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联邦拟收紧按揭:缩还款期 增首付 计管理费_加拿大家园网

鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 07:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, i/ d" N9 Z& v( n
# O9 J& E) y  a6 K7 Y  I4 D) J+ I政府也在研究,缩短还款年期,提升首期金额要求。+ s# h8 T$ M( s3 l9 I) j1 x

, A+ F7 w# p7 _9 ]9 G6 ]9 c4 i目前只计半数管理费3 w" t, X: r& b
  N' y1 X/ B8 b
目前决定买家能否负担按揭,计算开销与收入比例时,只计算50%的Condo管理费。现在正讨论的新规则,则将管理费全部计算为开销,此举可能令数千有意购买共管Condo的消费者止步。9 q, `: |( l5 W+ d* B
# N0 F$ m$ c) _. j
1名接近财政官员的消息来源说,政府在「认真考虑」推出新规则。1 q/ r0 I) i: N0 d6 V7 W7 t
/ h* }; ~& m) Y& c6 N
$ F) f6 E; B, l9 L* x. U
# K8 V# K( i4 f) D, E4 R, `4 ~几乎可以肯定的是,政府会缩短按揭还款最长限期,从目前的35年减至30年。更长的还款期可减少每月供款金额,消费者更易增加贷款额。
9 L5 b" d, j, o# \7 U( q- I
( G0 X4 A( [$ `+ N7 c9 Y' p1 P加拿大认证按揭专业人员协会(Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals)说,去年30%的新按揭,期限都是35年,所以颇多国民从目前规则得益。
6 Z; B" x5 h9 R- l  S3 w) r& n- s' j9 N4 m% ^; l1 d$ {: Q
- W" M/ m  P9 K0 _* B/ y/ W4 e$ ~' k# }& E: u
( V# s5 N) w2 i: V& x  I2 \8 _
) V5 T6 i; E$ t这个建议只会影响需要按揭违约保险的买家。按《银行法》规定,如果买家从金融机构贷款时,首期金额低于20%就要购买按揭违约保险。8 V0 S6 R# q% i7 @) c7 p

" ~& @! Y+ [/ c7 q多伦多的建筑业与土地开发协会(Building Industry and Land Development Association)行政总裁迪皮伊(Stephen Dupuis)说,他对政府改变贷款规则尤其是共管Condo,感到担心和困扰。迪皮伊说,他可以接受还款期缩短的改变,但增加首期只会伤害市场。
6 t& o) \4 {. Q/ S- i7 Z2 q: f0 H, E; u! j% p3 v% f: f# u3 \9 n8 _8 {
渥京面对金融业不断增大的压力,被要求收紧贷款规则。道明银行(TD Bank)行政总裁克拉克(Ed Clark),吁渥京采取措施,限制消费者贷款。- E; j. v. n) J
' H: E. h+ {8 {- |' S  M( u
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2011-1-17 08:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 浮萍人生 于 2011-1-17 14:26 编辑 7 z" C! Q+ ]' ~
% K* O8 k3 v3 m. O# t
问楼上: 买房的门槛高了,买的起的人少了, 房价应该会跌吧? 为什么会涨呢? 请解惑~~~
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 17:50 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(32)
发表于 2011-1-17 18:15 | 显示全部楼层
银行收紧贷款,  房价将 下降。 / j' [$ o5 j7 E- ]
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 22:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 UncleSam 于 2011-1-17 22:35 编辑
: A1 F/ Z2 x( X, |
; l0 H/ L. _) o  I# e5 B 1# get8686 7 g1 [3 `2 D( I

; h5 Y" J% k0 L5 }你说的不对,看新闻吧:: Z% H4 w$ k" j/ i; V! U3 i
) e% S6 a! A0 V) G2 o2 b: Z
By CBC News, cbc.ca, Updated: January 17, 2011 11:00 PM0 z" H6 l1 C) t) U/ W$ t2 M( x
Flaherty tightens mortgage taps  }  x1 W1 r  Y& K
0 [- x5 S  Y6 u  H
Flaherty tightens mortgage taps
) H/ s3 N: {8 g8 O6 P+ Q
1 C6 D2 u7 ~9 `; K: W2 fFederal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced tighter mortgage rules on Monday to address concerns over high Canadian household debt.- m8 y* I- b/ J# }! ^+ H2 h. u- ?1 P8 q

