Go to https://www.shoppersoptimum.ca/pointsReferral/flash.jsp to get your coupon. You must have an SDM membership card to be eligible. 1 v# l- A: F4 O8 q: z# b( ]; R ( O/ l, n8 `# {3 Q" D5 u+ J8 K# IMore discussion can be found here: http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219948 / h9 R3 ~ l4 o) W$ K3 V: m* L* b2 H7 c7 p
It is time to get an iPod! (Plus you can redeem 50,000 points to get $100 off first if you have that many points).. Y. `* Y2 A) u$ ~) A0 A
, J# j5 i) j% v! _4 }" R[ Last edited by antelope on 2005-11-29 at 12:06 PM ]
Actually, if you want to gain more points, you must refer a friend to register, then let him/her pass this chain on. Every one on this chain will benefit from it.(The more you or your friend refer, you more you and all your friends in this chain will get). + B3 c H K0 b, Y/ HSo let's just do it.