市中心一个叫做"P.A.L.S."(全称:Project Adults Literacy Society)的机构需要数学老师志愿者。方式为一个老师对一个学生,或者一个老师同时教两个学生。学生为成人,学习基本数学,从加减乘除,到分数小数百分数。一周2小时,时间由你定,工作人员安排合适时间的学生跟你学习。周一到周五,早晨到傍晚,周六也有几个小时开放。下面是他们的广告。个人认为对在市中心工作,学习或居住的人来说,尤其是正在学习的朋友,会是个不错的经历。* e, g$ o2 K: Y6 K+ }; o. M8 A
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! u6 R8 _ @ \- }4 [$ ZP.A.L.S., Project Adult Literacy Society, is a community based literacy program that addresses the learning needs of adults with low-level literacy skills. Adult math volunteer-tutors are needed to teach basic math skills for daily living or to increase student math skills so that they can pass an entry examination into another program. Tutors must have a good command of the English language. If you are interested in becoming a math volunteer-tutor, please e-mail Iris Ayers at palsmath@gmail.com or call her at P.A.L.S. at (780) 424-5514.