: @. f* \* ]3 F+ j: X4 ]% o"In 2008 and again in 2010, our government acted to protect and strengthen the Canadian housing market," Flaherty told a news conference in Ottawa. "We continue to do so today."; d9 @# t+ r9 M  |, ^4 J. f3 D0 a
; D' w1 p7 Z0 ~2 T
Flaherty unveiled three main changes:
* i6 M9 S- K# ]8 c% ~
( Z4 o( Y+ r4 x( M! q# D- The maximum amortization period for a government-insured mortgage was lowered from 35 to 30 years.
) z) H  B! N/ V5 A" R" f8 @+ p' c0 k. s1 `
- The upper limit that Canadians can borrow against their home equity was lowered from 90 per cent to 85 per cent.: Y& e1 e% D8 R
# d8 [# `! o/ N; V5 Q* a
- Government insurance backing on home equity lines of credit, or HELOCs, has been removed./ b* N8 E  m# S: V
2 S% R: e7 \( T' ?% d
The first change is likely to have the largest impact. Buyers who purchase a home with a down payment less than 20 per cent of the value of the home are required to purchase government-backed mortgage insurance through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
+ N+ Q0 w/ B8 L
; W" o1 O6 k# Z: A" J4 y/ R3 }Under the new rules, mortgages amortized over longer than 30 years will no longer qualify for that insurance, making it effectively impossible to get a highly leveraged mortgage of more than 30 years in Canada.
- T* `" D0 v2 G! h! Z$ q
; \( a. b5 J4 T1 bAfter companies began insuring mortgages of 40 years or more, Ottawa set the limit at 35 years in 2008 before Monday's move lowered it to 30.
9 F3 `3 e; ^8 o# |" T' }; \6 N
9 t, A4 p7 d- o% K- l, o" mAims to stem tide on consumer debt
, k4 U) z1 c0 a( }) X! q2 ~" a) |3 |* `3 A
"This measure will significantly reduce the total interest payments for Canadian homeowners," Flaherty said.
5 ]6 `) I6 E) C4 x2 Q& n2 K" k( w" a, X
He was referring to the fact that anyone taking a longer amortization on a mortgage would pay much more in interest over time.
" d9 J9 q' a& x3 ~! K3 C
8 `# [2 r* H4 N; p% x' tUnder current rules, a five per cent, $300,000 mortgage with a 35-year amortization would have a monthly cost of $1,514. When the new rules come in on March 18, a similar 30-year mortgage at five per cent will have a monthly payment of $1,610 — a $96 difference per month, but over the life of the mortgage, that adds up to $56,139 in savings., o& t4 F- n& n5 i1 q
  C0 w7 A/ I* ^/ ]* a1 \+ l9 y
Flaherty pitched the lowering of the amount that can be borrowed against home equity to 85 per cent as a move to ensure Canadians retain more equity in their homes.; `  v! [+ z+ Q6 x
* u1 M  ]. Q% l) N- y* Y! [
"This will promote saving through home ownership and limit repackaging consumer debt into mortgages," he said.' u" J& j% k2 i# w6 m: s
' C7 z+ ]* t; |7 W2 n5 M  Q( e
The final change, to remove government insurance on HELOCs, came as a result of Ottawa's concern that certain financial institutions were allowing homeowners to roll too many consumer purchases into CMHC-insured mortgages.4 M1 H, ?7 ~4 v, ]2 e

' C& C- `, [3 U"I think that's particularly risky because some of those loans are not used to create housing. They're used to buys boats, and cars and big-screen televisions," Flaherty said. "That's not the business that home insurance was designed for."7 M  i/ g' R  N: w- _( w/ s% j. E
% E. s& Q( R2 p: g
While Flaherty called the changes "moderate," they did not include an increase to the five per cent minimum down payment Ottawa requires for a home purchase. They also stopped short of a proposal that surfaced last week that would have required 100 per cent of condo fees to be included in the list of expenses that are measured against income when financial firms consider a mortgage candidate. Currently, only 50 per cent must be included.
6 u0 G8 ^1 j  z, l# ]' ~
' `. ?; [  h: t$ k. SWatchers reacted largely positively to the news.
4 x- w* F- X9 i: L! @' I3 |# c7 n: Y0 t$ r2 U  R
"The speculation had been that tighter mortgage insurance rules would be included in the upcoming federal budget," BMO economist Michael Gregory noted.
* p2 S& v9 Y* g1 H
* `/ ?+ \9 J( Q- h. H* S, WBut with speculation that the budget might trigger an election, the Conservative government clearly thought the issue was important enough to bring forward before a budget document that might never get passed, Gregory said.  {  Z" W& _$ k' Y

