Banks-Hill Systems Ltd is looking for a web developer who is between jobs/contracts and has experience with .net and sharepoint as a contractor (might become permanent). 1 o* |: J% z$ O0 ^. ?& n5 s " D: d# Y. N! `4 Y" cIt is a small company (about 20 employees) which has been running for years (over 20-30 years). Here is the compnay's website: 5 @# k) `( h+ i / G+ m1 E$ ]. G. j [% c5 J, h 8 F: N6 \! c! L$ g `If anyone is interested, he/she can directly apply, or through me (I am the owner's friend). Please send me an email ( with resume. I will contact him/her and forward to the owner.
No more resume is accepted for this position now. 0 D4 x5 C; m. T1 B4 C& Y" I2 tPlease do not send E-mail to Betty Zeng. % _1 U0 b. W" z* [4 |1 U) }Thank you!