本帖最后由 晓晓晓晓 于 2011-2-25 14:37 编辑 4 _" d$ u) q7 `9 O4 C+ E7 {' E1 c9 J4 g9 ~1 f" G
这里说的很明白:http://ainlay.ca/programs/ ' i( E4 ~, E! G' ]0 a- mattendance area:http://ainlay.ca/home/find-us/1 Q" R# y( Z7 ?# K" ~
Harry Ainlay’s attendance area spans east to west from Whitemud Creek to Calgary Trail. The enrolment area is hilighted on the map." _4 @6 |7 c* U5 Y. p E3 @8 G4 t2 c
The new highschool in SW is Lillian Osborne Hignschool. It is not in the Millwood area. / H2 m* F2 V! y1 I c8 MYou have to bring your passport to the school before April 15
Yes, You have to paid whole year fee, and if you need home stay service from Edmonton Public School you have to paid whole year fee too, but if you can find someone by youself will be monthely. The school office will be open on Jan. 09 2012.