the best interest of Alberta in mind, not the well being of all provinces in Canada. Canadian policies may not be beneficial to other parts of the world, and we are happy about the way it is. When we do things on earth, we don't worry about how our actions will impact a planet light years away. All of these is because there are so many things we have to worry about, we need to prioritize our concerns. Who you vote for depends on which community you see yourself a member of, and that sets the priority. If you see yourself as a member of the Chinese community in Canada, Gary Mar is clearly the best choice available. Having him elected the premier of Alberta will be a monumental step in the growth of our community. Premier of Alberta may not be a big deal, but a victory, no matter how small it is, is a victory nonetheless. As long as Gary Mar doesn't mortally fuck up Alberta's economy(which is unlikely as he has been quite involved in government functions for quite some time, and he knows the ins and outs), we and our later generations all stand to gain from his success. ; E: {3 }# y& d8 b
" B6 }! ~0 S# n6 \, M/ `- _
He gets my vote, and hopefully yours too.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-21 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
It appears the skeleton's are out of Gary Mar's closet, as the candidate in the PC leadership race continues his campaign leading up to the second vote in a week and a half, now he's under fire from his political rivals.- S1 x: e# e/ E
- W5 C) \6 u' z, [0 f# d
The leader of the provincial New Democrats Brian Mason is bringing up several different incidents from Mar's previous time in public office.
2 o. m7 a* |/ e" p. C8 T5 o. N+ n. {" I
In one, when Mar served as health minister, he paid a former aide more than $373,000 for verbal advice between 2001 and 2004.
2 q' d2 Z5 T3 A6 @* m4 B
# O* l: i; m6 Y6 n1 }7 A. nAfter no evidence or paper trail was found proving the services were provided, the contract was cancelled in 2004 as an election loomed.8 \. F. w0 L0 @, O9 F4 F. b

' y: w% p/ ?" V9 f9 n. ~* R"In the interest of ensuring that the public has confidence in our contracting system we mutually agreed that it would be in the best interest that this contract end immediately," Gary Mar said in 2004 after the contract was terminated.
' W, b3 d) v$ ?& k2 S- O2 n1 {7 g$ v. B
Three years later Mar left the Legislature to become the province's representative in Washington – to earn $264,000 a year.
: Z! X  y  g7 q3 G+ f( C5 v6 L/ V* m9 S
At first, he publicly deferred his MLA severance package of $478,000 – but collected it within a year.% _4 i5 M0 g  n% d3 c6 D* L' X

8 z' O' l* c# v. [! q"I don't want to wait for Mr. Mar to become premier, [and then] call a snap election without having some of these facts being part of the discussion," Mason said, of his reasons for breaching the subjects at this time.$ M& \7 @- j/ d1 U$ V! ^
& T- v# y! |$ v/ U9 e
Mar had little to say on the past incidents. "I think what's important is that we talk about the future of the province," Mar said Wednesday when asked about those events.. I: V2 ?9 y" D
2 x* v, c/ S1 @) F/ |/ O
However, his direct competition for the PC Leadership would also like those questions answered.0 I5 q4 q5 j1 ^% r6 ?

$ |) _2 ~8 `* e5 q% C+ ]; I8 s- |"I think there is a number of questions asked by the media that Gary [Mar] owes a response to," PC Leadership candidate Doug Horner said Monday.
# O2 L) z- ^3 ?  G, C4 O* x: @8 v0 w9 Y7 O7 g7 d5 m& z! U6 N& t
"It's going to be important for Albertans to feel satisfied that all of those issues have been dealt with," Candidate Alison Redford said Wednesday. "I know the question has come up a couple of times and I hope that he'll provide whatever answer he feels is satisfactory to those questions."  m5 R. Y: l. h4 t/ W, r- R2 B

2 R) N' B3 w% H: f0 a7 }Mason also said he believed Mar would bring private health care to Alberta – a point Mar has addressed, stating he would want to talk about allowing private health care to the province.$ K5 F9 _* V1 Z4 {% I1 s
& _9 t) z( a+ F
Mar said many Albertans are going to other places in Canada to pay for health care services.
  K" m" T4 I/ O1 G. M. f/ H, F
. v9 \9 y, k. Y! h3 L( ^% dThe second round of votes for the PC Leadership will be held on October 1st.
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-22 19:26 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-22 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
Heard from others  today that Mar is planning on partially privatize health care, so there will be a private sector and a public sector for health care. So rich people gets better services and treatment by paying for it, and the nonrich people who cannot afford the price will have to experience even longer wait and less services. IS THIS TRUE?
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-26 12:27 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-9-26 19:32 | 显示全部楼层
27# portalman ( h+ {5 T+ ^3 Q0 A& }# I) s

  Z! p; c7 g8 y$ J, z5 k1 `
2 e* ]- p7 \" ZAccording to his idea and ability, I will say Mar is the best of this election.
2 O& P1 D" w. B- N) F* ]Let us vote for him. I hope he can lead the province moving forward, making
% o7 p( k% @# O1 jALBERTA the best province in Canada.
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