鲜花( 473)  鸡蛋( 2)
问题2:朋友二年前到银行存了两万元理财产品, 利率为3.79%,当时规定第一年的每月15号可以取出,第二年第三年只能在周年日取出,如果当时的利率低过理财产品的利率可以取出(不知有没有罚款)今年9月份第二年到期,当时没有注意,错过取出时机,现在朋友准备买房,是:8 q+ |; _# a! l1 v4 I0 T- h( X) B
(1) 是取出这笔钱作为首付(听银行说拍卖后才可以)。
$ l( W. A+ ]) s; i) v5 a" b(2)用这笔钱作为抵压借上活期作房子贷款的首期。: Q5 U' [7 r6 p
" f6 r2 G! @6 @4 `: v2 c! @3 |* b$ u# P4 D2 j/ d0 F- N+ s
depends on how much downpayment this person has already, 5--20 % , if you can save CMHC fee because of this , then it worth it .: u' B. ^6 r* | {) q* l
- E* ]4 ~( ]& j) i! y
It is called `GIC BUY BACK `,and it is not that bad , considering the CMHC , even Genworth ,
8 o1 T' |0 t: D2 _( G2 ibesides you can get a quote from the bank , see how much will you get , then go from there . |