大家好啊,我是国内的一名大学英语老师,硕士毕业,我老公是浙大的分子生物专业毕业,但是现在做公务员。还有一岁多一点的女儿,不知道我们这种情况申请移民容易吗,雅思我可以考的。我们这种情况好找工作吗?6 I6 Z) T3 M/ a9 P, _; X
本帖最后由 xchen 于 2010-7-23 14:44 编辑 " t. _8 s9 E4 a8 j" o& S0 `
8 a$ ^8 c6 b# E' D- V$ j2 l9 w
If you have a good career in China, better stay at home. Most of us have to earn an degree or diploma here in order to get a decent job. Think twice before you will made the next move. Maybe, try to come here as a visiting lecturer or something else. Immigration to a new country might be a big change for a family. Don't listen to those immigration agents no matter where they are from (They are making profit from you that almost guarentees that they will lie to the clients. It's just the way of running the business for profit.) Of course, it would be different story for rich people who want to burn their money.