We are doubling our efforts to improve the Environmental LIMS system in Canada and have committed to increasing the LIMS development team. We are currently recruiting Software Developers for ALS Environmental in Canada. The expanded LIMS development team will be based in the Burnaby ALS Environmental laboratory and will work closely with the LIMS development group in Edmonton. % z" e( ?) B0 `$ [4 ?0 R) l( P# @( l: V' |
To find out more about this position please take a look at the job description. Interested and qualified applicants should send their resumes to JobsCanada@alsglobal.com and reference “Software Developer – LIMS” in the subject line of the e-mail. * i' r5 l N- m; k 4 j3 N, P# m# @! u& HPlease feel free to forward this information to anyone you know who may be interested in this opportunity, applicants may also apply through the careers page on the ALS Website/ f* }5 _" J$ W8 a, o9 l( N* z
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