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本帖最后由 小曲 于 2011-6-8 14:55 编辑
$ t2 N9 T) l% M- M( V/ B# @6 U$ y6 M" i* I0 M1 \
Signature Market Roundup4 z& a& N2 t7 W9 W
" U; C/ t5 R5 y3 Z2 g3 Z
' A9 V7 c- C( `# A( h- vEric Bushell, }6 u; G3 A4 O( \
Senior Vice-President,3 Z6 ]$ z+ D: a# |
Portfolio Management
" _3 n4 ?! t/ c7 Qand Chief Investment Officer% D; b& U. n( l, {' G
# k2 V7 ?3 B: }
自lehman倒台后美国第二阶段的风险投资的恢复到四月底基本结束了。第一阶段是从2009三月到2010四月, 但被欧洲的债务危机和美国的减慢中断了。第二阶段是从美国联邦储备局2010年九月份开始的非传统的缓解政策,被称为QE2. 这个运作造成投资者抛售美金抢购房地产,商品期货,贷款,和股票。现在这个政策趋近结束,美金趋于稳定,这会帮助美国财政缩减,解除政卷市场的压力。面对美国QE2政策的成功,而世界其他地区都非常不稳定,现在可能是时候将投资定位到中性风险。2 g. r% r8 w) K5 ?& y2 s
& g9 R/ i* b+ u) q
The second phase of the post-Lehman recovery in risky assets! [6 h p$ T" x; V. y1 {7 t
may be drawing to a close in April 2011. The fi rst phase
' S; a9 V0 G8 F1 oran from March 2009 to April 2010 and was halted by the& b1 r% ]- Y5 R
European sovereign crisis and a U.S. slowdown. The second6 b0 K" O: ^4 S9 }
phase began with the U.S. Federal Reserve launching an( h4 K' x1 M6 ?' k+ v: f @
unconventional easing policy dubbed QE2 in September
0 m5 P `! w2 w2 p" ]$ c2010. This action saw investors exit the dollar and scramble
4 q% ]6 [+ f) c0 s5 e5 Sfor real assets ranging from property to commodities, credit
, H" U0 M7 `8 a) n( j( `% Wand equities. As we near the end of this policy, prospects& Z. |& u! X& L0 V, \
for dollar stabilization grow; this would be helped through
& I) Q. l9 J& @, B7 v- ]; T ]4 {U.S. fi scal retrenchment and relief on the part of bond' X; Q9 T$ }' Q
markets. Given the success of the policy and the heightened: T4 b9 Y8 S7 r7 n0 L# H) O
uncertainties elsewhere, it may be time to move to a more, z5 a) D$ P% `# d
neutral risk positioning. |