本帖最后由 ceramistpalace 于 2010-7-4 13:29 编辑 3 T9 o' V: O; W, ~
# W# ^, w% ?, W/ d0 x" y5 M4 P/ T
還有一可能性忘了說,土地沈降程度也會造成一定的分別,每個地區土質結構不同,沈降情況也不一樣,有些地區道路滿布裂縫,估計應是土質較為 not compact而成,我之前的舊房子住了一年多天花已出現裂縫,within 2 years service, builder也就表面上塗塗抹抹一下(cosmetic repairs),沒有深入解決問題,我朋友房子地板磁磚甚至有一長長裂痕,( 喜歡背向人工湖 walkout basement lot的要注意了) Also我在Twinbrooks注意到有好several 街道的房子前面都有水泥灌注圓洞痕記 可見該區沈降嚴重. May be it is close to the rivers.
+ ?8 G( E! S$ q* V% ~5 n# EI rented an appartment before in Vancouver near the major road. We couldn't open windows in the daytime because of dusts. We couldn't open windows in the nights because of noises.( m) Z" I# k* l4 H