埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[UA] 中国来的UA博士后 申请免税 资料

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-6-11 13:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 F; M, u% X. a- q9 n/ B; i0 ]' S; r4 N' Q
                                              Your name; ?  f) M& r" m4 P; j
4 }. q" k4 ?) a" \7 d                                              Email: & c  z+ ?) `: H0 v( t( e: t2 J

9 m* Z7 ?. i  p- F5 H
& G+ k' Q1 a7 r% e! S' l: ZREGINA REGIONAL INTAKE CENTRE$ z: W* @* H3 K* {
Client Services----Regina TSO* [; |- i5 [3 ^2 i3 @2 R. [
1955   Smith St.
/ H1 [2 j3 z8 P2 v* b6 J( [Regina, SK  S4P 2N9
3 P3 J' u. M% D4 U3 Q2 \Fax#: 1-306-757-1412
, {9 ^6 Q! M  K. C- x" e5 q9 m, I5 Y6 t6 P' b% q+ y
Dear sir or madam,4 q6 o  B& M) C- K8 }4 n2 e
My name is XXX, and I am a postdoctoral fellow of University of Alberta. I came from China and got to Canada on DATE. Now I want to apply for free-tax of my postdoctoral fellowship income based on Article 19 of the Canada-China Tax Treaty.7 }3 `9 O  F0 i1 W/ X
# ?) D- i# v0 z2 I9 o
    Article 19 of the Canada-China Tax Convention applies to students, apprentices, and business trainees who are, or were immediately before visiting Canada, residents of China and who are present in Canada solely for education or training.8 O+ Q3 D! a% U' g2 e+ b& ?
9 ^- A, ^- b1 S) A. `- ^- C
    Under Article 19, the postdoctoral fellowship income I am receiving from the University of Alberta is not taxable.
4 Y$ f7 j* m' |: s/ y  G0 D5 \8 u( c
- F5 j: e' L, H" J0 d; \    Other information about me:6 C8 T; Y2 f* c! u
1.I have a social insurance number beginning with a number in the 900 range (xxx-xxx-xxx).2 y1 }" D" }+ r; p. }$ m( m2 Z) M8 K
2.I have not applied for landed immigrant status.
6 \4 p1 t) I( V  U3 k7 g+ z3.I have an offer about my postdoctoral fellowship income from DATE to DATE.
% G, h: {' A7 Y1 |' j& a0 v+ x2 C
4 j+ j; D; m6 `0 D( t, }7 v1 S4 |1 a7 r8 r; ^2 r, U& H( \
Sincerely yours,
: N$ P0 s9 S9 B( ?
. v( [3 e- |! A% x
+ E+ W) n% S/ c2 Q( ]0 V, VName4 O. I. C5 Y% O: E6 u) u" _$ Z4 I
6 _5 e) M5 N+ i1 z. {* ]! X

9 v' o+ _, H& E+ I% ~4 ?根据个人情况,编辑附件中的信,2 w/ F) A0 R- }7 C4 ~/ e# c& e
鲜花(2212) 鸡蛋(4)
发表于 2010-6-11 15:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 未名 于 2010-6-11 16:42 编辑
0 ]/ V' Y- N, j1 O0 _& H, Z- R; A. c' ^  H  O5 f: ^
In Article 19 of the Tax Treaty, they metioned that "a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned Contracting State solely for the purpose of his education or training receives for the purpose of his maintenance, education or training shall not be taxed in that Contracting State".
- |4 ^5 F. \! w1 ^5 d6 r& v
! ?/ a: ]& }% l+ Uhttp://www.fin.gc.ca/treaties/in ... w.edmontonchina.cn9 * {+ F9 f) G* }, z1 \5 M
http://faculty.law.ubc.ca/brooks ... a%20tax%20treaty%22
# e2 Y+ n" g1 k需要注意的两点: f% @" R9 v7 z: |
1)        免税不等于不报税,报税评估是收入证明的重要依据,相应的福利申请,家属探亲,都需要这个证明。所以报税要报,附一个简单的说明,这块的收入计为零即可。
& V3 e+ J$ ]0 E3 C2)        这个吹踢的前提是,你不是加拿大居民,当你打算移民,并递交了申请之日起,(应该邮寄日,而不是拿到file number的时候)这个吹踢就自动作废了。所以你需要留下这个邮寄收据,作为报税证明。
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