4 M* m% K! `+ R"For the new homebuyer, the reduced amortization is a significant change that should soften the demand for homes/mortgages below what they otherwise would have been."
, i) j( X1 \4 k& X8 c1 }+ F
# g# {  c2 R) PThe head of the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals said the changes should help to increase equity in homes and ease fears about growing consumer debt levels.& G; a0 R( E4 |7 h8 j
% b9 g& Y' [4 \8 r) z; O3 m
But Jim Murphy said his association had suggested that Ottawa tighten qualification standards for 35-year mortgages, rather than abolishing them altogether.. m2 h! W. Q* @) f

- }8 I4 K' k% |Still, he is happy the government did not raise minimum down payment levels, which he said could have stalled the housing market. Murphy said the rule changes will likely spark a rush of buyers into the housing market before March and will pull more sales into the first part of the year.
( `9 O$ R% ~6 {- [/ p( F4 C: b; N1 ^! u7 B5 j  I5 g. d4 P
The changes also come following recent warnings from the Bank of Canada on household debt levels.
" L$ C. r3 A6 ^& {2 o8 z/ `; {% W$ V! O  o
In December, bank governor Mark Carney cautioned Canadian households and businesses not to be lulled by current low interest rates, because repercussions from a hike could be swift.
3 p/ r- b( S. A' `; @5 C
: i. P$ z4 S# ~: f, YRates 'will rise'
5 W) {! p1 m" _4 M
" c9 y, a1 `" k7 C9 N- u"While rates are low by historical standards, they eventually will rise," Flaherty said Monday. He dismissed the notion that the announcement was timed to precede the bank's next decision on interest rates, which are set to be revealed Tuesday.
4 Z! i( m0 S7 O; L% y) c) A1 ?
9 p- N( E& q5 ~9 W# O"The particular timing today is not related to the interest rate announcement," Flaherty said. "The governor and I speak regularly, and we discuss these types of issues [and] we make an effort to make sure government policy complements the Bank of Canada's monetary policy."
- E, D0 |4 u) W5 B' w$ B$ a6 y4 t! ?7 n- ~
. j7 l2 m3 W6 u7 ^2 p, S, q( xLast week, Agathe Côté, a deputy governor at the bank, told a Kingston, Ont., audience that a sudden weakening in the Canadian housing sector could affect other areas of the economy given the high debt loads of some households.6 ?  H6 L4 ], `* {( S: n9 e
  I2 j; @. Z, C. z
If that shock hits, Canadians would be expected to cut back on their spending, she said.) ?8 \  x0 i3 K$ E9 r2 {. [
/ E1 j% \0 Z* f& @
Flaherty's announcement is the second time in three years that the government has clamped down on mortgage rules. In 2008, the government brought in several alterations, including:5 L) g/ W4 R0 j

4 Z: R/ s! A& [& t& k' {- Cutting the maximum amortization period to 35 years from 40.+ B8 M) L8 M) \6 \9 ~. q

) s- j- g: }# E, s- Requiring a minimum down payment of five per cent./ i2 q5 f# m, G2 _: Q

9 Y& V) `; q. h# x0 r, F- Establishing a requirement for a consistent minimum credit score.' _. d  j, x' x3 }

! x; b% \% z% b! ]- Introducing new loan-documentation standards.
; Y' j  V0 ?9 `  K$ T& f+ J0 w3 \9 W) [6 ^' R3 P; f
External Links* F6 `, z1 d8 A7 F1 Z
9 I4 }2 _3 _# i& I; U  [9 R' |
Bank of Canada: Household Finances and Economic Growth5 m" N, }: g; ]; A
Press release on mortgage changes
鲜花(44) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-17 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Scottl 于 2011-1-17 23:01 编辑
+ |! C% O5 d, P/ M$ r- l; x: i* F2 A- {4 p9 b. j- H: j( B# v
鲜花(44) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2011-1-19 20:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Scottl 于 2011-1-19 20:57 编辑 3 E/ W; k1 w; h; E% Z

3 {1 j) H* ~* b; {+ S  z9 S今天下班的路上,听到广播里专家访谈节目,专门解释新政策。对于首付超过20%,不受新政影响(华人很少付低于20%),和过去一样,还可以贷35年。平安无事喽!
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